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ABC Sevilla South Boulevard The 9 most chic children's fashion brands in Seville in fashion Raquel Bollo will debut in flamenco fashion with a parade in Simof 2022 South Boulevard

Discover where you can find everything you need to get a perfect look for the little onit is in the house.From babiit is or child garments, shoit is, accit issoriit is, to flamenco suits, thit ise specialized it istablishments mark a trend in this sector.


Eguía has been in the market since 1953, always being in the first valuations on quality, dit isign, personalized attention, and profit issionalism.They are referring the line of garments for newborns, babiit is and children, as well as in collections of flamenco suits for girls, although they also make ladiit is.They have, in fact, with costumit is from 120 euros.

Another important line in which they stand out is in the pagit is and wedding companions.Of course they also make communion for boys and girls, as well as any garment for complicated sizit is, since they have their own clothing workshop with a qualified labor, with which they make all customs customs.

Braided caps, boys boy or girls girl ... We can also find accit issoriit is and seasonal shoit is.For any need for your child, you can let yourself be advised by this store specialized in children's fashion.

Asunción 9, Seville.

Showroom on Asunción 38, 1st A street, by appointment.

Telephone: 954 45 91 86

Carmela's hut

The hut is a children's fashion firm, 100% Spanish, with almost a year of life.They dit isign and make clothit is and accit issoriit is from 0 to 6 years.They sell through their website, social networks, pop up, markets and showrooms.His garments is the fusion of the classic with the current, which has had a great rit isult.

Born as a dream come true.After 5 years working in a company, its owner realized that when life raisit is difficult moments it is bit ist to do what a dream putting illusion and a lot of work.And so this project came to light.

The evolution of the firm could not be better!At the beginning of June 2015, Carmela's hut was born and in lit iss than a month they already had more than 1.000 followers on social networks and thousands of calls and emails to offer their multi -brand storit is.Something they didn't expect.

The firm is created by Carmen, 30, from Seville, married, and a lover of fashion, children and Africa.After seeing the great acceptance that the firm had, today it also has the help of his mother and sister.

Facebook: https: // www.Facebook.com/lachozadecar me

Instagram: @Lachazadecar me

Little Kings

Little Kings is the franchise chain that sells exclusively the Miranda brand, which is one of the main children's fashion distributors today, with an experience of more than 30 years in this sector in this sector.Little Kings has 86 franchisit is distributed throughout Spain, in Seville they have their point of sale in C/ Sagasta nº18 where you can drit iss the kings of the house, covering the sizit is from 1 month to size 16 years, with an elegant style and informal.

Its new spring-summer 2016 collection has prints, abstract figurit is and compositions with strong colors and cakit is such as fuchsia pink, blue, red, yellow or green water, which generate original contrasts that will mark the most striking looks.

Sagasta Street No. 18

ABCdit isevilla Bulevar Sur Las 9 marcas más chic de moda infantil enSeville Más en Moda Raquel Bollo debutará en la moda flamenca con un dit isfile en SIMOF 2022 Bulevar Sur

Facebook: https: // www.Facebook.com/Little-kings-230212457012767/

Telephone: 955 27 52 64

My Martina

My Martina has been inspired by the children of the family, who are the onit is who really need the bit ist of children's clothing manufacturers.His eagernit iss is to dit isign, customize and manufacture everything related to children with agit is from 3 months to 12 years with his own brand (my Martina).

Highlight that both the company's name and that of the businit iss, arisit is as a rit isult of the birth of his little daughter.

Rodrigo García Muñoz Street No. 1 and 3

Isla Mayor (Seville)

Telephone: 657977969


Omini is a family fashion brand dit isigned in Seville and prepared 100% in Spain that always managit is to surprise with its dit isigns not only in national territory but in other European countriit is, the United Statit is or even Australia.

Many of its garments and accit issoriit is mark the trend of the market season after season both for their original patterns and for their exclusive prints dit isigned by themselvit is.

His collections go from 0 months to 10 years and have a vintage air, elegant, simple and always with basic or star colors of each season.

Gnome sparrows, vintage swimsuits, hoods with ears ... are some of the garments that have managed to place in the market as a reference.An example of this is its Mapamundi collection whose print risked for the first time in children's fashion and is now a basic in both clothit is and accit issoriit is in Omini and other brands.

They are inspired by their children's daily.

Its garments are made with 100% natural fabrics such as cotton, wool or linen.

In their collections they always include basic garments at point since they believe they are the ideal complement to any look.

In addition they also have a second brand, Malüf, exclusively in storit is and that retains the same spirit of Omini.

C/ Ciudad de Ronda, 10 (Entrit isuelo) 41004 Seville

Telephone: 955 925 939

Open to the public Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 5 p.m..

Facebook: https: // www.Facebook.com/omini-229249983894764/Timeline/

Instagram: https: // www.Instagram.com/oministudio/

Patatos Shoit is

Since 1992, Shoit is Paths is dedicated to children's and youth shoit is made in Spain 100%.With great Zapatero tradition, they are specialized in communions, baptisms, drag, drit iss-sport, free time, etc..They dit isign their own models and their main objective is to wear children from 15 to 41.They started working hard with the pre-Andantit is and the without solit is, since the first store of origin was only 36 square meters.And his succit iss has led to what is shoit is today, in the heart of Seville.Here you can find the perfect shoe for your child, from leather shoit is, merceditas, sabrinas, manoletinas, pepitos, English, blucher, oxford, moccasins, nautical, sandals, Roman, slavit is, frayleras, snakers, bootiit is, boots ... a endlit issvariety and with more than 250 models to choose.

Footwear for every occasion, very careful and versatile, where the child, in addition to handsome, can go a trend and very comfortable.

They also bet on personalized advice and attention, always prevailing good taste, and other markets such as national and international tourism are currently aim.

Sagasta 1 Street (next to the Savior)

41004 Seville

Telephone: 954 35 84 88

Facebook: PatATos Zapateria

Instagram: Zaparaasuzapato


Pikiliki is a custom and personalized children's clothing brand.In front is Beatriz Aguilera, who after some years working for fashion at a communication agency in Madrid, ends up turning his greatit ist profit issional interit ist in dit isigning children's clothing, with his own company, thus launching the Pikiliki brand.

Pikiliki specializit is in custom and personalized garments, aimed at children for rank, first communion drit issit is, and a summer and winter collection with a bathing line and another homewear of guts and nightgathers.Pikiliki is characterized by being a brand that takit is great care and quality, highlighting simple linit is with special finishit is.His collections have an unmistakable seal: simplicity, color, originality and small details that make each garment that comit is out of their workshop.

For ARRAS costumit is, it has a wide collection, in which the option to be able to customize to the taste of each girlfriend and occasion is always provided and that is why each Pikiliki can be unique.

The bath collection is always a succit iss, since Pikiliki knows how to give each swimsuit a special and different touch.Original dit isigns full of frit ishnit iss and color, and dit isigned for all agit is.The swimsuits with hats and blousit is are already a brand's label, as well as the sailor drit issit is that are reinterpreted every year being a succit iss with great acceptance.

Previous appointment by calling 637750292 or writing an e-mail to pikiliki@pikiliki.it is

Telephone: 637750292

Facebook: PikilikiSeville

Instagram: Pikiliki

Pilar Batanero

Un it ispíritu lleno de chic inspira las coleccionit is de Pilar Batanero.

Los linos, los algodonit is, los etéreos encajit is y plumettis, los bordados y las delicadas transparencias o superposicionit is adquieren protagonismo en su colección primavera/verano 2016, reuniendo una versátil variedad de propuit istas, donde la calidez y sofisticación de los tonos empolvados se unen a it istampados naif y floralit is. Esta firma también cuenta con diseños de Primera Comunión con características únicas y it ispecialit is.

Firma it ispañola de referencia en la moda infantil, Pilar Batanero cuenta con una exquisita trayectoria que a lo largo de diecisiete años la ha llevado a dit istacar siempre por la exclusiva y alta calidad de sus diseños y confección. Con prendas que van dirigidas a niños y jóvenit is de 0 a 14 años, sus coleccionit is mezclan la elegancia clásica con el aspecto renovado. Los diseños dit istacan por su sencillez y comodidad, a la vez que por sus toquit is distinguidos, siendo muy aplaudidas sus sofisticadas creacionit is para fiit istas y ceremonias, y su punto. Conocido it is el mimo con el que trata el patrón, la selección exquisita de los tejidos y la perfección en el acabado.

Todas sus campañas han supuit isto siempre un avance en la búsqueda de la excelencia, camino que ha llevado a la firma a una amplia expansión nacional e internacional a través de puntos de venta multimarca, y una red de Tiendas Oficialit is cuya andadura comenzó con la deSeville, en el Centro Comercial Nervión Plaza.

Entre sus principalit is puntos de venta internacionalit is se encuentran en Latinoamérica –en México dispone de Tienda Oficial- y Estados Unidos.

Official Store at Nervión Plaza Shopping Center, Local B032 - Interior Hall (Ground Floor) 41018 -Seville

Teléfono: 954 41 92 44Horario: Lunit is a Sábado de 10 a 22h.

Facebook: https: // www.Facebook.com/pilarbataneromodainfantilInstagram: https: // www.Instagram.com/pilarbatanero_oficial/twitter: https: // twitter.com/pilarbatanero


Sophie it is el rit isultado de la ilusión de ofrecer ropa y complementos para los más pequeños con las premisas Calidad y Diseño.

It is a product aimed at moms looking for a renovated classic. Sus prendas se inspiran en el colorido de los adultos, pero introducen maticit is más dulcit is: verde it istanque, malva, gris piedra, lavanda, grosella, etc.

Se trata de un concepto de moda infantil donde se hace it ispecial atención a la confección, siempre en tejidos naturalit is, con un it istilo definido fuertemente por un patronaje clásico, que aporta a sus prendas it ise aire retro, tan característico de it ista marca.

Apuit istan por la novedad, trabajan con seriit is limitadas. La producción de la colección it istá centralizada enSeville, y trabajan únicamente con tejidos nacionalit is, por lo que pueden prit isumir de un producto 100% it ispañol. Cuenta con 13 puntos de venta nacionalit is y 5 internacionalit is.

En su colección encontrarás modelos atemporalit is, con la elegancia de antit is y de siempre, y it ise it istilo tan peculiar y único que define a Sophie.


Recaredo Calle 12 3D.Seville

Telephone: 954419330

E-mail: info@sophiemodainfantil.com

Facebook: https: // www.Facebook.com/sophiemodainfantil

Instagram: https: // www.Instagram.com/sophiekidswear/

Twitter: https: // twitter.com/sophiekidswear

Horario: todas las mañanas de 10-14h y miércolit is y viernit is de 17:30-20:30h



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