Rossel Aparicio Málaga
It is a recurring doubt that frequently assaults first -time parents: Is the use of pacifier recommended?And, if so, how long and what kind?According to the Spanish Pediatrics Association (AEP) its use entails as many benefits as risks.To start, if the baby is offered too soon, you can interfere with the establishment of adequate and prolonged breastfeeding.Next, we summarize the key aspects and doubts linked to this popular children's product.If you are about to have a baby or you already have it, you are interested.
If the mother chooses to breastfeed the baby, it is advisable to offer the pacifier when breastfeeding is already clearly established, usually after the first month of life.However, in children who feed on a bottle, it can be used from the first days of life.
The time to remove the baby pacifier is usually a more complex moment for parents.Many of them lengthen that decision.However, in the opinion of the pediatricians, it would be appropriate to withdraw it when the child turns one year.
Apparently from pediatricians, the use of pacifier has a series of advantages.They point out that this children's element helps to decrease the stay of premature children in hospitals, for example, and, on the other hand, "also decreases the risk of sudden childhood death".
As mentioned before, in addition to interfering with the establishment of adequate and prolonged breastfeeding, the pacifier can "cause negative effects on dental health in case of prolonged use mainly".
Are there better or worse shapes and materials for the pacifier?How to choose the most appropriate for your baby?The web portal of the Spanish Association of Information Pediatrics for families simplifies the answer to this question: «There are different types of pacifiers, latex, silicone and tetinas with different form (rounded, symmetrical).In general, everyone is worth if they fit the European standard in 1400: 2002 ».This is European regulations that affect childcare articles.
It is also important.Nor should stickers or labels carry.
Another mistake that parents usually make: "You should not buy the pacifier with a chain or tape, since if they are long, they have a risk of strangulation".Therefore, to avoid evil.
Finally, pediatric.
In the opinion of these specialists, it is not necessary.
Chupetes can be washed with soap and water.Then, they must be clarified with tap water with abundant tap water.