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Do you want to start 2022 with yellow panties?We tell you how to wash them correctly

Newly bought garments can house germs, viruses and bacteria;Find out how to eliminate them to prevent any type of risk.

The traditions arrived to stay and, for the end of the year parties, the most popular color is yellow.According to popular belief, using underwear in this tone helps to attract prosperity, money and abundance.The most daring even recommend putting it backwards for greater effectiveness.

Acquiring new clothes is considered by many a synonym for joy, but no matter how impeccable in stores reality is very far from this.The garments are attached to different types of germs, viruses and bacteria.

Garments go through many processes and people before reaching the houses of consumers, starting for their manufacture in distant countries where we do not know the manufacturing process, the packaging - in boxes that produce moisture - and transport, for notAlso say all those people who had already proven the article to dress before, causing an accumulation of microorganisms.

“Before wearing a garment, you have to make sure to eliminate all dirt, dust, bacteria and germs that have accumulated over time.Not only that, but also of any chemical that has been used in making the garment.For the manufacture of certain garments, chemicals are used that can cause irritation and allergy in people's skin.That we talk about the need to wash clothes does not imply that this is a health risk, but is recommended to prevent, ”explains Jeanette Rodríguez, online expert White Electronics.

¿Quieres empezar el 2022 con calzones amarillos? Te contamos cómo lavarlos correctamente

It is for these reasons that from LG Electronics give some tips on what to do with new clothes before using it to prevent microorganisms from contacting people:

  1. Al momento de lavar la ropa pre estreno, es recomendable hacerlo en agua que esté sobre los 60º, ya que la mayoría de las bacterias pueden sobrevivir a temperaturas inferiores y reproducirse. En el caso de que una prenda no pueda lavarse a esta temperatura, se recomienda usar detergente desinfectante.
  2. Si se trata de ropa de bebé o niños es importante lavarla antes de que la utilicen, ya que tienen piel más sensible y pueden reaccionar a los químicos que la ropa presenta.
  3. Luego de lavar las prendas es importante colgarlas en un lugar que sea aireado, aún mejor si les llega luz solar.
  4. Para protegerse de cualquier germen que sea dañino para las personas, se recomienda probarse la ropa nueva con alguna prenda por debajo, sobre todo si se trata de ropa interior o trajes de baño.
  5. Es recomendable lavarse las manos después de ir de compras, ya que tocamos muchas prendas que sin darnos cuenta pueden contener partículas perjudiciales para la salud.


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