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In the neighborhood with Omar Montes: "If my grandmother dies, even number 1, I leave the music"


The painted next to a dismembered telephone of a block of social housing in blessed bread already warns of what is coming: «Omar Montes.YOUR CANAYAS WE LOVE YOU ».The story is coming that is never in a labor neighborhood in southern Madrid with one of the largest youth crime rates.But this time it was.

The story of a child, son of Gypsy and Iraqí is coming, who opened his head countless times and the teacher predicted his jail or death, that of a computer in the garbage that started a race and that of the Spanish singer moreListened to Spotify in 2020 without leaving the neighborhood."It's Cinderella's story, but instead of shoes, there is music".Omar says, the protagonist of The Linkees Omar Montes, the docuserie that releases prime video, but anyone could sign it.

This story begins in the portal, under the graffiti with his name, with a neighbor.

-Hello Omar.How are you son?

-Here, throwing the day.What about you?

-Well, throwing my father.

-Do not tell me!The day has already been screwed.I'm going to pray for him and anything, you know where we are.

The conversation is any between neighbors, the abnormal thing is that one of them is a music star and still alive, with 33 years, with his mother and grandparents on a 60 -meter floor in front of a field."There and in that park I have thrown a few moments," says a road to the Tormis bar, a route of just 100 meters with more stops than the neighborhood bus.

That if a neighbor who does not see him and how handsome he is, a couple of kids at a table with a beer who ask about his last theme, a waitress who does put the juice of every day.

-Is this always so or is it because we come with you?

-No, no, like that every day.They have a famous neighbor and care.

And laughs a lot when asked if you don't think about moving."I was looking at some chalets that are well there next to journalists, but they were fearful movie and for that I stay where I am".

With Omar Montes one does not know where he will go out.When asked what he felt when he called him Camarón's family for his success: "You feel a Seneca, the fucking master".When asked about the bullying he suffered at school: "With everything they did to me, I am now like Aquaman".When asked if he has an enemy: "I am not a 500 euro ticket, someone will fall badly, but I don't know him».And when asked about the famous journey to Jeff Bezos: «I still form, I think we will go for January.You have to colonize and then we already put the studies there ».

Omar, hay momentos en los que cuesta saber si nos vacilas o vas en serio.
No, no, yo siempre todo en serio.

Are you hesitation or says it seriously?Impossible to know because just then the waitress approaches to offer a fideuá lid.«Does we feel like a fideuá that suddenly?Na, who does not hit the juice, ”she declines almost instantly.And you can start this interview.

Omar, ¿por qué nunca te has ido de Pan Bendito?
Mejor lo malo conocido que lo bueno por conocer. Aquí, en la humildad, está lo bonito, el día que cambie de hábitos y se me suba a la cabeza me voy a dar la gran hostia. Yo soy el número 1 por la humildad y la familiaridad porque a mí lo que me gusta es estar con mi familia y vivir con mi abuela. Al final, lo que a mí me pone arriba es mi forma de vida más que mi música.
¿Cómo es un día normal para ti aquí?
Hago todo la promoción, la música y el estudio, pero no sin desayunar con mi abuelo, ir a la compra con mi abuela o llevar a mi hijo al cole. Todo lo que hace un artista y las cosas que se van perdiendo, porque uno cuando está muy ocupado ya no se va con su abuela al súper, esas cosas se pierden. Por eso no me voy, porque si me voy no las voy a hacer.

En el barrio con Omar Montes:

Maternal grandmother is the key figure, which appears in each story, for which Omar Montes began in this world of music.«I liked taking the time with my friends singing, but I do this to please my grandmother and my mother, for family honor.Everything I do in the studio sends it to my grandmother, it is my filter and tells me that it is very cool.If my grandmother dies, even if it is number 1, I leave it because it will no longer make sense.I do things for honor to my family and if she is no longer for what to continue, I no longer have who is going to feel proud of me.

If someone is thinking about the typical grandmother, Mari Ángeles is not that grandmother: Listen Reggaeton, Drill and Young Beef."It is more in music than young people," says his grandson, who has been in charge of bringing most of them to know them.«To record with me they have to pass the toll, come here and know the neighborhood, that people see them, be here one day.First the ties are made and then the music ».

¿Cómo acaba alguien sin formación en música y con un ordenador de la basura produciendo y haciendo temas con sus colegas?
Somos flamencos, no conocíamos la industria, pero la música nos viene de padres a hijos, de abuelos a nietos. Somos autodidactas, tocábamos botones y eso sonaba. Le pones un cajón, unas palmas, una guitarra y cantas por encima. Fácil.

When you explain it, it seems, but it is not.Just as it is not having a million visits in three days on YouTube with its last theme with Duki, Carita Morena;Accumulate 108 million listening to Spotify in his collaboration with Bad Gyal, Alocao, or be the most listened to artist in Spain in 2020.«I am happy for 10 minutes, then I think of the next.I am very left, I get happy because my grandmother and the kids are, because we put blessed bread on the map.You can't let you invade a lot.

Alguna excentricidad de famoso tienes que tener.
No ostento comprando 300 botellas ni rodeado de tías guapas en la discoteca, porque no voy, y no quiero vivir en Miami, yo ostento yendo a comprar con mi abuela. Le regalo una cadena de oro, me pongo la mía y vamos al Dia del barrio llenos de oro y con relojes Rolex. Las señoras flipan, son cosas de locos, de la familia Montes, pero me lo paso bien así.

But there was a time when Omar Montes did not have a good time.His childhood was a continued beating, a teacher who saw her closer to jail than of fame and a family that did not know what to do to stop it.«When my teacher told me that I was going to end up dead or in jail, I said no, that I was going to earn more money than her.But because I am like that and in the end I have had to overcome many sticks, you give another child, you sink and end up suicidating ».

¿Por eso haces charlas sobre bulliying en colegios?
Todas las semanas vamos a los más conflictivos, que es donde más ayuda hace falta. Los profesores no pueden con los muchachos y no saben cómo hacerlo porque les enseñan Lengua y Matemáticas, pero no a tratar a sus alumnos. Yo intento arreglar lo que puedo porque a mí también me hubiese gustado que un chaval viniera y pusiera a los profesores en su sitio. Yo no sólo escucho a los profes, escucho a los chavales.
¿A ti quién te escuchaba?
Mi familia, me han visto tan hecho polvo y ahora tan bien que no se lo pueden ni creer. Imagínate qué satisfacción es ver a un niño tan desdichado, con la ropa rota y lleno de sangre siendo ahora el número 1.

That boy, with 13 years, already driving, took Yonquis from his neighborhood to catch Valdemingómez and stopped the police.«They threatened and extorted me, but being so small and seeing how crap that the drug leaves you and alcohol took my way to try them.It seems that to be cool and paste in music you have to get drunk with girls in a disco, but I don't even go to the discos ».

Today he continues to make the purchase to his neighbors without resources and giving 50 euros to kids from the neighborhood to distribute it.«It doesn't cost me anything and they have their income.For spending a thousands of euros I have no problem and my neighbors fixed their lives.It will come to me the other way, it always happens to me.The more cast, my manager arrives and tells me that they will pay me so much for a song.I distribute but everything returns to me ».

¿El karma?
Yo creo mucho en Dios y creo que todo lo bueno que haces, Dios te lo devuelve a ti. Anoche no dormí porque le daban a mi abuela una prueba para ver si tenía metástasis o no y me tiré toda la noche pidiendo a Dios para que mi abuela no tuviera nada. Le prometí que si era así iba a liar una fuerte de cosas buenas. Dios me lo concedió porque me ha llamado mi abuela a las 10 de la mañana que el médico le había dicho que estaba sana. No dormí, pero ya estoy tranquilo y luego me echo la siesta.
Pero no es habitual aún así que la gente reparta con sus vecinos
Si todos los artistas lo hicieran, nadie pasaría hambre. Yo puedo ayudar a mi barrio, pero no puedo con toda España. Pero la gente va a lo suyo, mira su bien y su convenio y pasa del prójimo. Si miraran un poco al de fuera y se dieran un paseo por su barrio...

"You have to finish that we do not arrive," says his representative.But there is still time for a warning, a prediction and a scene."God is even the balls and sends us stories because we are contaminating all the time, there are many things to change because otherwise it will give us a fat scare".

That is the notice;This, the prediction: "Next year or the coming we will have contact with beings from another world, remember".

And close the scene: Omar leaves the bar, a car slows down at the traffic light, three men and a woman go down, they ask for a selfie and start again."They are the secrets of the neighborhood that know me and cool what I do".

The little Prince.

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