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Mistakes that visitors make when a baby is born

We know: after a birth you want to run to meet the new arrival, but there are mistakes that can affect the mother and the baby that it is necessary to know in order to avoid them.

After 9 months of waiting, it's normal for family and friends to want to meet the newborn.

There are even visitors who go to the hospital, although little by little this custom has been changing, and with the pandemic, more so.

Despite the fact that these visits are made with all the love and good intentions, many times there are mistakes that could harm both the baby and the mother, who is in full postpartum.

That is why we wrote this text, so as not to fall into old mistakes that could harm them.

Mistakes that visits make during the postpartum period that affect the mother and the baby

Postpartum is an especially difficult time for the mother, whether it was a delivery or a cesarean section.

Exhaustion is one of the main factors that is added to the lack of sleep, to the constant sleeplessness to feed the child, to the pain that breastfeeding entails, to the changes that the mother's body is experiencing, which begins to to adapt hormonally, etc.

It's not all hunky-dory for babies. The baby is used to the safety and warmth of the mother's womb, and suddenly he sees himself in a totally different environment: they are adjusting to oxygen, cold, hunger, and they ask to be with the mother to feel safe.

Not scheduling your visit

Scheduling your visit is essential, as they will take into consideration that you will get to know the baby and this entails that the functioning of the home will change.

Mistakes that visitors make when a baby is born baby

You could even interrupt the rest of both mom and baby, and we know that sleep is invaluable right now.

Not having enough hygiene

Especially in times of pandemic. It goes without saying that it is best to refrain from being in contact with the newborn, but if for some reason you must, do not forget to wash your hands well with soap and water, apply antibacterial gel and do not kiss the baby.

If you suspect you have a contagious disease, save the visit for another time.

Ignoring mom

We know that attention goes completely to the baby, and it's normal, but right now the mother is more sensitive after the birth.

Acknowledge what a great job she did bringing a baby into the world, talk to her, ask her how she feels. Do not forget to bring her a small detail that is just for her. We assure you that you will not forget it.

Kissing the baby

Many people are eager to hold the newcomer, but first ask permission to do so and don't kiss him for hygiene.

Before you pick him up, make sure he hasn't just eaten, been diapered or bathed so you don't interrupt his routine.

Taking Children

Taking children to meet the baby can be stressful for everyone: for the baby, for the children, who may feel jealous of the attention given to the newborn, for the mother for the germs that the little ones can carry and for visitors.

Staying too long

A very unpleasant mistake is to prolong the visit for too long. Visits should be brief without affecting the child's breastfeeding and sleep routine.

Giving advice

We know it means well, but too much advice can make mom uncomfortable. Even if she feels like receiving them, she may forget them, given the sensitive time she is going through postpartum.

Things you can do when visiting a newborn and his mother

Cook or bring food

A mother with a newborn does not have time for anything, not even to go to the bathroom... literally, so surely he will not have been able to prepare anything to eat.

If you're going to visit her, show up with food you know she likes or help her cook a stew or two.

You can make a soup or rice and that will take a lot of weight off your shoulders, we guarantee it.

Helping around the house

The first few days postpartum are extremely stressful, so dishes and laundry can be piling up.

Help mom wash, clean the house, water the plants or do something useful that she has to do. She will thank you and she will never forget it.

Make her feel good

When we visit someone we think we should be taken care of, but don't let mom lift a finger to attend to you.

Make her feel calm and without pressure and assure her that you are there to accompany her and help her in whatever she needs.

Support her emotionally by making her feel safe, that she's doing well, especially if she's a new mom.

Fear of doing the wrong thing can even affect breastfeeding.

Let her chat, tell you what she wants without judging her, and don't forget to remind her that everything is a process and that she's doing it well.

Take care of the baby

During your visit, one of the things that the mother will appreciate the most is if you take care of the baby for a few moments.

Take care of the newborn while she eats, bathes, goes to the bathroom, or just takes a few minutes to get outside for fresh air.

Photo credit: iStock

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