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The mother of the minor from Morón affirms that "he died" and "threw him into a container" in Madrid

The State Security Forces and Corps are currently searching the outskirts of Madrid for a minor under 15 years of age from Morón de la Frontera (Seville) and who suffers from a physical disability, after his mother went on a trip taking him with him and was located in the "disoriented" province of Segovia, giving "disconnected" explanations. Both were seen this Sunday night at a hotel in Talavera de la Reina.

According to sources close to the investigation, the mother, in the middle of a psychotic break resulting from the serious mental illness she suffers, would have told the agents that her son "died" and that for that reason "she threw him into a container" at some point in the Community of Madrid that he has not known or wanted to specify.

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The Police are looking for a minor from Morón de la Frontera whose mother claims to have killed him


The matter revolves around a married couple from Morón with two dependent children, an 18-year-old girl , whom he would have kicked out of the house a few days ago, and a 15-year-old teenager, the now-disappeared, who suffers from a disability and uses a wheelchair. The members of the marriage would have separated, counting the woman at the beginning of the separation with custody of the two children.

The agents are trying to confirm the version of the mother, who claims that she disposed of her son's body in a container

The matter came to light when this woman stopped her car on Monday for a breakdown after staying without gasoline at kilometer 130 of the A-1, in the province of Segovia. The crane operator who arrived at the scene verified the serious mental state she was going through, for which he called the Civil Guard. The agents found her "disoriented" and making "disconnected" statements to the officials.

The mother of the minor from Morón affirms that

Then, they called his family, who confirmed that he suffered from a psychiatric illness, from which they deduce that he had not taken the documentation for a long time. Immediately, they asked about her teenage son, but he was not with her. He did carry in the adapted chair in his car and some of his clothes and belongings. After questions, the mother assured the guards that "he had died and that he had thrown his body into a container in Madrid."

Because of the woman's condition, she was transferred to a hospital in Segovia to receive medical assistance, and the Civil Guard contacted the father of the best and ex-partner of the woman, to inquire about the boy's whereabouts.

The family does not believe the story of the mother, who suffers from bipolar disorder, is true

Faced with the woman's story, the father went to the Morón National Police station on Monday to ask a complaint for the disappearance of the boy. The family does not believe that he killed the boy because he was "the center of life" for his mother and she loved him very much.

As a result of all this, the national police from Morón visited the woman's home, finding out that she had disposed of her belongings and had left the Seville town last Sunday afternoon, taking the boy with her.

From there, and according to the investigations of the agents, they would have spent Sunday night in a hotel in Talavera de la Reina (Toledo), where both were seen and clearly recognized by the manager of that establishment, who did not he saw how nor the specific moment in which they left the room.

In theory, from there they would have continued their journey to Madrid. For this reason, the agents have begun a search of the area of ​​the A-5 through which the woman could have reached the capital. Specifically, they have reviewed areas close to that highway through Móstoles and Alcorcón.

They have also reviewed several video surveillance cameras, although with the added difficulty that the mother's vehicle has tinted rear windows. Likewise, they are analyzing the geopositioning of her mobile phone those days.

Although they do not believe the entire testimony of the parent, in view of the fact that several days have passed since the disappearance, they expect a certain recovery in the hospital to be able to take her out temporarily and can give the agents 'in situ' clues of what happened to locate the disabled minor.



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