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The trick of the aluminum foil balls in the washing machine that helps take care of clothing garments


Aluminum foil balls in the washing machine manage to extend the life of clothing garments

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The aluminum foil is one of the essential purchases in many houses for the amount of different tasks it can perform.From wrapping the food to keep it, even dye hair, there are millions of people who use it daily for their different functions.

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The trick is very simple, you just have to make three balls of aluminum foil the size of one hand and put them in the washing machine when the washing program has finished, just before proceeding to put the drying.

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In this way, the trick of the balls made of aluminum foil will eliminate the electrification of our garments, since aluminum is a metal that can drive heat and is not magnetized.A perfect home remedy to extend the life of clothing.

The good thing about this trick is that aluminum foil is not harmful to health, nor will it cause damage to any appliance or clothes.In addition, aluminum balls can be used about six months.

Another good way to prevent garments from being electrified is also to use softener in the washing, as well as short centrifuged programs, next to the aluminum ball trick.

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