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47 films to see with children in Holy Week in Netflix, Amazon Prime Video and HBO

A perfect plan for this atypical Holy Week is to set up a home film session with the little ones.So that you do not go crazy about the extensive cinephile offer that we have today within our hands, we have selected more than 40 great movies available in Netflix, Amazon Prime Video and HBO Spain.My neighbor Totoro, beyond the moon, the day of yes, the lego movie, the adventures of Tadeo Jones, Ballerina, Peter Rabbit, Paddington...Prepare the popcorn and choose what you are going to see these holidays.


My neighbor Totoro

My neighbor Totoro Tráiler

Hayao Miyazaki es el director de My neighbor Totoro, la cinta que narra la historia de dos hermanas que, mientras esperan con ilusión que su madre se recupere de su enfermedad y vuelva a casa, descubren en el bosque a un nuevo amigo muy particular.In Netflix, you can also find other titles of the filmmaker such as the traveling castle, Chihiro and Porco Rosso's trip.

Where to see it: Netflix.

Catch the flag

Catch the flag Tráiler

Viaja a la Luna junto a Mike, Marty y Amy con Catch the flag.The Spanish animated film tells how these three friends undertake a space trip to prevent the evil Carson.

Where to see it: Netflix.


Klaus Tráiler

Another wonders of the Spanish animation that you can enjoy with the little ones is Klaus.The tape, Oscar nominated in the recent edition, tells the story of Jesper, a young mailman who recovers the illusion for his work when the toy manufacturer, Klaus, crosses his way.Together, they will do their best to bring joy back to the little town of Jesper.

Where to see it: Netflix.

The Magic Park

The Magic Park Tráiler

La cinta de animación The Magic Park es una opción perfecta para ver en familia.Directed by Dylan Brown and David Feiss, the film follows June, a girl who loves to draw attraction parks, who manages to make her dreams come true when one of her designs comes true.

Where to see it: Netflix.

Beyond the moon

Más allá de la luna Tráiler

La película de Netflix Beyond the moon, sigue a Fei Fei, una adolescente que siempre ha soñado con viajar a la Luna, con el objetivo de encontrar a la Diosa de la Luna.After many attempts, he manages to create his own spacecraft.Up on her and in the company of her bunny and her new brother, she manages to start the journey that takes him to the Moon, where a series of magical creatures will change their way of seeing life.

Where to see it: Netflix.

Netflix premieres in April 2021: all films

The day of yes

The day of yes Trailer

The day of yes es otra de las opciones geniales para ver estos días de vacaciones en familia.Starring Jennifer Garner and Édgar Ramírez, the film revolves around a marriage that is quite strict with their children.Everything changes, when the little ones are granted the day of yes.A day in which their parents will have to raise their hands and be more permissive.

Where to see it: Netflix.

Happy Feet: Breaking the ice

Happy Feet: rompiendo el hielo Tráiler

Happy Feet: Breaking the ice nos traslada hasta la Antártida, donde el pequeño pingüino Mumble, debe demostrar que no sólo cantando se puede conquistar al amor de tu vida.And it is not to sing, what really is good is to dance.

Where to see it: Netflix.

The adventures of Tadeo Jones

Las Aventuras de Tadeo Jones Tráiler

En The adventures of Tadeo Jones, este obrero de la construcción se hace pasar por un conocido arqueólogo en una misión para salvar las reliquias encontradas en un templo inca de las manos de un despiadado roba tesoros.

Where to see it: Netflix.

The adventures of Peabody and Sherman

The adventures of Peabody and Sherman Tráiler

Dirigida por Rob Minkoff, The adventures of Peabody and Sherman sigue a Peabody, un perro que ha inventado una máquina del tiempo.In the company of his adoptive son, Sherman, travel through different eras in the history of humanity.When they discover that the changes that have caused at some times could change the course of some historical events, they will have to look for a solution.

Where to see it: Netflix.

Netflix premieres in April 2021: all series


Hop Tráiler

James Marsden and Kaley Cuoco are the protagonists of HOP, another perfect movies to watch these days these days.When Fred runs over Easter bunny, he is forced to welcome him at home until he recovers.Although his new tenant is a bit irritating, as the days go by both become inseparable.

Where to see it: Netflix.

47 películas para ver con niños en Semana Santa en Netflix, Amazon Prime Video y HBO

Zipi and Zape and Captain's Island

Zipi and Zape and Captain's Island Tráiler

Zipi and Zape and Captain's Island es otra de las películas familiares que puedes encontrar en Netflix.Directed by Oskar Santos, the story follows the famous twins inspired by the characters created by José Escoba.The two brothers are disgusted for having to spend Christmas with their parents uploaded aboard a ship.After a storm, they reach a mysterious island, and Zipi and Zape take refuge in Miss Pam's mansion.There are several children who will be very helpful for the two brothers when they are discovered that their parents have disappeared.

Where to see it: Netflix.


Casper Tráiler

The great Casper is another ideal option to enjoy a home film session with the little ones.Starring Devon Sawa and Christina Ricci, the film tells the story of the DR.James Harvey, who must go to an abandoned mansion, with the aim of expelling the spirits living in it.Some ghosts that will make life impossible for James and his daughter, with whom he goes to the house, to try to be frightened.

Where to see it: Netflix.

Gru, my favorite villain

Gru, my favorite villain Tráiler

Gru, my favorite villain es una imprescindible para ver en familia.Directed by Chris Renaud and Pierre Coffin, the film follows Gru, a villain who aspires to be the most famous criminal in the world.To do this, he plans to steal the moon, next to his entourage of tiny yellow sheaths.His plans are truncated when he must adopt three orphan girls, who will change their way of seeing life.

Where to see it: Netflix.

Captain underpants: his first movie

Captain underpants: his first movie Tráiler

Captain underpants: his first movie nos presenta a Jorge y Berto, dos amigos que se pasan el día dibujando y escribiendo aventuras del superhéroe que ellos mismos han creado.Your teacher, Mr. Carrasquilla, is tired of his mischief.To avoid punishing them, they hypnotize him, without knowing that from now on every time he clicks his fingers he becomes the invincible captain underpants.

Where to see it: Netflix.

Amazon Prime Video

Alvin and the squirrels: party on wheels

Alvin and the squirrels: party on wheels Tráiler

Alvin and the squirrels promise to live a fun adventure at their party on wheels.In it, the three brothers must decide whether to move with Dave, and their new couple to Miami, or return to the forest and recover their lives.

Where to see it: Amazon Prime Video.

Peter Rabbit

Peter Rabbit Tráiler

Inspired by Beatrix Potter's children's stories, Peter Rabbit tells the story of a mischievous rabbit, which becomes the worst nightmare of the new tenant of the McGregor mansion, owner of the garden where every day Peter and his friends sneak into stealing fruits.Peter and his friends take refuge at Bea's house, a kind painter who shelters them.When Bea and McGregor begin to go together, Peter fears that the young woman will leave them aside.

Where to see it: Amazon Prime Video.

The evil fierce fox

The evil fierce fox Tráiler

Inspired by the homonymous graphic novel by Benjamin Renner, the tape presents us to a fox, which desperately tries that he is equally fierce as his companions.To do this, steal some eggs, and instead of eating them, decite to incubate them.When chicks are born, you are ready to eat them, but upon discovering that the little ones see him as a mother, he is not able to take the step.

Where to see it: Amazon Prime Video.

Amazon Prime Video: All series that are released in April 2021

Two for the price of a

Two for the price of a Tráiler VO

Las gemelas Olsen te lo van a hacer pasar en grande con su aventura cinematográfica Two for the price of a.In it, they play Amanda and Alyssa, an orphan girl and the daughter of a billionaire, respectively, who in a fortuitous encounter in the middle of the forest discover that they are identical.Both decide to impersonate each other to change life for one day.

Where to see it: Amazon Prime Video.

Little invaders

Little invaders Tráiler

¿Y si llegan unos pequeños extraterrestres capaces de controlarnos cual coche teledirigido? Eso es lo que ocurre en Little invaders, una comedia en la que un grupo de niños y adolescentes descubren que en la casa de campo en la que van a pasar unos días con sus familias, hay un objeto misterioso, que quieren llevarse a su planeta los extraterrestres que se han colado en la mansión.

Where to see it: Amazon Prime Video.


Ballerina Tráiler

If you have a dream, persecute it!The protagonist of Ballerina, the young Felicia, escapes the orphanage in which she lives, to impersonate one more dancer and be able to dance someday in the great opera of Paris.

Where to see it: Amazon Prime Video.

Lorax.In search of the lost trufula

Lorax.In search of the lost trufula Tráiler

Lorax.In search of the lost trufula es una llamada de atención al mundo industrializado, en el que la naturaleza ha pasado a un segundo plano.The little Lorax, with his ability to communicate with the plants, tries to do everything possible so that the greed.

Where to see it: Amazon Prime Video y Netflix.


Range Tráiler

Cuando Range decide presentar su candidatura al cargo de 'sheriff', no sabía que su trabajo iba a ser casi el de un superhéroe.The little chameleon will have in his hand to discover the cause of the loss of water in the town, and ensure that everything returns to normal.

Where to see it: Amazon Prime Video.


Marmaduke Tráiler

When Marmaduke owners are forced to move, this great Danish will soon be noticed among the residents of his new neighborhood.

Where to see it: Amazon Prime Video.

Amazon Prime Video: All the films that are released in April 2021

Hugo's invention

Hugo's invention Tráiler

Hugo Cabret es el protagonista de Hugo's invention, la cinta dirigida por Martin Scorsese, en la que este pequeño huérfano, que vive en la estación de tren de París, intenta terminar de construir un autómata que su padre dejó incompleto.

Where to see it: Amazon Prime Video.

Fantastic SR.Fox

Fantastic SR.Fox Tráiler

Basada en la obra infantil de Roald Dahl, Fantastic SR.Fox narra la historia del un zorro, que pese a llevar una vida de lo más tranquila junto a su mujer y su hijo, empieza a desarrollar su instinto de cazador, provocando el caos en todo el vecindario.

Where to see it: Amazon Prime Video.

The Mayan Bee: The movie

La abeja Maya. La película Tráiler

Basada en la conocida serie de televisión, The Mayan Bee: The movie narra como la pequeña abeja intenta destapar el maquiavélico plan de una de sus compañeras de colmena, que trama robar la miel para llevársela a las avispas.

Where to see it: Amazon Prime Video.

The Golden Compass

The Golden Compass Tráiler

Nicole Kidman y Daniel Craig son dos de los protagonistas de The Golden Compass, la adaptación cinematográfica de la novela Luces del norte, la primera de la trilogía La materia oscura.The story takes place in a world parallel to ours, where souls live outside the bodies.There, little orphan Lyra, is determined to do everything possible to find the whereabouts of her missing best friend.

Where to see it: Amazon Prime Video.


Megamind Tráiler

When the villain Megamind ends the hero Metro Man, he decides to create a new superhero to face.What he does not know is that his plan does not come as planned, and that hero has Machiavellian plans.

Where to see it: Amazon Prime Video.

Astro boy

Astro boy Tráiler

El pequeño Astro boy, creado por un padre que acaba de perder a su hijo, es el protagonista de esta bonita historia futurista.

Where to see it: Amazon Prime Video.


Harry potter and the Philosopher's Stone

Harry potter and the Philosopher's Stone Tráiler

If your kids have not yet introduced themselves into the magical world of Harry Potter, this is a magnificent moment to watch the first film: the philosopher's stone and know the inseparable Harry, Hermione and Ronald.

Where to see it: HBO Spain.


Paddington Tráiler

The Paddington bear is the protagonist of this endearing story set in London.The British city has always been the dream place to live from the young bear.But once there, he discovers that it was not as he had imagined and must face numerous problems, until the Brown family decides to welcome him a season at home.

Where to see it: HBO Spain.

Spirit: The indomitable steed

Spirit: The indomitable steed Tráiler

Spirit is the protagonist of The Indomitable Sur, a story in which the young leader of the mandad of horses is arrested by a ruthless colonel.Far from sinking, Spirit is put together to try to recover his lilbertad and return with his.

Where to see it: HBO Spain.

HBO premieres: all the films that arrive in April 2021


La Lego película Tráiler

The Lego Movie could not be missing in this selection of movies to see with the kids of the house.The story follows Emmet, a builder, who see a mission to end the villain who wants to tear down Lego's city overnight.In his adventure he will have Lucy's help, but also from heroes like Batman and Superman.

Where to see it: HBO Spain.

SpongeBob: A hero out of water

SpongeBob: A hero out of water Tráiler

In a hero out of the water, spongebob and his unspeakable friends leave the bikini background, to go to the surface in search of a stolen recipe.Can you imagine to find yourself on the beach with the fun yellow hero?

Where to see it: HBO Spain.

The Smurfs: The hidden village

The Smurfs: The hidden village Tráiler

In the hidden village, the Smurfs will discover that they are not alone in their world.Smurfina and her unexparable blue friends, they reach a mysterious place with some inhabitants who would never have imagined.

Where to see it: HBO Spain.


Shrek Tráiler

Shrek's first adventure, presents this genuine green ogre and his inseparable fatigue partner, ass.Together, they try to find a prince for Princess Fiona, a fierce dragon prison.

Where to see it: HBO Spain.

Angry Birds: The movie

Angry Birds. La película Tráiler (2)

Los famosos pájaros protagonistas del videojuego homónimo, protagonizan Angry Birds: The movie.In it, they will have as a mission to deal with the entourage of pigs that has reached home.

Where to see it: HBO Spain.

Hotel for dogs

Hotel for dogs Tráiler

Ante la tesitura de tener que deshacerse de su perro, dos hermanos deciden montar un Hotel for dogs en un antiguo edificio abandonado, y así poder cuidar a otras mascotas sin hogar.

Where to see it: HBO Spain.

HBO premieres: All series that arrive in April 2021


Madagascar Tráiler

In Madagascar, four friends from the Zoo of Central Park, a lion, a giraffe, a hippo and a zebra, plot a plan to get out of captivity, and recover his long -awaited freedom.

Where to see it: HBO Spain.

How to Train Your Dragon

How to Train Your Dragon Tráiler

En How to Train Your Dragon, el joven Vikingo Hipo descubre que los dragones no son tan peligrosos como siempre le habían dicho en su pueblo, cuando conoce al furia nocturna, Desdentao.

Where to see it: HBO Spain.

Monsters against aliens

Monsters against aliens Tráiler

¿Qué mejor que un séquito de monstruos, retenidos por el Gobierno de Estados Unidos, para acabar con una invasión alienígena? Eso es lo que ocurre en Monsters against aliens, una divertida comedia para toda la familia.

Where to see it: HBO Spain.

The scary

The scary Tráiler

Un raspalenguas con aires de grandeza y un tiburón vegetariano son los protagonistas de The scary, una comedia submarina, sobre la importancia de decir siempre la verdad.

Where to see it: HBO Spain.

Invading neighbors

Invading neighbors Tráiler

Los animales protagonistas de Invading neighbors temen por sus hogares cuando descubren que se van a construir viviendas encima de ellos.Together, they will do their best to try to change their minds and can continue their quiet life.

Where to see it: HBO Spain.

Bee Movie

Bee Movie Tráiler

The Barry bee is the protagonist of Bee Movie.This young and intrepid bee discovers that humans steal the honey they produce, and plot a plan to protect their most precious good.

Where to see it: HBO Spain.


Mouse Tráiler

En Mouse, la rata millonaria Roddy se ve obligado a enfrentarse al mundo real cuando un ladrón entra en su casa y le tira por el retrete para quedarse con todas sus pertenencias.

Where to see it: HBO Spain.

The cat with boots

The cat with boots Tráiler

The cat with boots es el protagonista del 'spin-off' de Shrek.In him, the adorable eyes of eyes embarks on a trip together to steal the famous goose of the golden eggs.

Where to see it: HBO Spain.



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