Homemarriage → Upper body of genera...

Upper body of general administration of the Autonomous Community of Galicia, Subgroup A1, Lartados Scale


Yo.1.The object of the selective process will be to cover eight (8) places, of the upper body of general administration of the Autonomous Community of Galicia, subgroup A1, scale of lawyers, corresponding to the public employment offer of the two019 fiscal year, as detailed:

- Public Employment Offer of the two019 fiscal year, approved by Decree 33/two019, of March two8 (Dog No..67, of April 5): Eight (8) free access places, of which one (1) is reserved for the turn of people with disabilities.

Two (two) places are reserved to be covered by the internal promotion shift.The squares not covered by this turn will accumulate those of free access.

The selective system will be the opposition.

Yo.1.1.Yon accordance with Decree 33/two019, of March two8, of the total summoned places one (1) will be reserved to be covered by people with disabilities with a degree equal to or greater than 33 %.

The square reserved for people with disabilities, if deserted, will accumulate those of general access.

Yof any disabilities aspiring person presented by the reserve quota of people with disabilities exceeds the exercises, but does not get a place, and their score is higher than that obtained by other aspiring people of the general access system, it will be included in its orderscore in this system.

Yon accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree twotwo71/two004, of December 3, which regulates access to public employment and the provision of jobs of people with disabilities, during the selective processes a differentiated treatment will be givenTo aspiring people for the disability quota, in regard to the relationships of people admitted and excluded, the calls for exercises and the relationship of approved people.However, at the end of each exercise and the process will be prepared a unique relationship in which all the aspiring persons who have surpassed it will be included, ordered by the total score obtained, regardless of the type of place for which they have participated.

Yo.1.two. Las personas que, cumpliendo los requisitos establecidos en la base Yo.1.1, opt for places reserved for people with disabilities must expressly indicate it in the application.Yof not indicated, it will be understood that they do not opt for this reserve.

Aspiring people can only participate in one of the cited shifts.

Yo.1.3.Yon your case, clarifications or corrections must be made within the period of allegations to the provisional lists of admitted persons.

Yo.1.4. Al presente proceso selectivo le será aplicable el Real decreto legislativo 5/two015, de 30 de octubre , por el que se aprueba el texto refundido de la Ley del estatuto básico del empleado público (en adelante TRLEBEP), la Ley 39/two015, de 1 de octubre , del procedimiento administrativo común de las administraciones públicas, la Ley 40/two015, de 1 de octubre , de régimen jurídico del sector público, la Ley two/two015, de two9 de abril , del empleo público de Galicia, y demás normas concordantes, así como lo dispuesto en esta convocatoria.

Yo.two.Aspiring people requirements.

To be admitted to the selective processes, aspiring people must possess, on the day of completion of presentation of participation requests and maintain until the moment of taking possession as career official personnel, the following requirements:

1.two.1.Yonternal promotion.

Yo.two.1.1.Age: Having turned sixteen.

Yo.two.1.two.Degree: to be in possession or in condition of obtaining, on the day of the publication of this call in the Official Gazette of Galicia (DOG), the Official University Degree of Licensed or Law Degree.

Aspiring people with degrees obtained abroad must prove that they are in possession of the corresponding validation or credential that provides, where appropriate, the homologation of the title.This requirement will not apply to aspiring persons who have obtained the recognition of their professional qualification, within the scope of regulated professions, under the law provisions of the European Union.

Yo.two.1.3. Deberán ser personal funcionario de la Administración de la Comunidad Autónoma de Galicia y pertenecer al cuerpo superior o al cuerpo facultativo superior de la Administración de la Comunidad Autónoma de Galicia, subgrupo A1, o al cuerpo de gestión o al cuerpo facultativo de grado medio de la Administración de la Comunidad Autónoma de Galicia, subgrupo Atwo.

Non -fixed indefinite labor personnel are expressly excluded.

Yo.two.1.4. Haber prestado servicios efectivos, durante por lo menos dos años, como personal funcionario en el cuerpo superior o el cuerpo facultativo superior de la Administración de la Comunidad Autónoma de Galicia, subgrupo A1, o el cuerpo de gestión o al cuerpo facultativo de grado medio de la Administración de la Comunidad Autónoma de Galicia, subgrupo Atwo.

The services provided with the status of undefined non -fixed labor personnel will not be computed in any case.

For these purposes, effective services will be considered provided in the situation of special services and leave for the care of children and family members (articles 168 and 176 of the LEPG).And leave due to gender violence, in accordance with the provisions of article 177 of the LEPG.

Yo.two.1.5.Functional capacity: possess the physical and psychic skills and skills that are necessary for the performance of the corresponding functions or tasks.

Yo.two.1.6.Enabling: not having been separated, nor farewell, through disciplinary file of the service of any public administration or of the constitutional or statutory bodies of the autonomous communities, nor to be in the situation of absolute or special disqualification for the performance of jobso Public positions by judicial resolution, when it comes to accessing the body or scale of official personnel from which the person was separated or disabled.

Yo.two.1.7.Yon addition to the above requirements, aspiring persons who are presented by the disability reserve quota will have to have the leGal status of person with disabilities recognized with a degree of disability equal to or greater than 33 %, on the date of publication of the publication of thepresent call.

Yo.two.1.8.The career official personnel that already belong to the scale or group object of this call can not participate in the selective process.

Yo.two.two.Free access.

Yo.two.two.1.Age: Having turned sixteen y no exceder de la edad máxima de jubilación forzosa.


a) Have Spanish nationality.

b) Be a national of any of the Member States of the European Union.

c) Be a national of some state in which, by virtue of international treaties signed by the European Union and ratified by Spain, the free movement of working people is applicable.

d) They may also participate, whatever their nationality, the spouses of the Spaniards and the nationals of other Member States of the European Union, provided they are not separated from law.Yon the same conditions, their descendants and those of their spouse may participate as long.

Yo.two.two.3.Degree: to be in possession or in condition of obtaining, on the day of the publication of this call in the Official Gazette of Galicia (DOG), the Official University Degree of Licensed or Law Degree.

Aspiring people with degrees obtained abroad must prove that they are in possession of the corresponding validation or the credential that provides, where appropriate, the homologation of the title.This requirement will not apply to aspiring persons who have obtained the recognition of their professional qualification, within the scope of regulated professions, under the law provisions of the European Union.

Yo.two.two.4.Functional capacity: possess the physical and psychic skills and skills that are necessary for the performance of the corresponding functions or tasks.

Yo.two.two.5.Enabling: not having been separated, nor farewell, through disciplinary file, of the service of any public administration or of the constitutional or statutory bodies of the autonomous communities, nor to be in the situation of absolute or special disqualification for the performance ofPublic jobs or positions by judicial resolution, when it comes to accessing the body or scale of official personnel from which the person was separated or disabled.

Yon the event of being national of another state, not being disabled/or in equivalent situation, nor have it been subjected/or to disciplinary or equivalent sanction that prevents, in the state of origin, access to public employment in the previous terms.

Yo.two.two.6.Yon addition to the above requirements, aspiring persons who are presented by the disability reserve quota will have to have the leGal condition of person with disabilities recognized with a degree of disability equal to or greater than 33 %, on the date of publication of this announcement.

Yo.two.two.7.The career official personnel that already belong to the scale object of this call can not participate in the selective process.


Las personas que deseen participar en el proceso selectivo deberán hacerlo constar en el modelo de solicitud que será facilitado en el portal web corporativo de la Dirección General de Función Pública de la Xunta de Galicia y deberán pagar la tasa que esté vigente en el momento de presentarla que exige la Ley 6/two003, de 9 de diciembre , de tasas, precios y exacciones reguladoras de la Comunidad Autónoma de Galicia, de acuerdo con el procedimiento que se señala en los siguientes párrafos.

Aspiring people can only participate in one of the summoned shifts.

El plazo para presentar las solicitudes será de veinte (two0) días hábiles, que se contarán a partir del siguiente al de la publicación de esta convocatoria en el Diario Oficial de Galicia.

Within the period indicated in the previous paragraph, aspiring persons must submit their application electronically to the General Directorate of Public Function.

The application model will be available to all people who wish to participate in the selective process in the Corporate Public Public Portal.Xunta.Gal, siguiendo la ruta “Procesos selectivos”-”Generación y presentación de solicitudes de procesos selectivos”, debiendo el solicitante disponer de un certificado digital de la Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre (FNMT), DNYo electrónico o Chave365.

After pressing the chosen application modality, aspiring people must consign all the data that appear on the screen and then validate them and confirm them.

Las personas aspirantes deberán indicar en su solicitud, en el apartado de “Yodioma del examen”, si el texto del ejercicio deberá entregarse en idioma Gallego o en idioma castellano.Once the option has been carried out and submitted their application, the aspiring person will not be able to modify the option.

Aspiring people who are members of large families must indicate it in their application, in the section of "Other Data"-"Numerous Family".

Aspiring persons must indicate if they appear as job seekers from at least the six months prior to the date of the call for selective evidence in requesting their participation and are not receiving unemployment benefit or subsidy, in the section of"Other data"-"Employment demanding".

Aspiring persons with a degree of disability equal to or greater than 33 %must expressly indicate it in the application specifying the degree of disability recognized by the competent body, in the section of "other data"-"disabled"-"percentage".

The possible time and/or means adaptations for the performance of the exercises in which this adaptation is necessary, in the section of

"Other data"-"Type of adaptation".

Si la solicitud deriva de una circunstancia sobrevenida, deberán solicitar la adaptación necesaria en el plazo de un mes desde que se produjera el hecho causante y, en cualquier caso, en las two4 horas siguientes a la publicación de la convocatoria para la realización del ejercicio en el que proceda su aplicación.

The aspiring people of the appointed adaptations may indicate in the same epigraph of the request the need for the presence during the exercise of specialized medical care.Yon this case, they must submit, before the end of the fixed term, the original or the authentic copy of the medical report that proves the need for said measure.

The data included in the applications of the aspiring persons will be consulted by the public administration.

Yon the event that interested persons oppose this consultation, they must indicate it in the corresponding box in the “authorizations” section, and must provide the supporting documents of the exemption indicated in the following section before the end of the term of the deadline ofPresentation of applications. La persona solicitante, para la remisión electrónica, empleará el modelo con el código PR004A, previsto en la Orden de 4 de mayode two017 que aprueba la puesta en funcionamiento del servicio para la presentación electrónica de solicitudes, escritos y comunicaciones que no tengan un sistema electrónico específico, habilitado en la sede electrónica de la Xunta de Galicia en la dirección

https: // headquarters.Xunta.Gal. O bien presentará la documentación en las oficinas deRecord de la Xunta de Galicia y en los demás lugares previstos en el artículo 16de la Ley 39/two015, de 1 de octubre, del procedimiento administrativo común de las administraciones públicas.

Yon accordance with the provisions of the previous paragraph, the requesting person must contribute with their original application or authentic copy of the following supporting documents of the payment exemption, according to the cases in which they are:

- People with disabilities: Card of the degree of disability or disability certificate issued by the Ministry competent in the subject or analogous body of another Autonomous Community.

- Numerous general or special family: large or special family certificate or family card in which this character records.

- Jobseekers:

1.º.Certification issued by the Employment Office stated that the aspiring person appears as a employment applicant from at least six months before the publication date of this call in the DOG.

two.º.Certification of the Public State Employment Service recorded that on the date of submission of the request for participation in the selective process, it is not receiving the benefit or unemployment subsidy.

De acuerdo con el señalado en el artículo two3.5de la Ley 6/two003, de 9 de diciembre, de tasas, precios y exacciones reguladoras de la Comunidad Autónoma de Galicia, estarán exentas del pago:

• Of the total amount of the rate:

- People with disabilities equal to or greater than 33 %.

- People who are members of large families classified in the special category.

• 50 % of the amount:

- People who are members of large families classified in the general category.

- People who appear as job seekers from at least six months before the date of call.

• Face -to -seemage: You must select this option on the screen, print the payment document (Model 739) and enter the rate of the fee in any of the collaborating financial entities authorized for the collection of fees and prices in the Autonomous Community ofGalicia, where a sealed specimen will be provided as a proof.

Once the face -to -face payment is made in the financial entity, the pending application must be accessed through the “Retomar application” tab.Yot will be pressed in the option "Validate/Retomar Payment".The data related to the income date and the corresponding NRC (complete registration number) will be entered.

Once the data is completed, the NRC will be validated by pressing on the “Validar NRC” button.

Correctly finished the payment process, the application can be signed and submitted electronically.

• Electronic Payment-SYoN Digital certificate: You must enter the credit or debit card data in the electronic payment option and at that time you will obtain the corresponding 730 proof.

Correctly finished the payment process, the application can be signed and submitted electronically.

• Electronic Payment-with Digital Certificate: You can make the payment charged to the account of the person holding of the certificate from the electronic payment option and at that time you will obtain the corresponding justification 730.

Correctly finished the payment process, it can be signed and submitted electronically at the request.

La Administración devolverá el importe ingresado en concepto de derechos de examen a aquellas personas aspirantes excluidas de manera definitiva, o bien que no figuren en ninguna de las listas, que así lo soliciten en el plazo de dos (two) meses a partir del día siguiente al de la publicación en el DOG de las listas definitivas de admitidos y excluidos.

Para ello será necesaria la presentación de un escrito solicitando la devolución y en el que haga constar el número de cuenta (two4 dígitos), la entidad financiera y su localidad o bien presenten un certificado expedido por la entidad financiera en el que figuren esos datos.This documentation must be addressed to the selection service of the General Directorate of the Public Function.The presentation of this brief without the indicated data or outside the term will mean the loss of the right to return of the amount entered.

The return of the amount paid as examination will not proceed in the cases of resignation to participate in the process of provisional admitted aspiring or definitely.

The status of applications may be consulted at any time following the initial instructions and selecting the consultation option on the screen.

For any clarification or information on the above procedures, aspiring people can put in telephone contact with the computer center at number 981 54 13 00, 8.30 a two0.00 hours, Monday through Friday, and on Saturdays from 10.00 to 14.00 hours.

Yo.4.Admission of applicants.

Yo.4.1.Once the deadline for submitting applications is finished, the head of the General Directorate of the Public Function will approve the provisional lists of aspiring persons admitted and excluded through a resolution that will be published in the DOG, indicating their last names, nameand four random numerical figures of the National Yodentity Document, of the causes of the exclusions that proceed.These lists will be published on the corporate web portal.Xunta.Gal.

Yo.4.two.Excluded aspiring people, or those who do not appear as admitted or excluded, will have a period of ten (10) business days, counted from the following to the publication of said resolution in the DOG, to be able to correct, inyour case, the defect that motivated exclusion.

The estimation or dismissal of the requests for corrections will be understood implicit in a new resolution of the General Directorate of the Public Function that will be published in the DOG, which will approve the definitive lists of admitted and excluded aspiring people.These lists will be published on the corporate web portal.Xunta.Gal.

The fact of appearing in the relationship of admitted persons will not prejudge.When from the documentation that must be submitted after overcoming the selective process, it follows that they do not have any of the requirements, aspiring people will decline in all rights that could derive from their participation.

YoYo.Selective process.

YoYo.1.Opposition phase.

El programa que regirá las pruebas selectivas es el que figura como anexo Yo a esta resolución.The positive law norms related to the content of the program will be taken into account that, with a deadline of the date of publication in the DOG of the Court appointment, have official publication in the corresponding newsletter or newspaper, although their entry into force isdeferred at a later time.

Las normas de derecho positivo relacionadas con el contenido del programa que figura en el anexo Yo y que fueran derogadas parcial o totalmente, serán automáticamente sustituidas por aquellas que procedan a su derogación parcial o total, con fecha límite de la fecha de publicación en el DOG del nombramiento del tribunal.

The selective process will consist of five mandatory exercises and with qualifying efficiency:

- Two oral theoretical.

- Two written tests of a practical type.

- Una prueba para acreditar la competencia en lengua Gallega.

In addition, in accordance with the provisions of article 54.3 del Decreto 343/two003, de eleven de julio, por el que se aprueba el Reglamento orgánico de la Asesoría Jurídica de la Xunta de Galicia, las personas aspirantes, con carácter voluntario y no eliminatorio, podrán presentarse a un ejercicio de lectura y traducción de lenguas extranjeras.For these purposes, and within ten (10) business days following the publication in the Official Gazette of Galicia of the final list of admitted and excluded, interested persons who wish to carry out this exercise must communicate to the General Directorate ofPublic function your language choice.

Para la exención prevista en el tercer ejercicio, las personas aspirantes deberán presentar, en el plazo de diez días hábiles siguientes a la publicación en el DOG de la lista definitiva de admitidos y excluidos, el documento justificativo (original o copia auténtica) de estar en posesión del Celga 4, curso de perfeccionamiento de Gallego o equivalente debidamente homologado por el órgano competente en materia de política lingüística de la Xunta de Galicia, de acuerdo con la disposición adicional segunda de la Orden de 16 de julio de two007, por la que se regulan los certificados oficiales acreditativos de los niveles de conocimiento de la lengua Gallega (publicada en el DOG núm.146, of July 30).

Esta documentación deberá presentarse en las oficinas de registro de la Xunta de Galicia, oficinas de correos y demás lugares previstos en el artículo 16de la Ley 39/two015, de 1 de octubre, del procedimiento administrativo común de las administraciones públicas.


YoYo.two.1. Primer ejercicio: consistirá en exponer oralmente dos temas de derecho civil; uno de derecho hipotecario; uno de derecho mercantil; dos de derecho procesal, uno de la primera parte (temas 1 al two9) y otro de la segunda parte (temas 30 al 56); y, por último, uno de derecho laboral, sanitario y de la Seguridad Social.

The topics will be appointed at random and will be exhibited in the indicated order.The minimum time dedicated to the exhibition of each topic may not be less than five (5) minutes.

To prepare the oral exposure of the issues, aspiring people will be granted a time of ten (10) minutes.

Once the exhibition has begun, the maximum duration will be seventy (70) minutes.

Each of the topics will be described from 0 to 5 points, being necessary to overcome the exercise obtain in each of the themes a rating higher than half of the maximum possible score. La persona aspirante que no alcance una calificación superior a la mitad de la puntuación máxima total, en los términos previstos en la base YoYo.3.7, will be eliminated from the selective process.

If at any time in the presentation of the issues, the Court, consulted for this purpose by its presidency and by unanimous decision of its members, would have appreciated a manifest content deficiency, will invite the aspiring person to retire, indicating the reason, and will giveAt the end of the year, leaving record in the act of the corresponding session.

This exercise will be carried out within a maximum period of forty (40) business days from the constitution of the court that judges the evidence.

The realization of this exercise will not take place before six (6) months after the publication date of this call in the DOG.

Las personas aspirantes que superaron el primer ejercicio del proceso selectivo para el ingreso en el cuerpo superior de la Administración general de la Comunidad Autónoma de Galicia, subgrupo A1, escala de letrados, convocado por la Orden de twotwo de abril de two019 (DOG núm. 80, de two6 de abril), podrán optar por conservar la puntuación obtenida en él y acceder directamente al segundo ejercicio.If they choose to present themselves to the exercise in question, the result obtained in the previous call will be without effect.

YoYo.two.two.Second exercise: Voluntary Foreign Language Test.

The second exercise will consist of performing a language test, voluntary and non -qualifying nature.

This test will be in the community language chosen by the aspiring person.It will consist of a reading before the court of an original text, as well as in the translation of this.For this purpose, the Court will designate the text on which the evidence will be practiced.

For the verification of this exercise, the Court may be assisted by the people who designate.

The maximum duration will be thirty (30) minutes.

This exercise will be rated from 0 to 6 points. Esta calificación se realizará mediante papeletas, una por cada miembro del tribunal, con la puntuación que a su parecer merece, en los términos previstos en la base YoYo.3.7.

This year will be carried out within a minimum period of 48 hours from the end of the previous year and maximum of forty (40) business days.

YoYo.two.3.Third exercise, of the qualifying nature, will consist of two tests:

Primera prueba: consistirá en la traducción de un texto de castellano a Gallego elegido por sorteo de entre dos textos propuestos por el tribunal.

Segunda prueba: consistirá en la traducción de un texto de Gallego a castellano, elegido por sorteo de entre dos textos propuestos por el tribunal.

The maximum time for performing the exercise will be sixty (60) minutes.

This exercise will be as suitable or not, being necessary to overcome it..This qualification will be carried out by ballots, one for each member of the Court, with the qualification that in his opinion deserves.

This exercise will be carried out within a minimum period of 48 hours since the end of the previous and maximum year of forty (40) business days.

YoYo.two.4. Cuarto ejercicio: consistirá en exponer oralmente dos temas de derecho constitucional, comunitario y autonómico, uno del 1 al two8 y otro del two9 al 41; dos temas de derecho administrativo (temas 1 al 6two); dos de hacienda pública, uno de la primera parte (temas 1 al 17) y otro de la segunda parte (temas 18 al two9); y uno de derecho penal.

The topics will be appointed at random and will be exhibited in the indicated order.The minimum time dedicated to the exhibition of each topic may not be less than five (5) minutes.

To prepare the oral exposure of the topics, the aspiring person will be granted a time of ten (10) minutes.

Once the exhibition has begun, the maximum duration will be seventy (70) minutes.

Each of the topics will be described from 0 to 5 points, being necessary to overcome the exercise obtain in each of the themes a rating higher than half of the maximum possible score. La persona aspirante que no alcance una calificación superior a la mitad de la puntuación máxima total, en los términos previstos en la base YoYo.3.7, will be eliminated from the selective process.

This year will be carried out within a minimum period of 48 hours from the end of the previous year and maximum of forty (40) business days.

YoYo.two.5.Fifth exercise, of a practical and written nature: it will consist of performing some written action on a judicial issue in which the autonomous administration is part. Para su desarrollo, las personas aspirantes podrán servirse de textos leGales y jurisprudenciales.

The maximum duration will be five (5) hours.

Once done, it will be corrected by reading in a public session before the Court, which will qualify it by assessing the knowledge, the order of ideas and the quality of the written expression, as well as its form of presentation and exposure.In the development of the reading, the court can ask the aspiring person in relation to their exercise.

Each court member will have photostatic copies of the exercises to compare the reading made by the applicant.

This exercise will be rated from 0 to 35 points, being necessary to overcome it obtain a rating greater than half of the maximum possible score. Esta calificación se realizará mediante papeletas, una por cada miembro del tribunal, con la puntuación que a su parecer merece, en los términos previstos en la base YoYo.3.7.

This year will be carried out within a minimum period of 48 hours from the end of the previous year and maximum of forty (40) business days.

YoYo.two.6.Sixth exercise, of a practical and written nature, will consist of writing in writing on some leGal issue in which the Autonomous Administration is interested. Para su desarrollo, las personas aspirantes podrán servirse de textos leGales y jurisprudenciales.

The maximum duration will be five (5) hours.

Cuerpo superior de Administración general de la Comunidad Autónoma de Galicia, subgrupo A1, escala de letrados

Once done, it will be corrected by reading in a public session before the Court, which will qualify it by assessing the knowledge, the order of ideas and the quality of the written expression, as well as its form of presentation and exposure.In the development of the reading, the court can ask the applicant questions in relation to his exercise.

Each court member will have photostatic copies of the exercises to compare the reading made by the applicant.

This exercise will be rated from 0 to 35 points, being necessary to overcome it obtain a rating greater than half of the maximum possible score. Esta calificación se realizará mediante papeletas, una por cada miembro del tribunal, con la puntuación que a su parecer merece, en los términos previstos en la base YoYo.3.7.

This year will be carried out within a minimum period of 48 hours from the end of the previous year and maximum of forty (40) business days.

YoYo.3.Exercise development.

YoYo.3.1. La actuación de las personas aspirantes será por orden alfabético y se iniciará por aquellos cuyo primer apellido comience por la letra Q, de conformidad con el establecido en laResolution de la Consellería de Hacienda de two4 de enero de two019 (DOG núm. two5, de 5 de febrero), por la que se publica el resultado del sorteo realizado, en cumplimiento de lo establecido en laResolution de la misma consellería de 9 de enero de two019 (DOG núm. 14, de two1 de enero de two019).

YoYo.3.two. Las personas aspirantes deberán presentarse a cada ejercicio provistas de NYoF, NYoE, pasaporte, permiso de conducción u otro documento fidedigno que a juicio del tribunal acredite su identidad.

YoYo.3.3.The exercises will be carried out behind closed doors without other assistance than that of the aspiring persons, the members of the court and the persons designated by the General Directorate of Public Function as collaborators.

YoYo.3.4.At any time, applicants may be required by the Court in order to prove their identity.

YoYo.3.5.The call for each exercise will be unique, so that the aspiring people who do not appear will be excluded.

However, pregnant women who provide for the coincidence of childbirth with the dates of performing any of the exercises due to the circumstances derived from their advanced state of gestation, or eventually in the first days of the puerperium, may inform the court, attaching, attachingto communication the corresponding official medical report.The communication must be carried out within forty -eight (48) hours following the announcement of the exam date and will imply the consent of the interested party to allow the access of the court or the convening body to the necessary medical data related to their situation.

The court will agree whether or not to proceed in an alternative place, postpone it or adopt both measures together.Against this agreement there will be no appeal, notwithstanding that the reasons for the challenge are included in any other admissible resource in accordance with the general rules of the selective process.

YoYo.3.6.The announcement of performing the exercises will be published in the DOG and in the Corporate Portal functionPublica.Xunta.Gal, con cuarenta y ocho (48) horas, por lo menos, de anticipación a la señalada para su inicio.

YoYo.3.7.The qualification of each exercise will be carried out by ballots, one for each member of the Court, excluding the two ballots containing the maximum and minimal scores, without in any case being excluded more than a maximum and a minimum;The points consigned in all the remaining ones will be added and the total will be divided by the number of ballots computed.The quotient obtained will constitute the qualification.

Aspiring people who in any exercise do not reach a rating greater than half of the maximum possible score will definitely be eliminated from the opposition.

YoYo.3.8.The qualifications of the exercises will be made public, in the case of the theoretical exercises, at the end of each session.In the practical exercises and in those of languages they will be published jointly, after ending each of said exercises, being able to use the court to deliberate the time that is necessary.

The scores will be published, in any case, in the place where the exercise was carried out and in the corporate web portal functionpublic.Xunta.Gal.

A term of ten (10) business days will be granted for the effects of allegations.

YoYo.3.9.At any time of the selective process, if the Court had knowledge or doubts that are that an aspiring person does not meet any of the requirements required in this call, it will communicate it to the General Directorate of the Public Function so that it requires the accrediting documents ofits fulfillment.

In the event that the aspiring person does not prove compliance with the requirements, the General Directorate of the Public Function will propose its exclusion from the selective process and the convening body will publish the corresponding order.

YoYo.3.10.To respect the principles of advertising, transparency, objectivity and legal certainty that must be governed in access to public employment, the Court will establish and inform the aspiring persons, prior to the realization of the exercises, the criteria of correction, valuation andovercoming that they are not expressly established in the bases of this call.

In the event that the Court agrees parameters for the qualification of the exercise in development of the valuation criteria provided for in this call, those will be disseminated prior to the exercise.

YoYo.3.eleven. La situación de emergencia sanitaria derivada de la pandemia de la COVYoD-19 constituye una causa de fuerza mayor que justifica la adopción de medidas especiales que tienen por objeto garantizar la celebración del proceso selectivo. Con esta finalidad la Ley 4/two0two1, de two8 de enero , de medidas fiscales y administrativas (DOG núm. 19, de two1 de enero), prevé en la disposición adicional segunda, sobre medidas especiales en materia de procesos selectivos o de provisión derivadas de la situación de emergencia sanitaria, la posibilidad de adoptar medidas específicas.

Por ello, el tribunal podrá acordar la fijación de fechas alternativas para la realización de ejercicios de este proceso selectivo a personas aspirantes que no puedan participar en ellos en la fecha inicialmente señalada por estar cumpliendo una medida de aislamiento o en cuarentena que tengan prescrita por ser persona infectada por COVYoD-19 o contacto estrecho, debiendo fijarse la fecha alternativa con garantías de no alteración del desarrollo normal del correspondiente proceso selectivo.

Or may propose to the General Directorate of the Public Function any of the other provided measures and that are necessary for the development of this selective process.

YoYo.4.The order of priority of the aspiring people who exceed the selective process will be carried out in accordance with the sum of the scores obtained in the opposition exercises.A number of people superior to the summoned places cannot exceed the selective process.

However, to ensure the coverage of vacancies, if the Court proposed the appointment of the same number of aspiring people who convened and renounced people of the selected persons before their appointment or inauguration, the convening body may require acomplementary relationship of people who follow the proposals for their possible appointment as career officials.For these purposes, they will have the same consideration that the resignations of the assumptions of the aspiring persons who within the period set, except the cases of force majeure, do not present the documentation accrediting the fulfillment of the requirements or of their examof them and that, consequently, they cannot be appointed officials.


YoYoYo.1. El tribunal calificador del proceso será nombrado por resolución de la consellería competente en materia de función pública, y su composición será la determinada por el artículo 55 del Decreto 343/two003, de eleven de julio, por el que se aprueba el Reglamento orgánico de la Asesoría Jurídica de la Xunta de Galicia, y demás normativa vigente, teniendo en cuenta lo previsto por el artículo 48 del Decreto legislativo two/two015, de 1two de febrero, por el que se aprueba el texto refundido de las disposiciones leGales de la Comunidad Autónoma de Galicia en materia de igualdad, y el Decreto 95/1991, de two0 de marzo , por el que se aprueba el Reglamento de selección de personal de la Administración de la Comunidad Autónoma de Galicia.

YoYoYo.two. Las personas que formen parte del tribunal deberán abstenerse de intervenir cuando concurran en ellos circunstancias de las previstas en el artículo two3de la Ley 40/two015, de 1 de octubre, de régimen jurídico del sector público, en el artículo 59.twode la Ley two/two015, del empleo público de Galicia, o en las instrucciones relativas al funcionamiento y actuación de los tribunales de selección aprobadas porResolution del conselleiro de Presidencia, Administraciones Públicas y Justicia de eleven de abril de two007 y en el acuerdo adoptado en el Consello de la Xunta de 8 de abril de two010.The concurrence of any of these causes must be communicated to the General Directorate of the Public Function.

La Presidencia deberá solicitar a las restantes personas que formen parte del tribunal y, en su caso, al personal asesor previsto en la base YoYoYo.9 And to the auxiliary personnel who incorporate into their work, an express statement of not being incursive in any of the circumstances reflected in the previous paragraph.

En todo caso, las personas aspirantes podrán recusar a los integrantes del tribunal cuando concurra en ellos alguna de las circunstancias referidas en el párrafo primero, conforme a lo establecido en el artículo two4de la Ley 40/two015, de 1 de octubre, de régimen jurídico del sector público.

YoYoYo.3.The convening authority will publish in the DOG the corresponding resolution by which the new members of the Court are appointed who will replace those who had lost their condition for any of the causes provided in the previous base.

YoYoYo.4.The Constitution session must be carried out within a maximum period of fifteen (15) business days from the day following the publication of the Court appointment in the Dog.In this session, the Court will take all the corresponding decisions for the correct development of the selective process.

YoYoYo.5.From the Constitution session, the valid action of the Court will require the concurrence of half, at least, of its members, with a presence in any case of the president/e of the secretary/o, or ofwho replaces them.

YoYoYo.6. El procedimiento de actuación del tribunal se ajustará en todo momento a lo dispuesto en estas bases, en la Ley 40/two015, de 1 de octubre , de régimen jurídico del sector público, en las instrucciones relativas al funcionamiento y actuación de los tribunales de selección y al resto del ordenamiento jurídico.

YoYoYo.7.For each court session, an act will be lifted that, read at the beginning of the following session and made, where appropriate, the rectifications that proceed, will be authorized with the signature of the secretary and the approval of the president/e, or who replaces them.

YoYoYo.8.The president's president will adopt the appropriate measures to ensure that the selective process exercises are corrected without knowing the identity of aspiring persons and will use the appropriate printed ones.

The Court will exclude those aspiring persons whose exercises appear marks or signs that allow us to know their identity, except in the aforementioned assumptions in which public reading or oral exposure is planned.

YoYoYo.9.The Court may propose the incorporation into its work of advisory personnel for the valuations that it deems pertinent, who must limit himself to collaborate in his technical specialties and will have a voice but not vote.His appointment will correspond to the head of the General Directorate of the Public Function.

YoYoYo.10.The Court will adopt the precise measures in those cases in which it is necessary so that aspiring people with disabilities enjoy similar conditions to carry out the exercises that the remaining participants. A tal fin, se establecerán para las personas con discapacidades que lo soliciten en la forma prevista en la base Yo.3 Time and/or means adaptations that are necessary.

If during the selective process, the Court had doubts about the capacity of the aspiring person for the performance of the body or scale functions, may request the opinion of the competent body.

YoYoYo.eleven. El tribunal tendrá la categoría primera de las recogidas en el Decreto 144/two001, de 7 de junio , sobre indemnizaciones por razón del servicio al personal con destino en la Administración autonómica de Galicia. A los efectos de lo previsto en dicho decreto, se entenderá que la designación del tribunal calificador realizada según lo dispuesto en la base YoYoYo.1 will imply the authorization of the service order so that its members can move to the place agreed for each of the sessions called within the maximum authorized number.

The General Directorate of the Public Function will determine said maximum number of sessions authorized to the Court and may expand it based on justified causes.

YoYoYo.1two.The Court may not propose access to public employment of a higher number of people approved to that of places summoned.Any proposal of approved persons that contravene the established will be void.

YoYoYo.13. Los acuerdos adoptados por el tribunal del proceso podrán ser objeto de recurso de alzada ante la persona titular de la consellería competente en materia de función pública, en los términos previstos en los artículos 1two1y 1twotwode la Ley 39/two015, de 1 de octubre.

YoYoYo.14.The communications made by the aspiring courts will be directed electronically to the Ministry of Finance and Public Administration, General Directorate of the Public Function (Administrative Building of San Caetano, Santiago de Compostela).

YoV.List of approved people, Documentation presentation and appointment of career official personnel.

YoV.1.The qualification of the process will be determined by the sum of the scores obtained in the opposition exercises.

In the case of a tie in the scores of two or more applicants, the following criteria will be used until it is resolved:

- Score obtained in the first exercise of the opposition phase.

- Orden alfabético recogido en la base YoYo.3.1.

- Finally, the tie will be settled by raffle among the people involved.

YoV.two.Once the selective process is finished, the Court will publish in the Dog the relationship of aspiring persons who surpassed it by order of scores achieved, indicating its national identity document or equivalent.In the same resolution he will propose his appointment as career official personnel.

A partir del día siguiente al de la publicación en el DOG de la relación de personas aprobadas, estas dispondrán de un plazo de veinte (two0) días hábiles para la presentación de los siguientes documentos:

a) Copia auténtica del título exigido en la base Yo.two o certificación académica que acredite haber realizado todos los estudios para su obtención.In the case of degrees obtained abroad, you must submit a credential of your validation or homologation or the credential for recognition of the degree to exercise the profession.

B) Declaración bajo su responsabilidad de no haber sido separada/o, ni despedida/o, mediante expediente disciplinario, del servicio de ninguna Administración pública o de los órganos constitucionales o estatutarios de las comunidades autónomas, ni encontrarse en la situación de inhabilitación absoluta o especial para el desempeño de empleos o cargos públicos por resolución judicial, para el acceso al cuerpo del que fue separada/o o inhabilitada/o, ni pertenecer al mismo cuerpo o escala, según el modelo que figura como anexo YoYo a esta convocatoria.

En el supuesto de ser nacional de otro Estado, declaración jurada o promesa de no encontrarse inhabilitada/o o en situación equivalente, ni haber sido sometida/o a sanción disciplinaria o equivalente que impida en el Estado de origen el acceso al empleo público en los mismos términos, según el modelo que figura como anexo YoYoYo a esta convocatoria.

C) Aspiring persons with a degree of disability equal to or greater than 33 % who exceed the selective process must also prove such a condition by certification of the competent bodies of the Social Policy Department and, where appropriate, of the corresponding administration.

The Ministry competent in Public Function will request the competent body of the documentation that proves that the aspiring ones who access this reserve quota meet the compatibility requirements with the performance of the corresponding functions.

The administration may authorize said consultation by express request sent together with the rest of the documentation.

D) Yonforme sobre el estado de salud que acredite que la persona aspirante no padece enfermedad ni está afectada por limitación física o psíquica incompatible con el desempeño de las correspondientes funciones.

YoV.3.Aspiring people will be exempt from documenting the conditions and other requirements already proven to obtain their previous appointment.

YoV.4. Las personas aspirantes que dentro del plazo fijado, excepto los casos de fuerza mayor, no presentaran la documentación o del examen de ella se dedujera que carecen de alguno de los requisitos señalados en la base Yo.two no podrán ser nombradas personal funcionario de carrera y quedarán anuladas sus actuaciones, sin perjuicio de la responsabilidad en que incurrieran por falsedad en la solicitud inicial.

YoV.5.Once the possession of the required requirements is accredited, the aspiring persons will be appointed career official personnel through resolution of the Ministry responsible for public function that will be published in the DOG and indicate the awarded destination.

YoV.6. La adjudicación de las plazas a las personas aspirantes que superen el proceso selectivo se efectuará de acuerdo con la puntuación señalada en la base YoV.1.

Aspiring people accessing the internal promotion shift will have preference in the choice on those who access the free access shift.

YoV.7.The inauguration of the aspiring people who exceed the selective process will be carried out within one month, counted from the day following the publication of their appointment in the DOG, in accordance with article 60.e) of the LEPG.

V.Final disposition.

Esta resolución pone fin a la vía administrativa y contra ella las personas interesadas podrán presentar recurso potestativo de reposición ante la persona titular de la consellería competente en materia de función pública en el plazo de un mes contado desde el día siguiente al de su publicación en el DOG, de conformidad con lo establecido en la Ley 39/two015, de 1 de octubre , o impugnarla directamente ante la Sala de lo Contencioso-Administrativo delCourt Superior de Justicia de Galicia, en el plazo de dos meses, contados desde la misma fecha, de conformidad con lo dispuesto en la Ley two9/1998, de 13 de julio , reguladora de la jurisdicción contencioso-administrativa.


Program that will govern the selective tests for admission to the upper body of general administration of the Autonomous Community of Galicia, subgroup A1, lawyer scale

Civil law

Topic 1.Civil law.The Spanish Civil Code: Structure and Content.Foral rights.Foral rights en el sistema constitucional: leyes de derecho civil y compilaciones vigentes.The Civil Law of Galicia: Structure and Content.

Tema two.The sources of law: enumeration and hierarchy.The law.Custom.The general principles of law.Jurisprudence.Other sources of law.Special reference to the sources in Civil Law of Galicia.The Constitution as a source of law.

Theme 3.Legal norms: nature, characters, structure and classification.The interpretation of the rules: classes, elements and rules.Application of laws in time.Application of laws in space.Private International Law and Interregional Law: Main Rules of the Civil Code.

Theme 4.Personality: Acquisition and extinction.The ability of people: their classes.Modifying circumstances of capacity.Incapacitation.Protection of people with disabilities.

Topic 5.Nationality.Acquisition, loss, conservation and recovery of Spanish nationality.Double nationality.The neighborhood and civil condition. La condición política del Gallego.

Topic 6.The legal person;Concept and classes.Civil Code Standards.Velo's lifting theory.Associations and foundations: concept and legal regime.

Topic 7. Las fundaciones de interés Gallego; disposiciones generales.Constitution.Government.Economic system.Operation and activity.Modification of the statutes.Fusion, split and extinction of the Foundation.The protectorate.Record.The Superior Council of Foundations.

Topic 8.The object of the legal relationship.Things: your concept and classes.Movable and immovable property.Public domain and private property.

Topic 9.The legal fact and the legal act.The legal business.General Theory of the Elements of the Legal Business.The will: requirements;Silence as a declaration of will.The vices of the will.

Topic 10.Accidental elements of the legal business.The condition, the term and the mode.Concept, requirements and effects.Representation in legal businesses.General Theory. Representación leGal y voluntaria.

Tema eleven. Yonfluencias del tiempo en las relaciones jurídicas.Your calculation.General Theory de la prescripción.Concept, classes, foundation and effects.Extinguctive prescription and expiration.

Topic 1two.Real rights: concept and differences with the right of obligation.The typicity of real rights.Classification of real rights.Real rights in the Civil Law of Galicia.

Topic 13.THE PROPERTY RIGHT.Extension and content: Faculties members of full domain.Domain limitations.Domain protection: Special examination of the claiming action.

Topic 14.Ways of acquiring domain: title theory and mode.Classifications of the ways to acquire domain.The ocupation.The tradition: examination of your classes.

Topic 15.Usucapion.Classification, requirements and effects.The resignation of usucapion.

Topic 16.The ways of losing domain: general theory.Abandonment.The loss of domain by virtue of acquisitions to non domino.The community of goods: Civil Code rules and special reference to the special communities of Civil Law of Galicia.

Topic 17.Horizontal property.Property in shared time.Intellectual property;Reference to the editing contract.

Topic 18.Possession: concept and legal nature.Possession classes.Effects of possession, during its exercise and when ceasing it.Acquisition, conservation and loss of possession.The guardianship of possession.

Topic 19.The real right of servitude in the Civil Code.Concept, foundation and classes.Acquisition of easements.Content: Rights and duties of the owners of the dominant and servant properties.Extincial Extinction Modes.The regulation of easements in Civil Law of Galicia. Referencia a las servidumbres leGales del Código civil .

Tema two0.The usufruct: concept.Modes of constitution and extinction.CONTENT: RIGHTS AND DUTIES.Reference to special usufructs.The use and room.

Tema two1.Real guarantee rights: real guarantee forms.The piece.Surface right.

Tema twotwo.The obligation: its concept.Classification;in particular, examination of solidarity and joint obligations;to give, do and not do.Pure, conditional and term obligations.

Tema two3.Causes of extinction of obligations.The pay.The loss of due thing.Debt condonation.The confusion of rights.The compensation.The novation.

Tema two4. Yoncumplimiento de las obligaciones; sus causas: mora, dolo, culpa y caso fortuito.Forced compliance: compensation for damages.The so -called indirect media: subrogation and revocation actions.

Tema two5.The concurrence and priority of credits: general principles and application standards.

Tema two6.The contract: foundation and function.Hiring systems.Contract elements.Ability to hire: disabilities and prohibitions.Object of the contract.The form of contracts.

Tema two7.The life of the contract, preparation of the contract and the problem of the binding force of the offer.The perfection and consummation of the contract.The electronic signature.Review of the contract for extraordinary alteration of the circumstances: CLAUSE SEPUS SIC STATIBUS.

Tema two8.The interpretation of contracts: Civil Code Rules.Contract classes.PRECONTRATE AND OPTION CONTRACT.Adhesion contracts and general contracting conditions.

Tema two9.The inefficiency of contracts.Nullity: causes and effects.The cancellation;the confirmation.The termination: causes and effects.

Theme 30.The sale contract.Lessons.personal, real and formal elements.Prohibitions to hire.The transmission of the domain in the sale.The sale of foreign thing.

Theme 31.Content of the sale contract.The obligations of the seller;Deliver: Risk Theory.The sanitation.Buyer's obligations: price payment.

Theme 3two.The donation: concept and legal nature.Lessons.personal, real and formal elements.Natural effects and special agreements.Revocation and reduction of donations.

Theme 33.The lease.Lessons y normas del Código civil en materia de arrendamientos de cosa.The lease of work or company.

Theme 34.The urban lease regime in the Civil Code and in the special legislation.Leases for different housing use.Duration.Contents;In particular, rent.Extinction.

Theme 35.Rustic leases: reference to state regulations.His regulation in the Civil Law of Galicia.The parking lot: concept.Legal regime and classes in the Civil Law Law of Galicia.

Theme 36.The mandate contract.Nature and species.Constitution, extinción y efectos.The loan contract: its species.The bailment.The precarious.The mutual.

Theme 37.The deposit contract: its nature and classes.The common deposit.Irregular and necessary deposit.Kidnapping.The transaction.

Theme 38.The company contract.Nature and classes.Constitution.Contents.Extinction.

Theme 39.The bail contract: its regulation in the Civil Code.Random contracts: the food contract;games and bets;The life income.THE VITALICIO: Autonomous regulations.

Theme 40.The quasi -contracts: their concept and species.Special examination of improper collection and business management of others without mandate.The obligations that are born of guilt and negligence.

Theme 41.MARRIAGE: YOUR REQUIREMENTS.Form of celebration and registration.Personal effects: rights and duties of spouses.Nullity, separation, divorce.

Theme 4two.The marriage economic regime: classes.Marriage contract.Donations due to marriage.Participation regime.Separation regime.

Theme 43.The Lucrative Society: Nature and Constitution.Private and lucrative goods.Loads and obligations of the Society of Lucrative. La compañía familiar Gallega.

Theme 44.The affiliation.Concept and classes.Determination and proof.Filiation actions: Civil Code standards.Parental authority.Duties and faculties. Representación leGal de los hijos.Administration and disposal of goods.Extinction y prórroga.

Theme 45.The guardianship.DELATION AND CONSTITUTION. Yoncapacidad y excusas.Removal.Exercise of guardianship: duties, attributions and rights.RESPONSIBILITY OF THE TUTOR.Extinction.The curator.The judicial defender.The Guard of fact.

Theme 46.The protection of minors in Civil Law of Galicia: helplessness and administrative protection.The Administrative Guard.The foster care: classes, constitution and cessation.Risk situation and protection measures.The obligation of food between relatives.

Theme 47.Mortis succession causes.Concept of inheritance and heir.Acceptance and hate to heritage.The benefit of inventory and the right to deliberate.Inheritance situations: the inheritance.

Theme 48.The succession due to death;General provisions in the Civil Law of Galicia.The succession tested in the Civil Code: concept, nature and content of the will.Lessons del testamento.Ability to test.General formalities of the wills. Yonvalidez e ineficacia del testamento.

Theme 49.Open Testament: Requirements and formalities.Closed testament: your requirements.Olograph testament.Lessons de testamentos en la Ley de derecho civil de Galicia.

Topic 50.THE PROBLEM OF FREEDOM OF TESTAR: MAIN THEORIES.The legitimate in the civil law of Galicia: the legitimate of the descendants and the ascendants and the legitimate of the widowed spouse.The regulation of the legitimate in the Civil Code.

Topic 51.Improvement: concept and foundation.People who can improve and be improved.Lessons de mejora.Effects: its revocability.Levies that can be imposed on improvement.Promise to improve and not improve.Delegation of the power to improve.Disinheritance and preterition;regulation in the Civil Law of Galicia and in common law.

Topic 5two.The legacy: concept and classes.Legacy rules according to its species.Acceptance and resignation.Order of preference for payment.Extinction.El Albaceazgo: its legal regime.

Topic 53.The intestate succession: norms of Civil Law of Galicia and the Civil Code.The right of representation and of increasing. La sucesión del Estado y de la Comunidad Autónoma Gallega.

Topic 54.The contractual succession.General Theory.The succession pacts in the civil law of Galicia: the pacts of improvement, the improvement of work and possess, the appearance.The usufruct of the widowed spouse.

Topic 55.Inheritance partition.General Theory.Regulation of the Civil Code: operations that include.The collation.The partition of the inheritance in the civil law of Galicia: the partition by the testator, the partition by the accountant-partner, the partition by the heirs.

Mortgage Law

Topic 1. Mortgage Law y derecho inmobiliario. ElRecord de la Propiedad: sus fines.Legal management systems of real estate property.The registration seat.The presentation seat.Lessons de libros.Demarcation of the records.

Tema two.Fundamental Principles of Mortgage Law.Rogation principle. Principio de leGalidad.Successive tract principle.Priority principle.Principle of specialty.Principle of legitimation.

Theme 3. La delimitación de la materia inscribible: examen del artículo two de la Ley hipotecaria y concordantes de su reglamento.Concept of formal and material title.The registration seat;Examination of article 9 of the Mortgage Law.

Theme 4.Special reference to the principle of registration public faith.Third examination in mortgage legislation.Exceptions and suspensions of the public registry faith.

Topic 5.Preventive annotations: nature and classes. Examen del artículo 4two de la Ley hipotecaria.Effects of preventive annotations.Extinction.Marginal notes: nature, classes and effects.

Topic 6.The real mortgage right.Real and personal responsibility in the mortgage.Things and rights that can be taxed with real estate mortgage.

Topic 7.Lessons de hipotecas. Hipotecas voluntarias y leGales; en particular, las hipotecas leGales: naturaleza y efectos. La hipoteca leGal a favor de las administraciones públicas.

Topic 8.The effects of the mortgage.Real and personal action in mortgage execution.The procedures for the effectiveness of the mortgage credit.The common execution.The extrajudicial sale.

Topic 9.Movable mortgage and piece without displacement of possession.Constitution, contenido y extinción.The registration of personal property sales.

Topic 10.Concordance between registration and legal reality.The rectification of errors in seats. El catastro inmobiliario; concepto, régimen jurídico y relaciones con elRecord de la Propiedad.

Commercial Law

Topic 1.The content of commercial law: systems.Sources of commercial law;The Commercial Code.Trade uses.Commerce acts: Spanish system.Mixed acts and trade acts by analogy.

Tema two. Concepto doctrinal y leGal del comerciante.The individual merchant.Capacity conditions;Special reference to the married merchant's responsibility regime.The foreign merchant.Habituality and professionalism. ElRecord Mercantil.Organization and principles.Commercial accounting: standards.

Theme 3.The commercial society: concept, nature and classes.Personality of society.The corporate purpose: its determination and effects.Constitution.Irregular society.

Theme 4.Capital societies: nature and legal regime.Constitution: Public Deed and Registration.

Topic 5.The share capital.Contributions.The condition of partner.Social Participations and Actions.Representation and transmission.Issuance of obligations.

Topic 6.The General Meeting: Call, Competition, Assistance, Agreement Adoption Regime.The act.Regime for the challenge of social agreements.

Topic 7.The administration of society.Administrators: requirements, duties and compensation.The representation of society.The administrators' responsibility regime.The board of directors.

Topic 8.The modification of the statutes.Dissolution and liquidation.

Topic 9.Professional societies.The labor society.Cooperative society;Special reference to the Galicia Cooperative Law.

Topic 10.Industrial property;Patents and brands: concept and general acquisition, transmission and protection regime.THE RIGHT OF COMPETITION: Defense of competition and unfair competition.Competent organs.

Tema eleven.General Theory de los títulos valores: clases.The bill of exchange: concept, emission, shape and transmission.Regime of exchange actions.Reference to the check.

Topic 1two.The obligation and the commercial contract: General Regulations of the Commercial Code.The commercial sale.

Topic 13.The Mercantile Commission.The commercial deposit.The commercial loan.The land transport contract.

Topic 14.The insurance contract.Obligations and duties of the parties.Safe against damage, insurance for life, life insurance, disease insurance and health care.

Procedural law

First part

Topic 1.The process: concept, nature and foundation. Los principios procesales contenidos en laConstitution.The right to effective judicial protection.

Tema two.The Organic Law of the Judiciary: Fundamental norms on the Judiciary and the exercise of jurisdictional power.Plant and organization of courts and courts.Conflicts and competency issues.

Theme 3.Abstention and challenge of judges and magistrates.General requirements of judicial actions.Nullity of judicial acts.Judicial resolutions.

Theme 4.The civil process. La Ley 1/two000, de 7 de enero , de enjuiciamiento civil: su título preliminar.The competence of civil jurisdictional bodies.Objective competition.Territorial competence;the territorial forum of the State and the Autonomous Community;The decline.Functional competition.Harmful issues

Topic 5.The parties in the civil process;its legal position.Ability to be part and procedural capacity.Procedural legitimation.Procedural succession.Representation and technical defense of the parties: the defense of administrations and public entities.The right to free legal assistance: requirements, extension and procedure.

Topic 6.Absence of parts: the trial in rebellion.Plurality of parts.Litisconsorcio, its species.Procedural intervention, general theory of the third party.The intervention caused or forced;main assumptions.Adhesive intervention.

Topic 7.Theory of procedural action, the claim as the object of the process.Lessons de pretensiones.Contents; determinación de la cuantía.Plurality of claims.Reference to the accumulation of actions and processes.

Topic 8.Preparatory acts of judgments, preliminary proceedings regulated in the Civil Procedure Law.Incidental issues;Procedure for processing.Acts of initiation of the civil process: demand;their efects.

Topic 9.The proof;Its object and valuation.The burden of proof.General Provisions on Test.The documentary evidence.General Theory.The practice of documentary evidence.

Topic 10.Document concept.Lessons: los documentos públicos y privados.Probative value.The presentation of documents, opinions, reports and other media or instruments.

Tema eleven.The interrogation of the parties.The witness interrogation.Specialties applicable to public administrations.The expert opinion.Judicial recognition.Other means of proof;The presumptions.

Topic 1two.The sentence: Requirements.Its legal effects: formal and material judged.Other forms of termination of the process: renunciation, withdrawal, violation, transaction, extraprocessal satisfaction and lack of object;Special reference to the disposition of procedural action by the lawyer of the Xunta de Galicia.The suspension of the process;The suspension of the course of the cars to raise consultation.Expiration.

Topic 13.The elimination of the process.The act of conciliation.Arbitration.Requirements and arbitral procedure.Resources against the award.The economic effects of the process;The coasts.

Topic 14.Types of knowledge processes.The common trial.Ambit.Initial allegations: demand, answer and counterclaim;EFFECTS OF THE PENDENCE OF THE PROCESS.The audience prior to trial.The trial.Sentence.

Topic 15.The trial verbal.Precautionary measures in the civil process.

Topic 16. Los procesos especiales (Yo).The processes on capacity, affiliation, marriage and minors: general provisions.Processes on people's ability.Processes on affiliation, paternity and maternity.

Topic 17. Los procesos especiales (YoYo).The processes on capacity, affiliation, marriage and minors: marriage and minor processes: special reference to the opposition to administrative resolutions in the field of minors protection and the procedure to determine the need for convenient in adoption.The monitoring process.The trial cambiario.

Topic 18. Referencia a los procesos especiales (YoYoYo).The succession judgments;nature.Abintestate: the declaration of heirs.The Judicial Division of Patrimonies: the procedure for the division of inheritance.

Topic 19.Forced execution: general provisions.The executive titles.The efficacy in Spain of the sentences issued by the foreign courts. La ejecución en dinero (Yo): disposiciones generales.

Tema two0. La ejecución dineraria (YoYo).Payment requirement.The seizure of goods.Domain and best law thirds.

Tema two1.The pressing procedure: general provisions for the realization of seized assets.Assessment of seized goods.Peculiarities of the execution of determined goods.

Tema twotwo.Non -monetary execution.Execution of sentences in which Public Administrations are condemned.The provisional execution of judicial resolutions.

Tema two3.The challenge of the process.Lessons de recursos.General disposition.The appeal for replacement.The appeal.

Tema two4.The appeal: concept and end.Requirements: Resolutions against which it proceeds;reasons for the resource.Process.Effects of the sentence.The appeal for Civil Law of Galicia.

Tema two5.The extraordinary resource for procedural infraction.Requirements: Resolutions against which it proceeds;reasons for the resource.Processing.Effects of the sentence.The review of the final judgments.Resources that the rebel defendant can use.

Tema two6.Bankruptcy Law: The bankruptcy law.The contest.THE DECLARATION OF THE CONTEST: BUDGETS AND PROCEDURE.The bankruptcy administration.Effects of the Contest Declaration.

Tema two7. Yonforme de la administración concursal y la determinación de las masas activa y pasiva.The phases of the agreement or liquidation.

Tema two8.Contest rating.Conclusion and reopening.General Procedural Standards and the Resource System.Reference to International Law Standards.

Tema two9.Voluntary jurisdiction: concept and nature.Of common norms in the process of processing the voluntary jurisdiction files.Classification of acts of voluntary jurisdiction.

Second part

Theme 30.The criminal process.Rules for determining competence in criminal proceedings.Harmful issues.Criminal process initiation modes: complaint, complaint and initiation ex officio.

Theme 31.The parties in the criminal process.The rebellion.The summary: reference to the main summary proceedings.Resources against the resolutions of the instructional and lawyers of the administration of justice.

Theme 3two.The processing and resources against him.Citation, detention and provisional prison.Rights and treatment of detainees and prisoners;Costume Assistance to the detainee.Pecunial responsibilities assurance measures.

Theme 33.Intermediate period of dismissal or elevation to oral trial.Previous pronouncement articles.Ratings.Realization of the oral trial.

Theme 34.The abbreviated procedure for certain crimes.Process for acceptance of decree.

Theme 35.The Jury Court: Composition and powers.Process de las causas ante el tribunal del jurado.Appeal.Reference to special criminal processes.

Theme 36.The appeal against sentences and certain cars.The cassation in criminal matters;Its forms, preparation.Complaint of denial of the testimony.The review in criminal matters.

Theme 37.The contentious-administrative process.Nature, extension and limits of the contentious-administrative jurisdictional order.Concept of public administration for the purposes of resource.Issues to which the knowledge and issues excluded from this jurisdictional order are extended.

Theme 38.The organs of the contentious-administrative jurisdictional order.Determining rules of their respective competence.

Theme 39.The parties: capacity, legitimation;Representation and defense of the parties.Purpose of the contentious-administrative appeal: contested administrative activity.Parts claims.Accumulation.Resource amount.

Theme 40.Process contencioso-administrativo.Deadlines.Precautionary measures.Process en primera o única instancia: diligencias preliminares; la declaración de lesividad. Yonterposición del recurso.Announcement of the appeal and claim of the file.

Theme 41.Location and appearance of defendants.Demand and answer: requirements, content and effects.Contribution of documents.Process to complete the administrative file.Previous allegations.Proof.

Theme 4two.View and conclusions: the presentation of new issues.Sentence: contenido.Other procedure termination modes.Coasts.

Theme 43.The abbreviated procedure.Process contencioso-electoral.

Theme 44.Process para la protección de los derechos fundamentales de la persona. La cuestión de ileGalidad.Process en los casos de suspensión administrativa previa de acuerdos.

Theme 45.Resources against orders, cars, management proceedings and decreesAppeal.Resolutions against which.Process.Contents y efectos de la sentencia.

Theme 46.Appeal.Judgment review.

Theme 47.Execution of sentences: suspension and execution of these, extension of their effects. Yoncidentes e invalidez de actos procesales.

Theme 48.Social jurisdiction: extension and limits.Jurisdictional bodies.The parts of the process: capacity and legitimation.Procedural representation and defense.Plurality of parts.General Characters of the Work Process.

Theme 49.The avoidance of the process.The common process.Demand and admission.Conciliation and trial.Answer and counterclaim, the test.Conclusions.Final proceedings.Minutes of the trial.Judgment.

Topic 50.Procedural modalities.Enumeration.Dismissals and sanctions.Extinction del contrato por causas objetivas y otras causas.

Topic 51.Holidays and professional classification.Electoral matter.The Social Security process.

Topic 5two.The collective conflict process.The ex officio procedure.Common provisions to supplication and cassation resources.

Topic 53.Means of challenge.Resources against orders, cars, management proceedings and decrees.Clarification of Judgment.

Topic 54.Resource of supplication: decisions susceptible to resource, object of the resource, procedure and effects.

Topic 55.The appeal.Decisions against which it can be used.Cassation reasons.Process.Effects.The appeal para la unificación de doctrina.

Topic 56.Execution of sentences.Definitive execution.General disposition.Judgments firmes de despido.Condemnation of public entities.Provisional execution.Judgments condenatorias al pago de cantidades.Judgments de despido.Other sentences.

Labor, Health and Social Security Law

Topic 1.The configurating notes of the work subject to Labor Law: freedom, remuneration, dependence and alienity.The application of labor standards: principles of management.

Tema two.The Sources of Labor Law System: General Characterization.Typology of labor standards.The normative power of the Autonomous Communities in Labor matters.The collective agreement: concept, parties, elaboration, deposit, publication, efficacy and typology.The International Labor Standard.

Theme 3.The employment contract. El trabajador y el empresario: concepto jurídico y leGal.Public entities as employers.Lessons de contrato de trabajo atendiendo a su duración.Temporary contracts: typology and legal regime.Temporary hiring by public administrations, especially the violation of their limits and their consequences.The fundamental rights of the worker.

Theme 4.The work day: Normal Day and Special Days.The part -time contract and relief contract.Overtime.The work schedule.Weekly and festive breaks.Annual holidays.

Topic 5. El salario; su protección leGal y garantías.The minimum interprofessional salary.Salary absorption and compensation.The salary guarantee fund.

Topic 6.The Power of the Entrepreneur: General Characterization.The power of direction.The power of variation.Disciplinary power;Business responsibility.Succession in the ownership of the company.

Topic 7.The modifications of the employment contract: typology.Geographical mobility.the suspension of the contract of work.

Topic 8.The extinction of the employment contract: general picture of the extinguishing causes.The conventional termination.Extinction por muerte e incapacidad del trabajador.Death, retirement and inability of the entrepreneur and termination of the contracting personality.Extinction por fuerza mayor.

Topic 9.Extinction por causas objetivas.The collective dismissal.The disciplinary dismissal.

Topic 10.Labor staff at the service of the Xunta de Galicia.Its collective agreement: scope, content and main norms;Special reference to the provision of vacancies.

Tema eleven.CONCEPT AND PRINCIPLES OF SOCIAL SECURITY.The Social Security System: Structure and scope.General regime and special social security regimes.Social Security Management: Managing entities and common services.

Topic 1two.The protective action.Protected contingencies: general picture.Benefits.

Topic 13.Non -contributory benefits Social security: purpose and classes. Yonvalidez no contributiva: requisitos y procedimiento para su obtención.Non -contributory retirement.

Topic 14.Health assistance.Protected people.Contents: asistencia médica, hospitalización, prestaciones farmacéuticas, otras prestaciones sanitarias, prestaciones de maternidad.The health institutions of Social Security: Classification and Functions.

Topic 15.The statutory staff of health services: its framework.Classification of statutory personnel.Rights and duties.Acquisition and loss of the condition of fixed statutory personnel.Provision of places, selection and internal promotion.

Topic 16.Working hours, permits and licenses.Statutory personnel situations.Disciplinary regime and incompatibilities.

Topic 17.Remuneration regime of the Statutory Personnel of Social Security.The inspection function in the health field.Special reference to the management of functions of the inspection of the health services of the Autonomous Community of Galicia.

Constitutional, community and autonomic law

First part

Topic 1.The concept of constitution: nature and meaning.The 1978 Constitution: Preparation Process.Systematic and structure.General characteristics.The constitutionality block. La reforma de laConstitution.

Tema two.Higher values of the constitutional system. Los principios fundamentales de laConstitution.The soberand.The division of powers.Political representation.Political participation.

Theme 3.The State in the Constitution;The constitutional meaning of the concept.Rule of law.Social state.Democratic state.

Theme 4. ElGovernment del Estado y la Administración. Las funciones delGovernment.The normative function.The political function.The administrative function.

Topic 5.The crown.The king;its constitutional position.King functions. El rey y elGovernment.The King and the Cortes.The King and International Policy.The order of succession.The King's regency and guardianship.Referendum of the King's Acts;Its forms.

Topic 6.The General Courts: Composition and Relations between the two Chambers.Collective parliamentary privileges;Reference to parliamentary regulations.THE INTERNAL GOVERNMENT OF THE CHAMBERS.The operation of the cameras;especially, parliamentary groups.Individual parliamentary privileges: parliamentary inviolability and immunity.

Topic 7.The functions of the General Courts.The legislative function;processing.Economic and financial functions.The control function;especially, the motion of censure and the issue of trust.The Cortes and the International Treaties.

Topic 8.Electoral elections and standards.Electoral administration.GENERAL RULES del proceso electoral.Electoral claims.Electoral crimes and infractions.

Topic 9. El poder judicial en laConstitution.Its organs and government.Independence and judicial action.Means of popular participation in the administration of justice.

Topic 10.Theory of fundamental rights and public freedoms.Guarantee y límites en laConstitutionespañola.The suspension of rights.The principle and the fundamental right to equality.

Tema eleven.Right to life and physical and moral integrity.Right to personal freedom.Right to honor, intimacy and the image itself;Protection to the use of computer science and new technologies. Yonviolabilidad del domicilio y de la correspondencia.

Topic 1two.Freedoms of thought, expression and information.Ideological, religious and cult freedom.The right to education.The right to petition.The right to free circulation.

Topic 13.Meeting right.Right of association.The right to participation in public affairs;the political parties.Right of syndication.Right to strike.

Topic 14.Rights and duties de los ciudadanos.Rector principles of economic and social policy.

Topic 15.THE LEGAL DEFENSE OF THE CONSTITUTION: SYSTEMS. ElCourt Constitucional: naturaleza y funciones.His composition.Competencies of the Plenary, Salas and Sections.

Topic 16.Common provisions on procedure.The appeal for constitutional amparo.Cases in which it proceeds and deadlines.Legitimation.Suspension of the contested act.Process y sentencia.

Topic 17.Declaration of unconstitutionality processes.General disposition.Appeal for unconstitutionality and the question of unconstitutionality.Effects de las sentencias.Previous appeal for unconstitutionality against projects of Autonomy Statutes and against proposals for the reform of Autonomy Statutes.

Topic 18.Constitutional conflicts.Positive and negative conflicts of the autonomous communities with the State.Conflicts between constitutional organs of the State.Conflicts in defense of local autonomy. Yompugnaciones de disposiciones y resoluciones de las comunidades autónomas.

Topic 19. La organización territorial del Estado en laConstitutionespañola.El Estado autonómico; el artículo twode la Constitución: la autonomía de las nacionalidades y regiones.Local autonomy in the Constitution;Your institutional guarantee.

Tema two0.The European integration process: from European communities to the European Union.Constituent treaties and their modifications.EU citizenship.The regional dimension of Europe;Autonomous communities and European institutions.

Tema two1.Organic structure of community institutions.The European Council.The Parlament;Special reference to standards elaboration procedures.The advice.The Commission. ElCourt de Cuentas.The Economic and Social Committee.

Tema twotwo.Concept and characters of community law.Its sources: Original Law and Derived Law: Regulations, Directives and Decisions.Other sources.

Tema two3.Application and efficacy of community law in member countries.The national judge in the application of community law. El derecho comunitario y laConstitutionespañola.Autonomous communities and community law.Participation of non -state territorial entities in the decision -making process.

Tema two4.The basic freedoms of the community system.The internal market.Free circulation of goods, people, services and capital.

Tema two5.Competence standards.Provisions applicable to companies.Aid granted by States.

Tema two6.Community policies and structural funds.Common agricultural policy.Common fishing policy.Economic and social policy.The Economic and Monetary Union.Other policies.

Tema two7.O EU jurisdictional system. ElCourt de Justicia.The Court of First Instance;composition, competences, procedure and operating rules.

Tema two8.The appeal for non -compliance: prior study of the activity of the Commission;The motivated opinion.The appeal for cancellation.The resource of inactivity.The detrimental issue.The extra -contractual responsibility action.

Second part

Tema two9. La autonomía Gallega: origen y evolución.The Statute of Autonomy of Galicia: Structure and content.Its reform: statutory rigidity;Your guarantees.Reform assumptions;their respective procedures.

Theme 30. La posición jurídico-constitucional del Estatuto de autonomía: el estatuto en el sistema constitucional; el estatuto como norma autonómica y como norma del Estado; el estatuto como norma subordinada a laConstitution, posición del estatuto respecto a las demás normas del Estado y de la comunidad autónoma.

Theme 31. Las bases fundamentales de la autonomía Gallega.The territory;territorial efficacy of the provisions and acts of the Autonomous Community.The symbols of Galicia. El reconocimiento de la Galleguidad.

Theme 3two. Especial referencia a la lengua Gallega; normativa internacional y comunitaria sobre protección de los derechos lingüísticos.The European Charter of Minority Languages.Linguistic rights in relations between administration and citizens.Law 3/1983 of Linguistic Standardization and Development Regulations.

Theme 33.Galicia's self -government institutions: description.Campus.The Parliament of Galicia: its character and functions.Composition and operation of Parliament.Plenary and commissions: their classes.The Permanent Diputación;its functions.Session regime.Adoption of agreements.

Theme 34.Elections to the Parliament of Galicia;Competencies of the Xunta de Galicia for its regulation.Galicia's electoral law: its structure and content.The electoral constituency.The electoral call.Electors and eligible.

Theme 35.The deputies of the Parliament of Galicia.Duration del mandato. Yoncompatibilidades.Collective parliamentary privileges.The Regulation of the Parliament of Galicia.The Internal Government of the Chamber.Individual parliamentary privileges.

Theme 36.The elaboration of the laws of the Autonomous Community.The legislative initiative.Processing.Promulgation and publication of laws.Galicia laws: its constitutional range and position;The principle of competence in relations between the state and autonomic system.Legislative decrees.Regional regulations.

Theme 37.The Xunta de Galicia: Nature, composition and functions.The presidency of the Xunta de Galicia: its functions and representation.Election of the Presidency.

Theme 38.Relations of the Xunta de Galicia with Parliament. Yonformación al Parlamento; presencia de los miembros delGovernment ante el Parlamento; interpelaciones y preguntas.A matter of trust and motion of censure;their efects.Dissolution of Parliament.

Theme 39.Public administration Gallega en el Estatuto de autonomía.Competences for the establishment of your legal regime.The administration of justice in the Autonomous Community of Galicia;Competencies of the Autonomous Community in relation to records and notaries.THE VALOR OF THE PEOPLE.

Theme 40.The competences of the Autonomous Communities: Nature;Classes: exclusive, shared, concurrent.The reserve of powers to the State of article 149: basic regulations;The statutory attribution of powers and the closing clause of article 149.3.º.The control of the activity of the Autonomous Communities: the common and extraordinary control.

Theme 41.The competences of the Xunta de Galicia in the Statute of Autonomy.Transfers of State Competencies, Functions and Services to the Autonomous Communities: Mixed Commissions and Royal Transfer Decrees.The assessment of transferred services.

Administrative law

Topic 1.Public administration.Administrative activity and political activity.Administrative law.The administrative regime: systems;Fundamental Spanish features.The non -legal consideration of the administration: the science of administration.Transparency and good practices in the action of the administration.

Tema two.SOURCES OF ADMINISTRATIVE LAW.The law: sus clases; leyes orgánicas y comunes. Disposiciones delGovernment con valor de ley: decretos-ley; decretos legislativos.Other sources of law administrativo.

Theme 3.THE REGULATION: CONCEPT AND NATURE.Classification of the regulations: the general administrative acts and the instructions and service orders.Process de elaboración e impugnación de los reglamentos.

Theme 4.The principles of law reserve, normative and competence hierarchy.Nullity of full right of administrative provisions for violation of those principles.The normative efficacy of the regulation: its singular inderogability.

Topic 5. Las potestades administrativas, el principio de leGalidad y sus manifestaciones.Discretionary administrative activity and its limits.Discretion control: Special study of power deviation.Indeterminate legal concepts.

Topic 6.The administrative organization.THE ADMINISTRATIVE BODY: CONCEPT AND NATURE.Lessons de órganos; en especial los órganos colegiados.The competence: nature, classes and criteria of delimitation.Interorganic relationships: coordination and hierarchy.Deconcentration.Delegation and avocation.Management commission.Collaboration Agreements.

Topic 7.THE ADMINISTRATIVE ACT: CONCEPT AND ELEMENTS.Jurisdictional, processing, provisional acts and end the administrative route.Production and content.Motivation.Form.Effectiveness of acts.The notification and publication.The obligation to solve.Administrative silence in procedures at the request of the interested party and in ex officio procedures

Topic 8.The disability of administrative acts: nullity of full right and cancellation.Irregular administrative acts.The validation, conservation and conversion of administrative acts.Material or in fact errors: Jurisprudential concept and treatment.

Topic 9.The cancellation of administrative acts by the administration itself through the ex officio review: cases in which it is appropriate;processing.The review of the acts in the jurisdictional route at the request of the Administration: Declaration of Lesivity;Requirements and procedure.Concept of revocation;Your treatment in current law.

Topic 10.Administrative acts in particular.Study of the license, authorization or permit;legal regime.The public service.The different forms of management of public services.

Tema eleven.The common administrative procedure: its nature and ends. Regulación leGal: la cuestión del reparto competencial; ámbito de aplicación de la Ley del procedimiento administrativo común.The general principles and guarantees of the administrative procedure.Abstention and challenge.

Topic 1two.Those interested in the administrative procedure.Concept, capacity and representation. Yodentificación y firma de los interesados en el procedimiento administrativo.Rights of those interested in the administrative procedure.Terms and deadlines.

Topic 13. Yoniciación del procedimiento.General disposition. Yoniciación de oficio por la Administración. Yoniciación a solicitud del interesado.Procedure management. Yonstrucción del procedimiento.Processing simplificada.

Topic 14.Completion of the procedure.General disposition.Resolution.Withdrawal and resignation.Expiration.Forced execution for the administration of administrative acts: their means in current law.The theory of "in fact".Study of its manifestations according to jurisprudence.

Topic 15.Administrative resources: concept, classes and general principles of its regulation.The reformatio in peius: scope of its admission in our law.Appeal.Powerful replacement resource.Extraordinary Review Resource.

Topic 16.Administration's inherited responsibility.Main theories.Spanish legislation;Background and current regulation.Process.The responsibility of the authorities and personnel.Responsibility of administration for acts of their dealers and contractors.The responsibility of the legislator.

Topic 17.The sanctioning power: Principles of the sanctioning power.Specialties at the beginning of sanctioning procedures. Yoniciación por denuncia.Initiation Agreement.Resolution proposal in sanctioning procedures.Termination.Specialties of resolution in sanctioning procedures.

Topic 18.Administrative Development Activity: Application regulations.The Galicia subsidies law: concept, scope, exclusions.Common provisions to public subsidies: Requirements for the granting of subsidies, competent bodies, beneficiaries, regulatory bases of granting subsidies, advertising of subsidies.

Topic 19.Processs de concesión y gestión de las subvenciones.Process de concesión en régimen de concurrencia competitiva.Process de concesión directa.Process de gestión y justificación de subvenciones.

Tema two0.Reimbursement of subsidies. Yonfracciones y sanciones en materia de subvenciones. El Yonstituto Gallego de Promoción Económica.

Tema two1.Public sector contracts: current regulations.Object and scope of application.Enumeration de los negocios y contratos excluidos.Delimitation of contract types.Subject contracts harmonized regulation.Administrative contracts and private contracts.

Tema twotwo.Disability regime.Of the special recourse on hiring. ElCourt deMeans Contractuales de Galicia.

Tema two3.Contracting body.Aptitude to hire with the public sector: general norms and special norms on capacity.Prohibitions to hire.Solvency of the entrepreneur.CLASSIFICATION OF COMPANIES.

Tema two4.Means to prove economic and financial solvency.Means to prove technical solvency in works, supplies and services contracts.Object of the contract.Budget and estimated value.Contract price.Guarantees enforceable in contracts concluded with public administrations

Tema two5.Preparation of public administrations contracts: contracting file.The administrative and technical prescription clauses sheets. Yonformación sobre las condiciones de subrogación en los contratos de trabajo.

Tema two6.Process abierto.Process abierto simplificado.Process abierto simplificado abreviado.Process restringido.Processs con negociación.Reference to the procedure for competitive dialogue and association for innovation.

Tema two7.GENERAL RULES de la adjudicación de los contratos de las administraciones públicas: procedimiento de adjudicación, anuncio de licitación, proposiciones de los interesados y presentación de la documentación acreditativa del cumplimiento de los requisitos previos.Requirements and classes of awarding criteria.Application of award criteria.Abnormally low offers.Classification of offers and contract award.Resolution y notificación de la adjudicación.Formlización del contrato.

Tema two8.The prerogatives of administration in administrative contracts.Implementation and modification of contracts.Suspension and termination of contracts.Assignment and subcontracting.Reference to the technical rationalization of hiring.

Tema two9.Special standards of works contracts: preparatory actions, and contract execution.Special Standards of the Concession Contract: Preparatory actions and rights and obligations of the concessionaire.Special standards of the Services Concession Contract: Preparatory Actions and Contract Execution.

Theme 30.Special standards of the supply contract: execution, compliance and resolution.Special standards of service contracts: general provisions, execution and resolution.Assistance bodies in hiring and advisory bodies.

Theme 31.Forced expropriation.Concept and difference with analogous figures.Theories about its justification and nature.Current legislation: the competence distribution.Subjects and object of expropriation.The general expropriation procedure.

Theme 3two.Peculiarities of the emergency procedure.Special procedures appointment.The guarantees of the expropriated;Reversion.The forced expropriation jury of the Autonomous Community.Administrative limitations of administrative rights and servitude: differences and legal regime.

Theme 33. El dominio público Yo: distribución constitucional de competencias y legislación aplicable.The heritage of the Xunta de Galicia: goods that integrate it, classes.Effects and disaffection.Use of demands and demand rights.

Theme 34. El dominio público YoYo: Adquisición de bienes y derechos.Real estate lease.Exploitation of assets and patrimonial rights.Disposal and tax.Defense of goods and rights.

Theme 35. ElGovernment y la Administración del Estado: el Consejo de Ministros.The Presidency and its members.The ministers.Other authorities of the Ministerial Departments. La Administración periférica del Estado, en especial, el delegado delGovernment en las comunidades autónomas.

Theme 36.The advisory administration.The advice Consultivo de Galicia: composición y funciones.

Theme 37.Upper organs and other high positions of the autonomous administration;Special reference to the holders of the Department.The Council of the Xunta de Galicia and the General Secretaries Commission.Conflicts of attributions between organs of the same or of different department.The peripheral administration of the Xunta de Galicia.

Theme 38.Institutional or non -territorial administration.Reference to state regulations.Legal regime of the instrumental entities of the regional public sector.Corporate administration.

Theme 39.The legal advice of the Xunta de Galicia: legal assistance.The scale and personal statute of the lawyers of the Xunta de Galicia.Organization.

Theme 40.Legal advice functions.Contentious functions.Defense of officials.The Legal Advice of the Galician Health Service.

Theme 41.Local entities.Galicia Xunta Competencies in the field of local regime.Current legislation on local regime.The territorial organization of Galicia.Local associations: Commonities, consortiums, agreements and other associative forms.

Theme 4two.The municipality: concept;Elements: the population and the territory;the alteration of municipal terms.Organization.Competencies.Reference to the organization of large population municipalities.THE PROVINCE: ELEMENTS.Organization.Competencies.Reference to Municipal and Provincial Special Regimes.

Theme 43.Order and citizen security: Competencies of the Xunta de Galicia;General regime.Galicia Police.Local police;Your coordination.Competencies de la Xunta de Galicia en materia de protección civil, emergencias.

Theme 44.Public Health.Competencies de la Xunta de Galicia y servicios traspasados.Galicia's health and pharmaceutical management, especially the Galician Health Service: Organization and Competencies.

Theme 45.Administration and teaching.Competencies de la Xunta de Galicia.The education system.The educational centers. La autonomía universitaria; el Sistema universitario Gallego.

Theme 46.Culture.Competencies de la Xunta de Galicia.The advice de la Cultura Gallega.The historical-artistic heritage.Museums, libraries and files.The sport.

Theme 47.Administrative action in agriculture and livestock.Competencies de la Xunta de Galicia.Agricultural structures.Improvement of the Agrarian Territorial Structure.Rural development.Livestock routes.

Theme 48.The Montes: General provisions and competences of the Xunta de Galicia.Classification and legal regime of the Montes.Management, conservation and forest protection.Special reference to forest fire prevention.The joint neighborhood mountains.

Theme 49.Fisheries, shellfish and marine crops: Competencies of the Xunta de Galicia.The legal regulation of the sector.Hunting and river fishing;Competencies of the Xunta de Galicia.

Topic 50.Coasts; competencias de la Xunta de Galicia.Delimitation, protection and use of maritime-terrestrial domain.The ports: competitions of the Xunta de Galicia;Administrative organization.

Topic 51.Terrestrial Waters: Competencies of the Xunta de Galicia.Hydraulic public domain.Basin organisms.Use of hydraulic domain.Special examination of water concessions.Hydrological planning.

Topic 5two.Mines: Theories about mining property and criteria of the Spanish system.Competencies de la Xunta de Galicia.Classification and exploitation regime of mining deposits and other geological resources, in particular, exploitation and research permits and exploitation concessions.

Topic 53.Administrative intervention in the industrial and energy sector.Administration and the environment.Competencies de la Xunta de Galicia.The legal environmental protection regime: environmental impact assessment.Protected natural spaces.

Topic 54.Internal trade.The competence delimitation between the State and the Xunta de Galicia.Retail general regime;Special reference to commercial schedules.Administrative intervention regarding consumption.

Topic 55.Public Works: Competencies of the Xunta de Galicia.Roads: Competencies of the Xunta de Galicia.General legal regime.Transport: Competencies of the Xunta de Galicia and General Legal Regime.

Topic 56.Town planning.The competence design in the matter.The urban land regime;classification;Planning plans: classes, training, approval, publication and effects.

Topic 57.Execution systems.Urban discipline.Urban valuations.Public Patrimonies of the Soil.Registration aspects of urban action.

Topic 58.Administrative Action in relation to Housing: Competencies of the Xunta de Galicia. El Yonstituto Gallego de la Vivienda y Suelo.Galicia's Housing Law;Reference to building management.Public promotion housing.

Topic 59.Telecommunications: its legal regime.Special reference to radio and television;The Radio y Televisión Corporation of Galicia, S.A.Administration and tourism;Competencies of the Xunta de Galicia.

Topic 60. Empleo público (Yo). Régimen leGal y competencias de la Xunta de Galicia.Lessons de personal al servicio de la Xunta de Galicia.Management of professional activity;Special reference to the provision of positions.Acquisition and loss of the service relationship.

Topic 61. Empleo público (YoYo).Rights of public employees;Special reference to the professional career and internal promotion, to remuneration rights and the right to collective bargaining.Working day, permits and vacations.Duties of public employees; code of conduct.

Topic 6two. Empleo público (YoYoYo).Administrative situations.Disciplinary regime.Incompatibilities regime.

Public estate

First part

Topic 1.The Public Treasury as a discipline and as a branch of the legal system.Galicia's financial and budgeting regime law: structure and content.General principles.Contents de la hacienda autonómica.Prescription of credits.

Tema two.THE BUDGET: CONCEPT, NATURE AND CLASSES.The budgets of the Autonomous Community of Galicia: the budgetary stability and the basic principles of its structure.Contents.Preparation, approval.Extension.

Theme 3.Credits and their modifications.Multiannual expenses.Credit cancellations and regulation of obligations.Credit modifications.Extraordinary credits, supplements and extensible credits.Credit transfers;Competencies and limits.Credit generations.

Theme 4. La Yontervención de la Xunta de Galicia, de sus organismos y de las empresas públicas.APPROACH AND PROCESSING OF REPAIRS.Basic Principles of Public Accounting.

Topic 5.Public spending: concept and execution procedure;Authorization, phases of the expense and ordering of the paid.Public income: concept and classification.Capital and interest prescription.

Topic 6.Taxes: concept, nature and classes.The General Tax Law: Structure.General disposition del ordenamiento tributario; especial referencia a los principios tributarios contenidos en laConstitution.Tax standards.

Topic 7.The Galicia Tax Agency.General disposition sobre los tributos: la relación jurídico-tributaria.Tax obligations.Obligations and duties of the Tax Administration.

Topic 8.The taxpayers: rights and guarantees;lessons.The ability to act in the tax order.The fiscal domicile.

Topic 9.Tax obligation quantification elements.Tax debt: general provisions;forms of extinction.

Topic 10.Guarantee.The application of taxes: general principles.Common norms on tax proceedings and procedures.

Tema eleven.Actions and Tax Management Procedure: General Provisions.Tax management procedures.

Topic 1two.ACTIONS AND INSPECTION PROCEDURE: GENERAL PROVISIONS.The inspection procedure;Initiation, Development and Termination.

Topic 13.Actions and collection procedure: general provisions.The pressing procedure;Initiation, Development and Termination.Process frente a responsables y sucesores.Organization recaudatoria de la Xunta de Galicia.

Topic 14.The sanctioning power in the tax order: principles.General disposition.Classification of infractions and tax sanctions.The Tax Sanctioning Procedure.

Topic 15.Review of Tax Acts Administrative: Common Standards.Processs especiales de revisión.The appeal for replacement.Economic-administrative claims: general provisions;the organs;Special reference to the organs of the Xunta de Galicia.

Topic 16.Economic-administrative claims: interested parties, capacity, legitimation, representation and technical management.Contested acts.Extension of the competence of the reviewing body.ACTION REQUIREMENTS.Suspension of contested acts.

Topic 17.Process general económico-administrativo: el procedimiento en única o primera instancia.Means.The abbreviated procedure.

Second part

Topic 18.The income tax of natural persons: concept and nature.Taxable fact.Exhibition of fundamental norms on passive subjects.Tax period.Taxable base.Tax debt: liquid base, quota and tax debt.

Topic 19. Yompuesto sobre sociedades.Concept and nature.Taxable fact.Exhibition of fundamental norms on passive subjects.Taxable base.Tax period.The tax debt.

Tema two0.The Heritage Tax: Concept and Nature.Taxable fact.The passive subjects.Taxable base.Tax debt.Tax management.

Tema two1. Yompuesto sobre sucesiones y donaciones.Taxable fact.Taxpayers and responsible for the tax.Taxable base Normas especiales sobre ciertos bienes y derechos.Liquidable base.Tax debt.Formal obligations.Tax management.

Tema twotwo. Yompuesto sobre el valor añadido.nature and scope of aplication.Taxable fact.Taxpayers and tax payment.Tax type.Deductions and Returns System.Special regimes.Basic rules on tax management.

Tema two3. Yompuesto sobre transmisiones patrimoniales y actos jurídicos documentados.Nature.GENERAL RULES.Standards on Patrimonial Transmissions.

Tema two4. Yompuesto sobre transmisiones patrimoniales y actos jurídicos documentados (continuación).Standards on corporate operations.RULES ON DOCUATED LEGAL ACTS.Tax management.

Tema two5.The financing of Autonomous Communities.The Organic Law on Financing of Autonomous Communities: General Principles.The advice de Política Fiscal y Financiera.Means de las comunidades autónomas. Asignaciones del Fondo de Compensación Yonterterritorial y de los fondos comunitarios.

Tema two6.The tax power of the Autonomous Communities.Its limits.Taxes assigned by the State;Special reference to the normative and management competences of the Autonomous Communities.Participation in non -ceded state taxes.

Tema two7.The taxes of the Autonomous Community of Galicia.The rates: nature;basic norms of your legal regime;main assumptions.Public prices.

Tema two8.Local haciendas: its resources.Taxes: General rules. Yomposición y ordenación.Municipal taxes on real estate and economic activities.Reference to other municipal taxes.

Tema two9. ElCourt de Cuentas.Galicia Accounts Council. La Ley 6/1985, de two4 de junio , delGalicia Accounts Council.Competencies.Organization y funcionamiento.

Criminal law

Topic 1.CONCEPT OF CRIMINAL LAW.Sources of Criminal Law.The Criminal Code: Structure.Application of criminal norms in time and space. Yonterpretación de las normas penales.

Tema two.General Theory del delito.Crime concept in the Spanish Criminal Code.Its elements.Action, typicity, unlawfulness, guilt and punishability.

Theme 3.Circumstances that exempt criminal responsibility.Examination of mitigating, aggravating and mixed circumstances in the Criminal Code.

Theme 4.Crime life.The exceptionality in the punishment of provocation, proposition and conspiracy.Tentative of crime.The consummated crime.

Topic 5.The active subject of crime.Authors and accomplices.The penitentiary responsibility of legal persons.The cover -up.

Topic 6.Forms de aparición del delito.The continued crime.The mass crime.CRIME CONTEST: REAL CONTEST AND IDEAL CONTEST.Law Contest.

Topic 7.General Theory de la pena.Lessons de penas.Rules of application application.Security measures.

Topic 8.The extinction of criminal responsibility.Civil liability derived from criminal responsibility;Special reference to the subsidiary civil liability of public administrations.Procedural costs.Other accessory consequences of criminal responsibility.

Topic 9.Special Part of Criminal Law.Fundamental aspects of crimes against life and physical and moral integrity;Special reference to gender violence.Fundamental aspects of crimes against freedom, sexual freedom, against honor and intimacy.Failure to provide relief.

Topic 10.Crimes against heritage and socioeconomic order.Brief reference to theft, theft, extortion and usurpations and damage.

Tema eleven.Crimes against workers' rights.Crimes against territory management.Criminal Protection of Historical Heritage.Crimes against natural resources and the environment.

Topic 1two.Fire crime.Falsehoods.Crimes against the Administration of Justice.

Topic 13. Delitos contra la Administración pública (Yo).Concept of authority and public official for criminal purposes.Prevarication.Abandonment of destiny and duty to pursue certain crimes.Disobedience and denial of help. Yonfidelidad en la custodia de documentos y violación de secretos.

Topic 14. Delitos contra la Administración pública (YoYo).Bribery.Embezzlement.Influence peddling. Fraudes y exacciones ileGales.Negotiations and activities prohibited to officials and abuses in the exercise of their function.

Topic 15.Crimes against Public Treasury and against Social Security.The fiscal crime and subsidy fraud.

Topic 16.Special criminal laws.The relations between the criminal jurisdiction and the sanctioning power of the administration;especially the principle non bis in idem.


(Name and surname of the aspiring person)..........................................................................,

residing in....................................................................................................................,

con NYoF/NYoE/pasaporte.........................................., he declares, for the purpose of being appointed official of the Superior Corps of General Administration of the Autonomous Community of Galicia, subgroup A1, scale of lawyers, that it has not been fired/or separated/or by disciplinary file of any administration of any administrationPublic or constitutional or statutory body of the Autonomous Communities, nor is it in a situation of absolute or special disqualification for the performance of public jobs or positions by judicial resolution for access to said body or scale.

, de de two0


(Name and surname of the aspiring person)..........................................................................,

residing in..............................................................................................................,

con NYoF/NYoE/pasaporte..........................................., declares, for the purpose of being appointed/or career personnel of the Superior Corps of General Administration of the Autonomous Community of Galicia, subgroup A1, scale of lawyers, that it is not disabled/or in equivalent situation or has been subjected/has been subjected/or to disciplinary or equivalent sanction that prevents, in the state of................................................., in the same terms, access to public employment.

(País y localidad), de de two0



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