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Lucía will fulfill several dreams in 2021: "I am going back to study after 14 years"

The Voice of Galicia

Subscribe Patricia García



This hairdresser from A Coruña is about to move into a house with an orchard, where her three cats and two dogs she has just adopted will be able to run around . In addition, she faces a new adventure: to resume her studies after many years. 01 Jan 2021. Updated at 1:49 p.m.WhatsappMailFacebookTwitterComment ·

«This happens in movies, it doesn't happen in real life. I dont believe it". Lucía Fernández's life changed completely in 2020, and for the better. «On a sentimental level I cannot be happier». She is a hairdresser and she is 33 years old and this is how 2021 begins for her: «I am starting my studies again after 14 years, with a move to a house and adopting two dogs». It will be his first time for many things: «I always wanted to have a dog, but because of work and living in an apartment I didn't see it as possible. Now I finally fulfill a dream ». His two adopted children are Sebastián and Croqueta, who will arrive at their new home in January.

Her 2020 was crazy: she's about to celebrate one year with her boyfriend Javi. Lucía remembers the beginnings of her relationship: «She arrived just at a time when I was not looking for anything. After the quarantine I knelt down in the kitchen and asked him if he wanted to be my boyfriend. At the end of the year the opportunity arose for the two of them to go live in a house in Guísamo: "We both have businesses and if we overcome the quarantine, whatever comes will be like a honeymoon." Now Lucía starts 2021 with a huge Pinterest folder with all the plans for her new home. “I am finally going to be able to have a garden. In spring I want to plant aubergines, zucchini, cherry tomatoes and strawberries," he confesses. "And I would also like to have chickens, but Javi won't let me for now," he says with a smile.

Lucía will fulfill several dreams in 2021: «I return to study after 14 years»

In the adventure of moving into a house, of adopting two dogs (in addition to the three cats the couple already has), Lucía, a native of A Coruña, but with her heart in Miño, faces a new adventure: going back to class after 14 years. She enrolled in a styling cycle to "continue to evolve and improve and to, one day, be a teacher and be able to teach everything that they taught me." Back to class is being exciting and "somewhat hard": "Seeing myself surrounded by 19-year-olds and 20-year-olds when I'm a good age older than them, going back to study, having to bite my tongue with the teachers... But it was very nice, I had desire". Lucía opened Lantana, her hairdresser in Orzán in A Coruña, three years ago: «At work, 2020 was a very hard year. But what is clear to me is that both Eli (her partner in the aesthetics part) and I will fight tooth and nail until we can't anymore. We are clear that we are not going to give up." Lucía believes that things "happen for a reason" and took the 12 grapes hoping that everything in her environment would remain the same: "2021 doesn't goggle me at all, things could happen, but at the level of spirit, it doesn't sink me nor the tattoo».

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