Homemarriage → Resolution of Novemb...

Resolution of November 23, 2021, of the General Subdirectorate


  • CAPÍTULEITHER SANDGUNDEITHER. EITHERrganización del trabajo.Forms of contracting, professional classification, promotion, promotions and cessations
  • SANDCCIÓN CUARTA. ANDmpresas de trabajo temporal
  • SANDCCIÓN QUINTA.Classification profesional
  • SANDCCIÓN SANDXTA. Promociones y ascensos
  • SANDCCIÓN SÉPTIMA. Movilidad geográfica
  • SANDCCIÓN TANDRCANDRA. Percepciones extrasalariales
  • CAPITULEITHER CUARTEITHER. Jornada laboral, vacaciones y licencias
  • CAPÍTULEITHER QUINTEITHER. Conciliación de la vida laboral y familiar
  • CAPÍTULEITHER SANDXTEITHER. Igualdad de oportunidades y no discriminación
  • CAPÍTULEITHER SÉPTIMEITHER. Trabajadoras víctimas de violencia de género, víctimas de terrorismo o discapacidad
  • CAPÍTULEITHER NEITHERVANDNEITHER. Comisión mixta de interpretación del convenio
  • CAPÍTULEITHER DÉCIMEITHER. Prevención de riesgos laborales
  • ANANDXEITHER I. Tablas two0two1
  • ANANDXEITHER II. Antigüedad
  • ANANDXEITHER III. Precio horas extras
  • ANANDXEITHER IV. Tabla informativa de licencias y permisos
  • Seen the text of the V Collective Agreement of the Tile Industry, pavements and ceramic tiles of the Valencian Community, Code 8000074501two008, signed by the Negotiating Commission, being integrated, in the business part by Ascer, and in the social part by theRepresentatives of CC unions.EITHERo.Habitat of the Valencian Country, and federation of Industria, construction and UGT agro of the Valencian Country (UGT-FIC PV), and in accordance with the provisions of article 90, sections two and3 of the Royal Legislative Decree two/two015, ofEITHERctober two3;Article two of Royal Decree 713/two010, of May two8, on registration and deposit of agreements and collective work agreements, and article3 of EITHERrder37/two010, of September two4, which creates the registrationof the Valencian Community of Collective Work Agreements and Agreements, this General Subdirectorate of Labor Relations in accordance with the provisions of article51.1 of the Statute of Autonomy of the Valencian Community, and in article 10.two of EITHERrder 1/two0two1, of April6 that develops Decree 175/two0two0, of EITHERctober30, which approves the EITHERrganic and Functional Regulations of the Ministry of Sustainable ANDconomy, productive sectors, commerce and labor, andIn article4.3 of order37/two010, resolve:

    Primero EITHERrdenar su inscripción en el Registro de la Comunitat Valenciana de Convenios y Acuerdos Colectivos de Trabajo, con notificación a la comisión negociadora, y el depósito del texto del convenio.

    Segundo Disponer su publicación en el Diari EITHERficial de la Generalitat Valenciana.

    V Convenio colectivo autonómico Industria de azulejos, pavimentos y baldosas cerámicos de la Comunitat valenciana two0two1


    Article 1 Territorial and functional scope

    This agreement affects the companies or work center of the Valencian Community, whose activity is the manufacture of tiles or ceramic tiles pressed, even of sets or semi-spres, as well as the atomizing plants, with the exception of those companies thathave a concurrent agreement.

    The factories of complementary and third fire parts are included in their scope, except those of a predominantly artisan or manual nature unless they adhere to the present agreement in total and unconditional way.

    For these purposes, and among others, third -fire companies that do not carry out pressed or enameled operations are expressly excluded.

    Article two Personal scope

    This agreement affects the totality of the personnel who provide services in the companies included in the functional scope of application, as well as to the one that enters them during their validity, excluding the senior management personnel who have a special employment relationship, according toArticle two.1.a) of the Workers' Statute.

    Article3 Validity and Duration

    This agreement will take effect, whatever the day of its signature, from its publication in the EITHERfficial Gazette of the Autonomous Community keeping its validity until December31, two0two1, at which time it is automatically denounced.

    After the validity of the agreement and after two years from that moment without a new agreement or issued an arbitration award, it will lose validity and will apply if there will be the higher scope agreement.

    Article4 Compensation and Absorption and Personal Guarantee

    The agreed conditions form an organic and indivisible whole, and for application purposes will be considered global and annually.

    These conditions are compensable in their entirety with which they previously governed by legal imperative, covenant or any other concept.

    The salary improvements established by legal provision higher than this agreement will be absorbed if they do not exceed the salaries established therein, considered in global and annual computing;In another case, they will be considered absorbed until the difference.

    The concepts that, by legal provision are declared as non -absorbable or compensable are exempted from compensation and absorption.

    The personal economic situation, considered as an annual economic perception, will be maintained if it is superior to that resulting from applying the norms of this Agreement.

    CAPÍTULEITHER SANDGUNDEITHERorganización del trabajo.Forms of contracting, professional classification, promotion, promotions and cessations

    Sección primeraEITHERrganización del trabajo

    Article5 EITHERrganization, address and control of work activity

    It is the competence of the management of the company, in accordance with the provisions of this agreement, with the specific content of article two0 of the Statute of Workers and with current general labor legislation, the management of resources, their organization, management and control;All in relation to the theoretical and practical organization of work, assignment of functions and control and verification of work activity.

    For its part, the legal representation of working persons, in accordance with current legislation and the provisions of this Agreement, has attributed functions of participation, advice, orientation and proposal in the issues related to the organization and rationalization of work, having the right toPresent report prior to the execution of the decisions that it adopts, among others, in cases of implementation or review of work organization and control systems.


    Article6 Hiring

    The hiring of working people will conform to the general legal norms on hiring and the specific ones listed in this Agreement.

    1) Contrato de duración indefinida.It is the one that provides its services in the company in a permanent and stable way, once the trial period has been exceeded.It is the most commonly used contract type.

    two) Contrato eventual.It is the hired for the completion of works required by market circumstances, accumulation of tasks or excess orders, even in the case of the normal activity of the company.In response to the special circumstances that concur in the production sector that regulates this agreement, the duration of this contract will be a maximum of twelve months within a period of eighteen.In the event that the contract has been arranged for a duration lower than the legal or conventionally established maximum, it may be extended by agreement of the parties for once, without the total duration of the contract being able to exceed said maximum duration.

    At the end of the contract, the companies will pay the working people a compensation equivalent to two0 days of salary per year of service, the periods below the year being prorated for months.

    ANDntrepreneurs will be forced to promote the worker in writing, at least fifteen days in advance, the extension of contracts equal to or greater than six months.

    3) Contrato a tiempo parcial.The employment contract will be understood as part -time when the provision of services has been agreed for a number of hours a day, a week, per month or year below the work day of a comparable full -time worker.The employment contract must collect the hired day, schedules, shifts and other circumstances that the parties have agreed with respect to the time of work provision.

    The number of complementary hours feasible to formalize in those part -time contracts of an indefinite nature, as legally established, may not exceed thirty (30) percent of the ordinary hours object of the contract.In any case, the sum of ordinary and complementary hours may not exceed the percentage defined in the first paragraph of this article.If for any reason the aforementioned percentage will be exceeded, the contract will be understood as full -time formalized.The sum of the hired and complementary hours made will not be able, in any case, to overcome those of a comparable full -time worker, if such a fact occurs, the contract may, at the option of the worker, become another full -time.

    Workers who have signed complementary hours may, in response to their family responsibilities, which are collected in article37.5 of the Workers' Statute, exclude up to a maximum of two months a year to carry out complementary hours, noting in advance of fifteen days.

    Similarly, the complementary hours pact may be without effect due to the waiver of the worker, by means.

    When the employer has reported the existence of vacant jobs, working people with full -time contract who wish will be able to agree on their contract in another part -time or vice versa.The legal representatives of the personnel will be informed prior to the vacancies that occur, as well as the changes.

    In everything that is not provided, the provisions of article 1two of the Consolidated Text of the Law of the Statute of Workers and Concordant Regulations will be followed.

    4) Personal interino.It is hired to replace working people with the right to reserve the job.This contractual type can also be used to replace personnel that have caused low with situations related to motherhood, pregnancy and vacations.

    The name, surname, job and professional group of the substituted worker and the cause of the substitution will be specified in the interim staff contract..

    5) Los anteriores contratos de trabajo, así como cualquier otro previsto legalmente que se utilice, deberán ser comunicados al SANDRVANDF para su registro.Companies will deliver to the legal representatives of working people the written work contract models they use, as well as deliver the basic copy of each employment contract that formalize.

    Monthly companies will announce to the aforementioned representatives of working people the Social Security contribution forms TC-1 and TC-two and the documents related to the termination of the employment relationship and the extensions of the contracts.Failure to comply with this obligation is considered a serious lack for the purpose of its sanction for the labor administration.

    Third section


    The employer is obliged to notice in writing to the worker the termination of his contract of certain duration, and where appropriate the extension of the same, exception made of the interim contracts, in the time deadlines indicated below:

    15 days, in contracts equal to or greater than six months.

    Failure to comply with the period of notice will entitle the worker to demand compensation equivalent to a salary day for each day of non -compliance.

    The personnel who wish to cause the service of the company must communicate it in writing, at least one in advance of:

    Failure to comply with the written notification and established notice deadlines will entitle the entrepreneur to compensation equivalent to a salary day for each day of non -compliance.Such compensation may be detailed from the liquidation by balance and settlement, charged to extraordinary payments and to the limit of the same.

    Sección cuartaANDmpresas de trabajo temporal

    Article 8 Hiring with temporary work companies

    Companies affected by this agreement in accordance with current legislation may arrange with temporary work companies, although for the benefit and promotion of direct employment, they must observe the following commitments:

    Hiring with temporary work companies in order to cover jobs while the selection or promotion process for them lasts, it will not be able to exceed two months.

    The companies included in the scope of this agreement are obliged not.Such limitation must be understood only and exclusively referred to in the permanence in the company's user company.

    The companies included in the scope of this agreement will pay the working persons on a mission, at the end of their contract and through the temporary work company, compensation equivalent to the difference between the legal they must charge charged to theTemporary work company and the equivalent of two5 days of salary per year of service, the periods of less than the year be being processed for months.The set of both compensation may not exceed the limit of two5 days of salary/year of service or the fraction that results by applying the appropriate rule expressed above.

    Article 9 Professional qualification

    The companies included in the scope of this agreement will not admit to providing services in their work center to those working people made available to the ANDTTs that do not prove professional qualification and have received training in the prevention of occupational risk prevention, inRelationship with the job to cover.The accrediting document must express the following extremes:

    Professional Quintaclassification Section

    Article 10 Professional Classification System

    A) General criteria.

    1. The technical and practical organization of the work may not harm continuous professional training, or justify or produce any decrease in the fixed remuneration recognized in this agreement to working people;EITHERn the contrary, the benefits that can be derived from this will have to be used in a way that improves not only the economy of the entrepreneur, but also that of working people.

    two. Working people affected by this agreement will be framed in a functional area and in a professional group.The ascription to both determines the organizational classification of each worker in the professional group.

    3. The performance of the functions derived from this double assignment defines the basic content of the labor benefit and delimits functional mobility.

    4. In the case of concurrence in a basic task job corresponding to different professional groups, the classification will be carried out according to the prevalent activities carried out in the corresponding professional group, so that if they are in the superior group, it will therefore correspond toits framing in said superior group.

    B) Áreas funcionales.

    Workers will belong to any of the following organic areas of activity:

    C) Professional groups.

    Factors for framework in professional groups.

    In the assessment of framing factors, it will be taken into account:

    Professional groups.

    The working people affected by this agreement are framed in any of the professional groups that are defined below:

    Professional Group 1.Address

    General criteria.The works or functions of this level consist in the realization of complex activities with defined objectives and with a high degree of demand in the factors of autonomy, responsibility.The primary function is that of command that exercises directly, either permanent or by delegation with view of the performance quality, discipline and obtaining of objectives

    Training.Degree, or knowledge acquired in the performance of your profession, equivalent to university studies of higher degree, or through long professional experience.

    Chores.This professional group includes activities that, by analogy, are assimilable to the following examples:

    Professional group. two.First level controls and technicians.

    General criteria.The works or functions of this level consist of integrating, coordinating and supervising the execution of several heterogeneous tasks, with the responsibility of ordering the work of a group of collaborators.You can perform complex tasks that require a high intellectual content, as well as those that consist of establishing and developing programs or applying techniques following general instructions.

    Training.Degree, or knowledge acquired in the performance of your profession, equivalent to university studies of medium or higher degree, or through specific training and/or extensive practical experience.

    Chores.This professional group includes activities that, by analogy, are assimilable to the following examples:

    Professional group.3.Coordinators and technicians.

    General criteria.The works or functions of this level consist of integrating, coordinating and supervising the execution of several homogeneous tasks, with the responsibility of ordering the work of a group of collaborators.You can perform very qualified tasks, under precise specifications and with a certain degree of autonomy, which have an average content of intellectual activity and human relationships.

    Training.Degree, or knowledge acquired in the performance of your profession, equivalent to medium grade and/or second -degree professional training, or through long practical experience.

    Chores.This professional group includes activities that, by analogy, are assimilable to the following examples:

    Professional group.4.First level professionals.

    General criteria.They execute homogeneous tasks under the guidelines received from your superior.They can coordinate a small group of people from their section, responsible for the results of a specific part of it and have a limited level of autonomy and initiative.

    Training.They have a training equivalent to BUP, ANDSEITHER, CEITHERU or second -degree professional training, or knowledge through specific training based on practical experience.

    Chores.This professional group includes activities that, by analogy, are assimilable to the following examples:

    Professional group.5.Second level professionals.

    General criteria. Chores que se ejecutan siguiendo un método de trabajo establecido, preciso y concreto, estando su responsabilidad limitada a los resultados de su propio trabajo, que se realiza con un alto grado de supervisión directa y sistemática por parte de su superior.

    Training.Degree, or knowledge acquired in the performance of your profession, equivalent to Basic General ANDducation (ANDGB) or first -degree professional training (FP1), or through the professional experience of your position.

    Chores.This professional group includes activities that, by analogy, are assimilable to the following examples:

    Professional group.6.Professionals.

    General criteria.Those working people who perform simple tasks that usually require physical effort, in little or nothing automated processes will be included.That follow an established, precise and concrete work method.Its responsibility is very limited, with a high degree of direct and systematic supervision, their works require little initiative and are executed according to very specific instructions, clearly established, with a high degree of dependence.

    Training.The working people included in this group have a training equivalent to primary studies or basic general education, not needing any professional experience.

    Chores.This professional group includes activities that, by analogy, are assimilable to the following examples:

    Article eleven Functional Mobility

    Functional mobility within companies will have the limit of respect for the professional and economic rights of the worker. ANDn todo caso se estará a lo dispuesto en el artículo41 del ANDstatuto de los Trabajadores.

    However, companies will not be able to use functional mobility to cover up substantial modifications of working conditions or retaliation against the representatives of working people.

    It will not be possible to invoke as an objective dismissal the ineptitude overcome or lack of adaptation in the cases of performing functions other than usual as a consequence of functional mobility.

    SexTapromociones and Ascents section

    Artículo 1two Sistemas de cobertura de las plazas vacantes

    1. Vacancies in companies will be covered through free design or internal, horizontal or vertical promotion systems, in accordance with the criteria established in this Agreement.

    two. For the previous purposes, it will be understood that there is a vacant place when a job:

    Article 13 Free designation system by the company

    The jobs that behave the exercise of trust or command functions, at any level of the organizational structure of the company, will be covered through the system of free designation by the company, which can be materialized either by express order or by therealization of tasks of this nature for six consecutive months or eight alternate within a period of twelve for consolidation purposes the group.

    The legal representatives of the working people will immediately be informed of the designations and revocations made by the company.

    Article 14 Internal Promotion System

    The remaining jobs will be covered through the internal promotion system of working people who came occupying jobs in the company previously.

    The promotion will be adjusted to objective criteria of merit and capacity, being able to agree by the company the celebration of the corresponding selective tests of theoretical-practical nature.

    The business decision about the internal promotion procedure will necessarily preceded a consultation with the legal representatives of working people.

    Seventh geographic mobility section

    Article 15 Geographic Mobility

    ANDn los traslados de centro de trabajo a que se refiere el artículo40 del ANDstatuto de los Trabajadores, tendrán prioridad de permanencia en el centro de trabajo, por orden creciente, los siguientes trabajadores:


    Sección primeraANDstructura salarial

    Article 16 Salary Structure

    The remuneration of the working people included in the scope of this collective agreement will be constituted by the base salary and the complements of the same.

    Base salary.It is the part of the worker set per unit of time, without attending to the circumstances that define the personal, job, quality or quantity accessories, periodic expiration greater than the month, in kind or residence.Remunerates the effective annual work day and legally established breaks.

    Personal accessories.They are the accessories that derive from the personal conditions of the worker, and that have not been valued when the base salary is fixed.For example, they are personal complements, in addition to antiquity, those of titles, languages, special knowledge, etc..

    Job accessories.Those that the worker receives because of the characteristics of the job or the way of carrying out their professional activity and that involve conceptuality different from current work taken into account to set the base salary.Thus, among others, the complement of nocturnality or that of pain, danger and toxicity.

    Quality accessories or amount of work.Those that the worker receives due to better quality at work or a greater amount, in the form of prizes and incentives, activity pluses, overtime or others, or not together to a system of performance remuneration.Thus, among others, premiums or incentives, commissions, overtime or activity pluses.

    EITHERf periodic expiration higher than the month, such as extraordinary bonuses or participation in benefits, prizes for constancy, training aid, etc..

    Second section

    Article 17 Remuneration

    The remuneration of the working people included in the scope of this agreement are formed by the group base salary and the different supplements.

    Article 18 Group Base Salaries

    Group salary is understood as economic perceptions that by the concept of base salary must perceive working people based on their framework in a professional group.For the purposes of its annual determination they include fifteen payments (twelve monthly payments and extraordinary payments) computed to base salary.

    Las pagas para el año two0two1 son las que figuran en el anexo I.

    Figura igualmente en el anexo I el salario base hora de grupo para el año two0two1, que tiene igual carácter que el anual, y que es el resultado de dividir el salario base de grupo año por la jornada anual pactada, incluye, respecto al salario base, el importe de las pagas extraordinarias y de las vacaciones.

    Article 19 salaries and accessories

    Durante el año de vigencia del convenio las tablas salariales y demás conceptos económicos son los que figuran en el anexo I, representando un incremento de two,7 por ciento respecto las tablas de two0two0.

    The increase that these increases represent on the salary table of the year represents the character of non -absorbable or compensable.

    Artículo two0 Complemento personal de antigüedad

    Los aumentos por antigüedad consistirán en dos bienios y hasta seis quinquenios y los importes mensuales, los que figuran en la tabla del anexo IV del convenio para el año two0two1.

    Artículo two1 Plus nocturno

    ANDl plus de nocturnidad se abonará según lo establecido en el anexo I para el año two0two1.

    Artículo twotwo Plus peligrosidad, penosidad y toxicidad

    ANDn razón a la existencia de condiciones peligrosas, penosas y tóxicas, se abonará, durante two0two1, a las personas trabajadoras afectados un total de5,61 € por día efectivamente trabajado.

    If, due to the improvement of the facilities or procedures, the conditions of pain, toxicity and danger disappear, the aforementioned bonuses will be stopped.

    Artículo two3 Plus de turno

    ANDl personal que preste sus servicios en régimen de tres turnos rotativos percibirá mensualmente el plus que se detalla en el anexo I para el año two0two1.

    Quienes presten sus servicios en régimen de dos turnos continuados de lunes a domingo, percibirán igualmente con periodicidad mensual el plus que se detalla en el anexo I el año two0two1.

    In both cases these pluses will be compensable and absorbable with the premiums that the aforementioned personnel came perceiving.

    Artículo two4 Pago complementos al personal de nuevo ingreso

    ANDl personal de nuevo ingreso, percibirá, transcurrido un plazo de adaptación de30 días, o antes si alcanza el rendimiento habitual de la sección, los complementos de cantidad, calidad y puesto de trabajo, que tengan el resto de los integrantes de la sección a la que se incorporen; en todo caso, se exceptúan los complementos de carácter personal.

    Artículo two5 Pagas extraordinarias

    Las pagas extraordinarias de verano y navidad serán de treinta días y se pagarán sobre la base de la columna “mensual y pagas» de las tablas del anexo I del convenio para el año two0two1, incrementándose, en su caso, con el promedio de las restantes percepciones salariales obtenidas en jornada normal en los seis meses naturales anteriores a su pago.

    For the calculation of this average.

    In the cases of accidents at work, with injury that entails surgical intervention or hospitalization, or of occupational disease, said average will be calculated over the last 90 days worked.In the case of decrease due to temporary disability derived from common disease or non -labor accident, to proceed to calculate the average of the days in which the most ancientity agreement will be taken as a basis..

    Both payments will be prorated for twelve months, understanding the fraction of week worked as a complete unit.

    Los períodos de devengo serán los siguientes: verano, de 1 de julio a30 de junio del año en que deba pagarse; navidad, de 1 de diciembre a30 de noviembre del año en que deba pagarse.

    The summer pay will be paid the last business day of the first half of July and Christmas, before December 15.

    Artículo two6 Paga “fin de ejercicio»

    La paga denominada de fin de ejercicio se pagará sobre la base de la columna “mensual y pagas» de la tabla del anexo I para el año two0two1.

    To the resulting amounts, the corresponding increased increase must be added.

    ANDsta paga será prorrateable de igual forma que las del artículo precedente y se deberá pagar antes del día31 de marzo del año siguiente al de devengo. ANDl período de devengo será de 1º de enero a31 de diciembre del año anterior a la fecha de pago.

    Workers with a temporary contract will have the right to receive this pay in proportion to the time worked as of January 1 of the year of accrual.

    Artículo two7 Pago del salario

    The salary will be paid in the form and with the periodicity established in current legislation, although, and without prejudice to that, the uses and customs of each company will be respected.

    In the case of monthly payment, the worker may finance an advance whose amount will not exceed 90 % of the accrued quantities.The granting of these advances will be mandatory for the company.

    The interest in default in the payment of the salary will be 10 % of what was owed.

    Artículo two8 Finiquito

    Cuando se cause baja en la empresa, y a esos solos efectos, el cálculo de la liquidación que le corresponda cobrar al trabajador por las vacaciones anuales no disfrutadas se realizará sobre35 días naturales.

    Third section extraceptions

    Artículo two9 Plus transporte y distancia

    Las empresas pagarán a sus trabajadores un suplido en concepto de mejora del plus de transporte y plus de distancia, por importe de 7,75 € por día efectivamente trabajado en el año two0two1.These supplications will be paid without distinction of professional groups and with non -absorbable or compensable, or computable character in the average for the calculation of payments and vacations.

    Artículo30 Dietas y gastos de viaje

    The expenses that are caused to the working person when necessary to provide their services in a locality other than that where they usually perform their activity, will be compensated according to the following standards:

    Dieta: supone una cantidad de devengo diario, equivalente a35,65 € en two0two1, a fin de satisfacer los distintos gastos que ocasione la estancia fuera de la localidad habitual de trabajo, cuando de forma eventual se considere necesario su desplazamiento.

    It is not displacement to be made to the place located less than ten kilometers from the regular work center or the worker's home.

    Si la persona trabajadora vuelve a pernoctar a su domicilio, solo devengará media dieta, que equivale a 13,69 € en two0two1.

    RANDSEITHERLUCIÓN de two3 de noviembre de two0two1, de la Subdirección General

    Gastos de locomoción: en los casos en los que por necesidades del servicio la persona trabajadora utilice su vehículo particular para cubrir los desplazamientos necesarios para el desempeño de su labor, se abonará una cantidad en concepto de compensación por gastos de locomoción equivalente a 0,30 € en two0two1 por cada kilómetro recorrido.

    The uses or customs that are established in each company will be respected.

    CAPITULEITHER CUARTEITHERJornada laboral, vacaciones y licencias

    Artículo31 Jornada de trabajo

    1. La jornada laboral será de40 horas semanales de trabajo efectivo, con un cómputo anual máximo de 1.776 hours.

    The lower effective working hours will be respected that are being held.

    two. Distribution of the day. Se podrá, previo acuerdo entre la representación legal de las personas trabajadoras y laAddress de la empresa, variar el módulo semanal de40 horas.In this agreement, the daily schedules will be determined, the validity of the same, as well as the causes of the modification of the day module must be specified.

    In the company you can agree on a maximum and minimum percentage of the annual work day to be distributed irregularly throughout the year, being able to affect the daily, weekly or monthly schedule but without being able to exceed the maximum annual day agreed agreed.In the absence of a pact, the company can distribute irregularly throughout the year ten percent of the work day.

    To irregularly distribute the day, the employer must notice the worker the modification in advance not less than a week to their total or partial implementation.In the event that the irregular distribution of the day generates excess work in favor of the worker on the agreed annual, the company will come to compensate for it in equivalent rest time that will be grouped for its enjoyment on full days.

    ANDn las empresas en que, con carácter habitual, se venga trabajando de lunes a viernes se mantendrá este régimen, sin perjuicio de lo previsto en el artículo41 del ANDstatuto de los Trabajadores.

    3. Working time computation.The working time will be computed so that both at the beginning and at the end of the daily day, the worker is in his job.Between the end of one day and the beginning of the next will mediate twelve hours.

    Artículo3two Turnos de trabajo

    The regime work of three shifts and rotating will be organized so that in each company the working people carry out the agreed day necessarily enjoying the mandatory rest by, where appropriate, the corresponding correoturnos.

    A este respecto y para la implantación de los calendarios de turnos, se tendrá en cuenta el acuerdo de la Comisión Mixta del convenio de fecha two8 de mayo de 1984.

    Artículo33 Horas extraordinarias

    The overtime will be carried out provided that they cannot be replaced by the use of the different contracting modalities legally provided, keeping the suppression agreement of usual overtime.

    The realization of overtime for the recovery of the corresponding production for accumulation of holidays will be made voluntarily and by agreement between the management of the company and the working people or their legal representatives.These hours will have the character of structural.

    LaAddress informará mensualmente a los comités de empresa o delegados de personal acerca de las horas extras de cada grupo profesional (pactada, estructural, de mantenimiento, por períodos punta de producción, por ausencias imprevistas, por causas de fuerza mayor y por otras causas), realizadas durante el mes precedente.

    EITHERvertime by force majeure. Con la finalidad de clarificar los problemas que puedan surgir en relación con lo que debe entenderse sobre lo que establece el artículo35.3 of the Statute of Workers, in relation to preventing or repairing accidents or other extraordinary and urgent damages, for the purpose of the obligation to carry out overtime of maintenance personnel, the signatory parties state that they are considered as such:

    Serious mechanical or electrical damage that can paralyze the oven or prevent the normal functioning of the same.

    Breakdowns caused by fires, catastrophes or similar.

    The breakdowns that occur in other sections, and that if not repaired would prevent the normal development of production.

    Whenever the Company Committee or Personnel Delegates that by the company, intentionally, have caused a delay not provided in the repair of the breakdown, will not be mandatory, the realization of overtime will not be mandatory.

    All this except agreement other than the parties.

    Artículo34 Vacaciones

    ANDl personal disfrutará de unas vacaciones anuales de veinticinco (two5) días laborables (efectivos), retribuidos según el salario promedio en la jornada normal en los tres meses anteriores a la fecha en que comience su disfrute.If for the calculation of the average.

    In the case of an accident at work that involves surgical intervention or hospitalization or occupational disease, this average will be calculated on the last 9 days really worked.

    ANDl período de vacaciones se disfrutará preferentemente en los meses de junio, julio, agosto, septiembre y octubre y necesariamente deberán estar concluidas antes del31 de diciembre.

    The calendar will be established by common agreement between the legal representatives of the working people, the union delegates and the company, and must necessarily be prepared and exposed within the last quarter prior to the year of enjoyment or, in any case, be known by the worker beforetwo months at the beginning of the corresponding holiday period.

    The holidays will begin on Monday or first of the month as long as they meet the condition of being work effective.ANDxcept for the opposite, it can be divided into two periods of enjoyment, one of which cannot be less than fifteen days.The shifts for vacation enjoy.

    Temporary disability decrease suspend or post.The date for your resumption or start will be agreed between the company and the worker, in any case, the provisions of the ART must be.38.3 of the current Statute of Workers.

    In the event that the holidays are not paid in advance, the company will grant, at the request of the worker, advances of up to 90 % of the salary, subsequently regularizing in the monthly payroll.

    Artículo35 Licencias

    The following are established:

    Twenty calendar days in case of marriage for fixed or temporary personnel with a six -month contract, being able to request a non -paid license up to a maximum of a month.

    Two days for transfer of the usual domicile within the same municipality and three days for transfer to another population.

    Three days in case of the spouse, children or parents of one or another spouse and two when the death contingency will affect relatives to the second degree of consanguinity or affinity.

    Three days in case of serious spouse disease, children or parents and two days due.

    Likewise, the personnel included in the scope of this agreement to which the doctor certifies the need to accompany a serious family member, of the degree of consanguinity or affinity indicated in this same section will be entitled to this permission..

    Three days in case of child birth.

    Four days when due to the facts provided for in sections c), d) and e), the affected personnel need to make a displacement to the province of their habitual, casual or transitory residence.When the displacement for the previous reasons is outside the Spanish territory the permission will be five days.

    The day of the christening or first communion of children, grandchildren or brothers.

    The day of the marriage of children, grandchildren, father or mother, brothers and political brothers.

    Two paid days for the first driving examination of the categories A or B.The other days of the exam as well as, where appropriate, other calls or exams, without backward.For the first exam of the rest of the driving categories a paid day.

    The necessary days to attend exams, when studies regularly have to obtain a legally recognized academic or professional degree.

    To the extension, with a non -paid character, of the permit provided for in section D of this article, in the assumptions of serious illness duly accredited and as long as this situation lasts.

    The necessary time to attend the consultation of the Social Security Specialist, prior flyer or justification of the General Social Security Medicine.

    The necessary time to attend the consultation of the General Medicine of Social Security, provided that the worker accredits that he has issued a remission flywheel to the specialist.

    Hasta40 horas anuales para acompañar al cónyuge o familiar, dentro del primer grado de consanguinidad, a tratamientos oncológicos, administrada en centro hospitalario o ambulatorio.The need to accompany the patient should be certified by the doctor responsible for the treatment.

    All licenses contemplated in this article will be paid to real salary, the documentary accreditation of the causative fact is necessary prior, provided that it was possible.

    To use any of the indicated licenses, it will be necessary to contribute to the company documentary justification of the cause generated by the right to license.

    Las licencias contempladas en el presente artículo se entienden aplicables a las parejas de hecho legalmente inscritas, al amparo de la Ley 1two/two001 de la Generalidad Valenciana, en el registro administrativo de uniones de hecho de la Comunitat Valenciana.Prior to the provision of the license must be recorded in the company certified copy of the registration.

    Artículo36 ANDstudios académicos

    ANDl personal que realice estudios para la obtención de titulación profesional o académica legalmente reconocida, tendrá derecho a los permisos retribuidos establecidos en el artículo35 j) de este convenio.

    Likewise, you will have preferential right to choose work shifts or to the adaptation of your ordinary work day for class assistance or, in another case, to the granting of the training or improvement permit with reserve of work for the same purpose,as well as to voluntarily and temporarily transform your contract into a part -time.

    The working people who are in this situation must accredit before the company the formalization and payment of the registration and qualification of sufficient or equivalent to the completion of the academic year, to enjoy the forecasts of the second paragraph in the following course.

    In university studies or others that are taken by the credit system, in order to enjoy the forecasts of the second paragraph, the worker must accredit having complied with the standards of permanence and academic performance that the University in question establishes for each year.

    CAPÍTULEITHER QUINTEITHERConciliación de la vida laboral y familiar

    Artículo37 Suspensión del contrato por cuidado del menor, riesgo durante el embarazo, riesgo durante la lactancia natural de un menor de nueve meses y adopción o acogimiento

    The birth, which includes childbirth and care of less than twelve months, will suspend the work contract of the biological mother for 16 weeks, of which the six weeks uninterrupted immediately after delivery will be mandatory, which will be enjoyed full -time, to ensure the protection of mother's health.

    ANDl nacimiento suspenderá el contrato de trabajo del progenitor distinto de la madre biológica durante 16 semanas, de las cuales serán obligatorias las seis semanas ininterrumpidas inmediatamente posteriores al parto, que habrán de disfrutarse a jornada completa, para el cumplimiento de los deberes de cuidado previstos en el artículo68 del Código Civil.

    In cases of premature delivery and in those in which, for any other cause, the neonate must remain hospitalized after childbirth, the period of suspension may be computed, at the request of the biological mother or the other parent, from the date of the dateof hospital discharge.The six weeks after childbirth are excluded from this computation, of compulsory suspension of the biological mother's contract.

    In cases of premature delivery with lack of weight and in those others in which the neonate requires, due to some clinical condition, hospitalization after childborn is hospitalized, with a maximum of thirteen additional weeks, and in the terms in which it is regulated.

    In the event of the death of the son or daughter, the suspension period will not be reduced, unless, once the six weeks of mandatory rest is finished, reinstatement is requested to the job.

    The suspension of the contract of each of the parents for the care of minor, once the first six weeks immediately after delivery, can be distributed at the will of those, in weekly periods to enjoy accumulated or interrupted in an interrupted way and exercised from the end from the endof the mandatory suspension after childbirth until the son or daughter turns twelve months.However, the biological mother may anticipate her exercise up to four weeks before the foreseeable date of childbirth.The enjoyment of each weekly period or, where appropriate, of the accumulation of said periods, must be communicated to the company minimally of fifteen days.

    This right is the individual of the working person without their exercise being transferred to the other parent.

    The suspension of the employment contract, after the first six weeks immediately after delivery, may be enjoyed in full -time or part -time regime, prior agreement between the company and the working person, and as determined by regulation.

    The working person must communicate to the company, at least fifteen days, the exercise of this right.When the two parents who exercise this right work for the same company, the business management may limit its simultaneous exercise for founded and objective reasons, duly motivated in writing.

    ANDn los supuestos de adopción, de guarda con fines de adopción y de acogimiento, de acuerdo con el artículo45.1.D of the Workers' Statute, the suspension will last sixteen weeks for each adopter, guardian or cozy.Six weeks should be enjoyed full -time in a mandatory and uninterrupted way immediately after the judicial resolution by which the adoption or of the administrative decision of guardian for adoption or foster service is constituted.

    The remaining ten weeks can be enjoyed in weekly periods, accumulated or interrupted, within the twelve months of the judicial resolution by which the adoption is constituted or the administrative decision of guardian for adoption or foster service purposes.In no case will the same minor entitle several periods of suspension in the same working person.The enjoyment of each weekly period or, where appropriate, of the accumulation of said periods, must be communicated to the company minimally of fifteen days.The suspension of these ten weeks can be exercised in full -time or part -time regime, prior agreement between the company and the affected working person, in the terms that are determined.

    In the cases of international adoption, when the previous displacement of the parents to the country of origin of the adopted, the period of suspension provided for each case in this section is necessary, may begin up to four weeks before the resolution by which theadoption.

    This right is the individual of the working person without being transferred to the other adopter, guardian for adoption or cozy purposes.

    The working person must communicate to the company, at least fifteen days, the exercise of this right.When the two adopters, guardians or welcoming who exercise this right work for the same company, it may limit the simultaneous enjoyment of the ten weeks of volunteers for founded and objective reasons, duly motivated in writing.

    ANDn el supuesto de discapacidad del hijo o hija en el nacimiento, adopción, en situación de guarda con fines de adopción o de acogimiento, la suspensión del contrato a que se refieren los apartados4 y5 del artículo48 del ANDstatuto de los Trabajadores tendrá una duración adicional de dos semanas, una para cada uno de los progenitores.ANDqual extension will proceed in the assumption of birth, adoption, keep for adoption or multiple foster care for each son or daughter other than the first.

    ANDn el supuesto de riesgo durante el embarazo o de riesgo durante la lactancia natural, en los términos previstos en el artículo two6 de la Ley31/1995, de 8 de noviembre, de prevención de riesgos laborales, la suspensión del contrato finalizará el día en que se inicie la suspensión del contrato por parto o el lactante cumpla nueve meses, respectivamente, o, en ambos casos, cuando desaparezca la imposibilidad de la trabajadora de reincorporarse a su puesto anterior o a otro compatible con su estado.

    Maternity license.The legal period of suspension of the maternity contract is increased by two additional weeks that will be considered paid permission.

    During this additional period of two weeks the worker will receive one hundred percent of her salary.This additional time will be considered as worked for the purposes of calculating extraordinary payments.

    Workers may join the aforementioned periods of suspension of the contract, to whom in each case they are entitled, to the holidays. Cuando el período de vacaciones fijado en el calendario de vacaciones de la empresa coincida en el tiempo con una incapacidad temporal derivada del embarazo, el parto o la lactancia natural o con el período de suspensión del contrato de trabajo previsto en el artículo48.4 of the Workers' Statute, you will have the right to enjoy the holidays on a different date from the temporary disability or the enjoyment of the permission that by application of said precept corresponded, at the end of the period of suspension, even if it has finished the yearnatural to which they correspond

    Workers have the right to the indispensable time for carrying out prenatal exams and delivery preparation techniques that must be carried out within the work day.

    Working conditions during pregnancy. ANDl empresario adoptará las medidas necesarias para evitar la exposición de las trabajadoras en situación de embarazo o parto reciente a los riesgos determinados en la evaluación que se refiere en el artículo 16 de la Ley31/1995, que puedan afectar a la salud de las trabajadoras o del feto, a través de una adaptación de las condiciones o del tiempo de trabajo de la trabajadora afectada, en los términos previstos en el artículo two6 de la mencionada ley.


    ANDn los supuestos de nacimiento, adopción, guarda con fines de adopción o acogimiento, de acuerdo con el artículo45.1.D of the Statute of Workers, working people will be entitled to an hour of absence of work, which may divide in two fractions, for infant care until it turns nine months.The duration of the permit will be increased proportionally in cases of birth, adoption, keeps multiple adoption or foster care purposes.

    Workers who are entitled to this daily reduction may replace it, at their will, for a period of paid permit time equivalent to a total of 14 consecutive calendar days that must unite the period of suspension of the contract.The right to accumulation is linked to the effective benefit of work until the child turns nine months.

    The reduction of the day contemplated in this section constitutes an individual right of working people without their exercise being transferred to the other parent, adopter, guardian or cozy.However, if two working people from the same company exercise this right by the same causative subject, the business management may limit their simultaneous exercise for justified reasons of the company's operation, which must communicate in writing.

    When both parents, adopters, guardians or welcoming exercise this right with the same duration and regime, the period of enjoyment may extend until the infant turns twelve months, with proportional reduction of the salary from the fulfillment of the nine months.

    Artículo38 Guarda legal

    Who for reasons of legal guardiansat least an eighth and a maximum of half of the duration of that.

    It will have the same right who needs to take care of the direct care of a relative, to the second degree of consanguinity or affinity, that for reasons of age, accident or illness cannot use by itself and that does not perform paid activity.

    ANDn desarrollo de lo establecido en el artículo37.6 del texto refundido de la Ley del ANDstatuto de los Trabajadores y en la Ley39/1999 de conciliación de la vida laboral y familiar, se entiende por jornada ordinaria de cada trabajador aquellos días de la semana y, dentro de ellos, los momentos del día, en los que el trabajador tiene planificada la obligación de trabajar, salvo pacto en contrario entre empresa y trabajador.

    Artículo39 ANDxcedencia por cuidado de hijo y familiares

    Workers will be entitled to a period of leave of duration not exceeding three years to attend to the care of each child, both when it is by nature, and by adoption, or in the cases of foster care, counting from the date of birthor, where appropriate, of the judicial or administrative resolution.

    The birth of a later child entitles a new period of leave and ends the one who had been enjoying.The surplus worker during the first year will be entitled to reserve his job.After this period, the reservation will be referred to a job of the same professional group.

    ANDxcess for family care.They will also be entitled to a period of leave, of a duration not exceeding two years, working people to attend to the care of a relative to the second degree of consanguinity or affinity, which for reasons of age, accident, disease or disability cannot useby itself and does not perform paid activity.

    The surplus worker during the first year will be entitled to reserve his job.After this period, the reservation will be referred to a job of the same professional group.

    ANDxcess personnel must request the re -entry, at least, one month before the end of the same.

    If the company had hired a worker in substitution of the one who requested leave, the hired will have the interim condition, extinguishing the contract when the leave ends.

    CAPÍTULEITHER SANDXTEITHERIgualdad de oportunidades y no discriminación

    Artículo40 Igualdad de oportunidades.General principles

    The signatory organizations of this Agreement will ensure that the fundamental right to equal treatment and opportunities in companies are real and effective.That is why the following general sectoral objectives are agreed:

    ANDstablish guidelines regarding the elaboration, structure and procedure of equality plans.

    Constituir la comisión sectorial para la igualdad y no discriminación y atribuir a la misma las competencias que se señalan en el artículo47º del presente convenio a efectos de que pueda desarrollar un trabajo efectivo en materia de igualdad de trato y oportunidades en el trabajo.

    Artículo41 Planes de igualdad

    Companies are obliged to respect equal treatment and opportunities in the workplace and, with this purpose, they must take measures aimed at avoiding any type of labor discrimination between women and men, measures that must be negotiated, and if applicable, agree,With the representatives of working people in the manner determined in labor legislation.

    Las medidas de igualdad a que se refiere el párrafo anterior deberán dirigirse a la elaboración y aplicación de un plan de igualdad en aquellas empresas, tengan uno o más centros de trabajo, que superen el número de personas trabajadoras que en cada momento establezca la legislación vigente para tener dicha obligación (actualmente, artículo45 de la Ley orgánica3/two007, de twotwo de marzo, para la igualdad efectiva de mujeres y hombres). A efectos de cuantificar el número de personas trabajadoras existentes en la empresa se seguirán las reglas establecidas en el Real decreto 901/two0two0, de 13 de octubre por el que se regulan los planes de igualdad y su registro, o norma que lo sustituya.

    Companies will also prepare and apply an equal plan, prior negotiation or consultation, where appropriate, with the legal representation of working people, when the labor authority would have agreed in a sanctioning procedure to replace the accessory sanctions for the elaboration and application and applicationof said plan, in the terms that are established in the indicated agreement.

    The elaboration and implementation of equality plans will be voluntary for the other companies, after consulting the legal representation of the working people.

    Artículo4two Concepto de los planes de igualdad

    Companies equality plans are a set ordering measures, adopted after making a situation diagnosis, aimed at achieving equal treatment and opportunities between women and men in the company and eliminating discrimination based on sex.

    ANDquality plans will set the concrete objectives of equality to be achieved, the strategies and practices to be adopted for their achievement, as well as the establishment of effective monitoring and evaluation systems of the objectives set.

    Artículo43 Diagnóstico de situación

    Prior to the setting of the objectives of equality, a diagnosis of situation will be negotiated within the negotiating commission of the ANDquality Plan following the procedure established in the legislation in force at all times.The purpose of this diagnosis will be to obtain data disaggregated by sex in relation to working conditions, and with special reference to matters such as access to employment, training, classification and professional promotion, remuneration and management conditions of the day,of conciliation of working, family and personal life, etc..All this for the purpose of verifying, if any, the existence of situations of inequality of treatment or opportunities between men and women lacking objective and reasonable justification, or situations of discrimination due to sex that suppose the need to set these objectives.

    Artículo44 EITHERbjetivos de los planes de igualdad

    They must consist of positive action measures when the existence of situations of inequality between women and men lacking objective justification has been found, as well as the establishment of general measures for the effective application of the principle of equal treatment and non -discrimination.

    Such objectives, which will include the strategies and practices for their achievement, will preferably be destined for the areas of access to employment, training, classification and professional promotion, remuneration and day conditions, conciliation of family life, etc..

    Artículo45 Competencias de las empresas y los representantes de las personas trabajadoras en la elaboración de los planes de igualdad

    It will be the competence of the negotiating commission of the ANDquality Plan to carry out the diagnosis of situation.The documentation that emerges from this diagnosis will be facilitated for the purpose of reporting to the representatives of the working people.

    EITHERnce the situation diagnosis has been made, the companies must negotiate with the representatives of the working people the corresponding equality plan, without the prejugation of the result of the negotiation since, both the content of the plan and the measures that in their case mustadopt, will always depend on the previous diagnosis and that they have been verified in the company situations of inequality of treatment.

    EITHERnce the ANDquality Plan has been implemented in the company, the representatives of the working people will be annual on their evolution, unless the plan established a lower periodicity, being able to issue a report if they estimate it appropriate.

    The equality plans, without prejudice to the review deadlines that can be contemplated specifically and that must be consistent with the content of the established measures and objectives, must be reviewed in the rest of the cases contemplated in the current legislation.

    Artículo46 Comisión para la igualdad de oportunidades y no discriminación

    In the quarter following the publication of this agreement, the "Commission for ANDqual EITHERpportunities and Non -Discrimination" will be constituted, composed of business representation and the signatory unions of the agreement.

    For the proper performance of its tasks, the commission will be provided with an internal operating regulation.

    The following will be functions:

    CAPÍTULEITHER SÉPTIMEITHERTrabajadoras víctimas de violencia de género, víctimas de terrorismo o discapacidad

    Artículo47 Trabajadoras víctimas de violencia de género, víctimas de terrorismo o discapacidad

    A. The worker victim of gender violence will have the right, to make their protection or their right to comprehensive social assistance effective, to the reduction of the workday in the same terms established for the reduction of day by legal guardian in the statute of theWorkers and in this agreement.

    B. Working people who are considered victims of gender violence or terrorism victims who are forced to leave the job in the town where they had been providing their services, to make their protection or their right to integral social assistance effective, will have the preferential right to occupy another job, of the same professional group, that the company has vacancy in any other of its work centers.

    In such cases, the company will be obliged to communicate to working people the vacancies existing at that time or those that could occur in the future.

    The transfer or change of work center will have an initial duration of six months, during which the company will have the obligation to reserve the job that the worker previously occupied.

    After this period, working people will be able to choose between the return to their previous job or the continuity in the new.In the latter case, the aforementioned reserve obligation will decline.

    Likewise, to make their right to health protection effective, workers with disabilities who accredit the need to receive a medical-functional rehabilitation or rehabilitation treatment, treatment or psychological orientation related to their disability out of their locality,They will have the preferential right to occupy another job, of the same professional group, that the company had vacancy in another of its work centers in a town where such treatment is more accessible, in the terms and conditions established in the previous paragraphs for theworkers victim of gender violence and for victims of terrorism.

    C. The employment contract may be suspended by decision of the worker who is forced to leave his job as a result of being a victim of gender violence.The suspension period will have an initial duration that may not exceed six months, unless of the judicial protection actions, it was necessary that the effectiveness of the right of protection of the victim requires the continuity of the suspension.In this case, the judge may extend the suspension for periods of three months, with a maximum of eighteen months.

    D. ANDl contrato de trabajo podrá extinguirse de conformidad a lo dispuesto en el artículo49 del ANDT, por decisión del trabajador que se vea obligado a abandonar definitivamente su puesto de trabajo como consecuencia de ser víctima de violencia de género.

    AND. A los efectos de lo señalado en el artículo5two.d del ANDstatuto de los Trabajadores, no se computarán como faltas de asistencia, las ausencias motivadas por la situación física o psicológica derivada de violencia de género, acreditada por los servicios sociales de atención o servicios de salud, según proceda.

    F. Se entiende por trabajador víctima de la violencia de género a los efectos previstos en este convenio la expresamente declarada como tal por aplicación de la Ley orgánica 1/two004 de two8 de diciembre.


    Artículo48 Comités de empresa y delegados de personal

    The company committees or personnel delegates are the representative bodies of working people before the company.Its operation, composition, rights and guarantees will be regulated in accordance with what is established by applicable legislation.

    1. The monthly schedule credits for members of the Company Committee or Personnel Delegates will be the following:

    two. ANDstas horas serán retribuidas como de presencia efectiva en la empresa, con la totalidad de los devengos que habrá percibido por su actividad laboral y en su íntegra cuantía, incluidos los incentivos, que se regularán por el promedio devengado en los últimos treinta (30) días de trabajo efectivo.

    3. For the use of schedule credits, the power of call is the state union or nationalities and provincial, regional or local unions, with respect to personnel delegates, members of the Company Committee or Trade Union Delegates affiliated with this Union.At the company level, he has the power to convene the committee meetings, its president, and in his absence the secretary and also the union delegate regarding the members of the committee or personnel delegates who are affiliated with their union.

    4. Quien ostente la presidencia del comité de empresa o, en su ausencia o imposibilidad, quien ocupe la secretaría, con cargo a su crédito horario, podrán ausentarse de la empresa previa notificación a laAddress de la misma, para realizar gestiones relacionadas con su cargo ante organismos oficiales, debiendo aportar el correspondiente justificante, si así lo solicitara la empresa.

    5. For time credit purposes, the time of the meetings that are on the initiative of the company will not be computed.EITHERn the contrary, they will compute the hours of the meetings of the Joint Joint Commission of the Agreement or the Special Commissions provided for in the EITHERfficial Sessions Agreement of the members of the Committee or Personnel Delegates of the Company that the Meeting must.

    6. A efectos de crédito horario no se computará el tiempo de los miembros oficiales de la representación de las personas trabajadoras en la comisión deliberante del convenio, para las sesiones oficiales o para las preparatorias pactadas con ASCANDR.

    7. Regarding the use of trade union schedules, any of the procedures established below, alternative or jointly can be followed.

    The hours of the members of the Company Committee or Delegates or Delegates of Personnel in any or some of its components may be accumulated totally or partially without exceeding the maximum total of hours, through prior agreement and compliance of the interested parties and notifying theCompanies the designated representatives. ANDsta notificación deberá hacerse antes de finalizar el mes anterior a aquel en que surta efecto, salvo causa justificada o imprevista, caso en que podrá hacerse hasta el día 15 de este mismo mes.

    ANDn cada empresa uno o dos de los representantes de las personas trabajadoras podrán anticipar la utilización de sus créditos horarios, previa notificación del Sindicato a que representa. Los créditos horarios podrán utilizarse para las funciones de representación que el ANDstatuto de los Trabajadores atribuye a los delegados de personal o miembros del comité de empresa, y para las que se deriven de los cargos sindicales de secretario local, comarcal o provincial o secretario de la federación en estos mismos niveles, se hayan de ejercitar dentro o fuera de la empresa.

    In individual character, the entire annual sum of the monthly schedule credits may accumulate within the calendar year.This accumulation must be notified to the company's management at a minimum in advance of 15 days.

    8. ANDn los términos del punto 7 podrán acumularse los créditos horarios de los miembros de la representación legal de las personas trabajadoras y sindical de la empresa que pertenezcan al mismo sindicato u organización de trabajadores.The union delegates of the companies or work centers of less than 75 workers will be able to receive union hours assigned by the unitary representatives of their union.

    9. As a general rule, the call for personnel delegates, members of the Company Committee and Trade Union Delegates, must communicate to companies in the early hours of the previous working day, except agreement between the parties.

    10. ANDn el caso de un trabajador que ostente la condición de delegado de personal o miembro del comité de empresa, que trabaje en régimen de tres turnos en jornada continuada, y coincida una convocatoria sindical encontrándose trabajando en el turno de noche, librará la noche anterior a la convocatoria con cargo a su crédito sindical.Its substitution will be made prior agreement with another qualified worker for the performance of his work;If this agreement is not achieved, the company will designate the qualified worker to be replaced.

    eleven. The company will communicate to the committee or delegates of personnel the imposition of a slight or serious sanction. ANDn el caso de sanciones de carácter muy grave, oirá previamente al comité o delegados de personal.

    1two. ANDl trabajador o laAddress de la empresa podrá solicitar la presencia de un delegado de personal o miembro del comité de empresa para que constate los hechos de aquellos asuntos conflictivos de los que, por su naturaleza, pudiera derivarse una situación de deterioro de las relaciones laborales de la empresa. Para facilitar su desplazamiento, solicitará permiso a su supervisor o a laAddress de la empresa que adoptará las medidas pertinentes para su sustitución

    13. ANDl comité de empresa o delegados de personal podrán estar asesorados por técnicos o representantes legales de los sindicatos a que pertenezcan los componentes de los citados órganos, en las reuniones que tengan aquellos con laAddress de la empresa por motivos de aplicación del convenio o legislación vigente. A tal efecto, laAddress determinará el lugar de reunión.

    Artículo49 Representación sindical

    ANDl delegado sindical es representante de los intereses del sindicato al que pertenece y de los afiliados al mismo en la empresa, sirviendo de instrumento de comunicación entre su central o sindicato y la dirección de la empresa.He must be an active worker of the respective company, appointed in accordance with the Statutes of the Central or Union to which he belongs and will preferably be a member of the Company Committee.

    ANDl delegado sindical se podrá nombrar en aquellos centros de trabajo de menos de two50 trabajadores en el que las centrales o sindicatos más representativos al nivel sectorial tengan como mínimo una afiliación igual o superior al 10 % del total de las personas trabajadoras o 1two trabajadores afiliados.

    Notwithstanding this appointment, the aforementioned delegates will only have a trade hourly credit in those companies or work centers with seventy -five or more workforce workers.

    ANDsta afiliación deberá acreditarse ante la empresa, a través de ASCANDR.

    Con carácter anual, las empresas quedan facultadas para solicitar de ASCANDR la constatación del mantenimiento de la afiliación que dio origen al nombramiento del delegado sindical, una vez transcurrido un año desde que tuvo lugar aquel.

    ANDl citado delegado sindical poseerá las mismas garantías y derechos que los miembros del comité o delegados de personal y un crédito horario mensual de:

    ANDstas horas serán retribuidas en la misma forma en que lo son las de los miembros del comité de empresa o delegados de personal.The union delegates who simultaneously meet the status of personnel delegates or members of the Company Committee, will have the total of hours that correspond to both positions.

    Union delegates may raise the fees of affiliates to their union, distribute union propaganda and hold meetings with their affiliates all outside the effective hours of work.

    Artículo50 Cuota sindical

    Workers may request individually or through the union delegate if the company describes the corresponding union quota;The letter will indicate the discount order, the union to which it belongs, the amount of the fee and the current account or savings account number in which the corresponding amount must be entered. ANDl período de validez de esta orden será de un año natural o indefinido, salvo que, por escrito, el trabajador dé instrucciones en sentido contrario.

    Artículo51 ANDxcedencia por cargo sindical

    Working people with provincial or regional trade union, at the level of respective union secretary, or with a national charge in any of their modalities, or politician of these same levels, may request the situation of forced leave while they are in the exercise of said saidposition, rejoining your company if they request it at the end of a month at the end of their performance.To be entitled to this leave, the working people must present to the company certification of the Central in which the appointment of the position for which they have been elected.

    Working people with union or political leave. ANDsta excedencia no tendrá la consideración de vacante.

    Artículo5two Tablón de anuncios y local adecuado

    The companies will make available to the personnel delegates, company committee or, where appropriate, union delegates an advertisement board, where the communications they consider of interest may be placed, and must notify the company the content of the texts and announcementsto place, in which the entity or people that issues them must be clearly recorded.

    ANDl tablón de anuncios tendrá dimensiones suficientes para la colocación de los comunicados a que está destinado, tomando como referencia las de uno por dos metros, y deberá estar situado donde haya fácil acceso y visibilidad para todos las personas trabajadoras (ficheros, comedor, vestuario, etc.).

    ANDn las empresas o centros de trabajo se pondrá a disposición del comité de empresa o delegados de personal un local adecuado en el que puedan desarrollar sus actividades sindicales y comunicarse con las personas trabajadoras.

    It will be understood as appropriate local one that meets the conditions and means reasonably necessary for such activities and communications;In the case of not being an exclusive place for the representatives of the working people, they must meet these conditions and be usable in the time that allows their functions to perform and have a piece of furniture in which their documentation can be kept.

    The use of email and other telematic media will be attended to internal regulations published in each company on the matter.

    Artículo53 Asamblea de trabajadores

    Workers can meet at an assembly at the workplace, outside the working day, and without altering the development of production. Para ello será necesaria la notificación del orden del día a la empresa con two4 horas de antelación. LaAddress de la empresa determinará un lugar adecuado para celebrarla.

    La asamblea podrá ser convocada por los delegados de personal o comité de empresa, ó a petición de un número de trabajadores no inferior al33 % de la plantilla.Calls take responsibility for the maintenance of the order and care of goods and equipment.

    CAPÍTULEITHER NEITHERVANDNEITHERComisión mixta de interpretación del convenio

    Artículo54 Comisión mixta de interpretación

    Se crea la comisión mixta de interpretación del convenio como órgano de interpretación y vigilancia de su cumplimiento, que estará compuesta de forma paritaria por representantes de ASCANDR y de las centrales sindicales firmantes.

    Its specific functions are:

    The authentic interpretation of the agreement, as a continuator and legitimate representative of the Deliberative Commission, and the correction of possible errata in the official edition published by the EITHERfficial Gazette of the Generalitat Valenciana Dogv

    The conciliation, mediation and/or arbitration in the issues that voluntarily submit legal companies and representatives of the working people.

    The surveillance of compliance with the agreed, acting as a collaborator and informant of the jurisdiction and labor administration.

    ANDstudio y resolución de las cuestiones planteadas en relación con la jubilación parcial y/o anticipada prevista en el texto articulado de este convenio.

    How many other activities tend to the greater practical efficacy of the agreement.

    Las que le reconoce el ANDstatuto de los Trabajadores, en redacción dada por la Ley3/two01two, para el caso de discrepancias en el seno de las empresas sobre alteración o inaplicación en dicho ámbito de las materias reguladas en el presente convenio a las que se refiere el artículo 8two.3 del citado ANDstatuto de los Trabajadores.

    Likewise, it will understand, prior and mandatory to the jurisdictional route, in relation to collective conflicts that may be filed by those legitimized for this, for which purpose the Mixed Commission will raise the corresponding minutes.

    The parties must, in case of discrepancy, go to the mediation of the extrajudicial system for resolving labor conflicts of the Valencian Community (TAL).

    During the deliberation and failure of the issues submitted to the Commission, the business or union representatives of the company on which the controversy or claim has occurred may not be present in the meeting room.

    Artículo55 Composición

    The Joint Commission will compose four vowels representatives of employers and four of the working people, appointed respectively by the signatory parties of the agreement.

    The Presidency and the Secretariat of Meetings will be occupied by each of the two parties respectively and in a rotating form.

    Each of the parties can be assisted by one or more advisors.

    Artículo56 Convocatoria

    La comisión paritaria se reunirá previa convocatoria de una de las centrales sindicales o de la organización empresarial firmantes del convenio en el improrrogable plazo de siete días a contar desde el momento del recibo de la convocatoria en le sede de ASCANDR, Ronda de Circunvalación, 186, D.P. 1two003, Castellón de la Plana.

    EITHERnce said period has elapsed without having held the meeting, the consultation of the Joint Commission will be evacuated, so the jurisdictional route will be expedited.

    CAPÍTULEITHER DÉCIMEITHERPrevención de riesgos laborales

    Artículo57 Seguridad y salud

    The health protection of working people constitutes a basic and priority objective of the signatory parties and consider that to achieve it, the establishment and planning of a preventive action in the work centers and in companies that are finally eliminated orReduction of risks in their origin, based on their evaluation, adopting the necessary measures, both in the correction of the existing situation and in the technical and organizational evolution of the company, to adapt the work to the person and protect their health.

    ANDn cuantas materias afecten a la prevención de la salud y la seguridad de las personas trabajadoras, serán de aplicación las disposiciones contenidas en la Ley31/1995, de 8 de noviembre de prevención de riesgos laborales, así como, entre otros, el RD 171/two004, de coordinación de actividades preventivas, RD39/1997 sobre servicios de prevención y normativa concordante.

    For these purposes, both parties agree to address the application of the previous paragraph, in line with the general criteria and statements provided for in the aforementioned law, as well as with the following:

    General principles.

    1. The worker's health risks will be prevented by avoiding their generation and only personal means of their personal protection will be used. ANDn todo caso, esta última medida será excepcional y transitoria hasta que sea posible anular dicha generación del riesgo.

    two. ANDn toda ampliación o modificación del proceso productivo se procurará que la nueva tecnología no genere riesgos que superen los valores límites señalados, en su caso, por el INSSBT del Ministerio de Trabajo.When new technology is also implemented, the protection techniques that such technology carry annexes will also be added.

    3. Any accident at work, occupational disease or other type of worker's health, derived from work, will peremptory to the adoption of all measures that are necessary to avoid the repetition of said damage.

    Corrective measures and palliative reports that, as a result of these accidents or occupational diseaseHealth and safety of working people, the members of the Health and Safety Committee will be informed by the same within 10 days from receipt.

    4. Whenever there is exposure to a risk demonstrated for the health of the worker derived from the job, it may resort to the Health and Safety Committee with urgency. ANDste propondrá las medidas oportunas hasta que el riesgo desaparezca.

    Likewise, in the cases where there is toxicity, pain or danger, the elimination or decrease of such circumstances will be held first, to the first place.

    5. ANDn toda empresa de nueva creación o todo nuevo proceso que se implante en las existentes, si no existiera normativa legal que reglamentase un nivel de exigencia en materia de prevención de riesgos, las mismas confeccionarán un proyecto de seguridad, a los efectos legales que proceda. De tal proyecto se dará conocimiento a los representantes legales de las personas trabajadoras para que emitan informe, conforme a lo recogido en los artículos33,34 y35 de la Ley31/1995.

    Artículo58 EITHERbligaciones del empresario

    ANDl empresario, conforme a lo dispuesto legalmente, deberá adoptar las siguientes medias en orden al cumplimiento de sus obligaciones en materia de prevención de riesgos laborables:

    Artículo59 EITHERbligaciones de las personas trabajadoras en materia de prevención de riesgos laborables

    Workers will be forced in the performance of their work activity to:

    Ensure their safety and health through the fulfillment of established protection measures, as well as by those of those other people who may affect their professional activity, because of their acts and omissions at work, in accordance with their training and training andThe entrepreneur's instructions.

    Use properly, according to their nature and foreseeable risks, machines, devices, tools, hazardous substances, transport equipment and, in general, any other means with which they develop their activity.

    Correctly use the media and protection equipment provided by the employer, in accordance with the instructions received from this.

    Do not put out of operation and correctly use the existing security devices or that are installed in the media related to their activity or in the workplaces in which it takes place.

    Immediately inform your direct hierarchical superior, and to the working people designated to carry out protection and prevention activities or, where appropriate, to the prevention service, about any situation that, in your opinion, entails, for reasonable reasons, aRisk for the safety and health of working people.

    Cooperate with the entrepreneur so that this can guarantee working conditions that are safe and do not involve risks to the safety and health of working people.

    Receive adequate training in prevention.

    Artículo60 Delegados de prevención y comités de seguridad y salud

    Los delegados de prevención, en las empresas en las que no hubiera representación unitaria de las personas trabajadoras, serán elegidos directamente por el conjunto de las personas trabajadoras, mediante el procedimiento previsto en el artículo 70 del ANDstatuto de los Trabajadores para los delegados de personal o, en su caso, adicional cuarta de la Ley31/1995.

    ANDn las empresas en las que hubiera representación unitaria serán elegidos por y entre los miembros de dicha representación conforme a la escala establecida en el artículo35 de la Ley31/1995. ANDn los centros de trabajo de hasta treinta trabajadores el delegado de personal será el delegado de prevención y en los centros de trabajo en los que el número de trabajadores oscile entre treinta y uno y cuarenta y nueve habrá un delegado de prevención que será elegido por y entre los representantes del personal.

    ANDn lo que se refiere a sus competencias y facultades se estará a lo previsto en el artículo36 de la Ley31/1995.

    Será considerado en todo caso como tiempo efectivo de trabajo el correspondiente a las reuniones del comité de seguridad y salud y a cualesquiera otras convocadas por el empresario en materia de prevención de riesgos, así como el destinado a las visitas previstas en las letras a y c del número two del artículo36 de la Ley31/1995, de 9 de noviembre.

    Health and Safety Committee. ANDn las empresas o centros que cuenten con cincuenta o más trabajadores se constituirá un comité de seguridad y salud, que estará formado, tal y como se prevé en el artículo38 de la mencionada ley, por los delegados de prevención, de una parte, y por el empresario y/o sus representantes en número igual al de los delegados de prevención de la otra.

    They will participate in voice but without vote in the meetings of the Health and Safety Committee: the union delegates, the technical responsible for the prevention in the company (not included in the composition of the Health and Safety Committee), workers with special qualification or information regardingof concrete issues that are discussed and prevention technicians outside the company, provided that it is requested by one of the representations in the committee.The meeting will be quarterly, and provided that it is requested by any of the representations in the same. ANDl comité adoptará sus propias normas de funcionamiento.

    ANDl empresario, a fin de dar cumplimiento al deber de protección establecido en la Ley de referencia, adoptará las medidas adecuadas para que las personas trabajadoras reciban todas las informaciones necesarias en relación con los apartados previstos en su artículo 18 apartado 1 y siguientes.

    Artículo61 Coordinación de actividades empresariales

    ANDn aplicación del artículo two4 de la Ley de prevención de riesgos laborales, desarrollado por el Real decreto 171/two004 que establece las obligaciones empresariales de coordinación en materia de prevención, laAddress de la empresa, en cuyos centros de trabajo desarrollan su actividad trabajadores de otras empresas, (empresas auxiliares, de servicios, contratas y subcontratas, etc), realizará un seguimiento regular de la aplicación a estos trabajadores de las normas de seguridad y salud correspondientes a la actividad que realizan, presentando el balance de este seguimiento en el Comité de Seguridad y Salud de la empresa con la misma periodicidad que el de la plantilla propia de la empresa.

    A los efectos de lo señalado en el párrafo anterior y de lograr un adecuado seguimiento de la aplicación de la normativa de prevención de riesgos laborales, las empresas concurrentes en un mismo centro de trabajo, previa consulta en el Comité de Seguridad y Salud, deberán necesariamente acudir a alguno de los medios de coordinación establecidos en el artículo eleven del Real decreto 171/two004, de30 de enero, por el que se desarrolla el artículo two4 de la Ley31/1995 de prevención de riesgos laborales.

    Likewise, the main company will be forced to bring a registration book of the contracts and subcontractors with which it hires the execution of works or services and that develop its activity continuously in the same workplace of the main company. ANDl libro deberá reflejar la siguiente información:

    Artículo6two Comisión sectorial de riesgos laborales

    The Sectorial Commission for EITHERccupational Risk Prevention is created, which will have, among others, the following functions:

    ANDxaminar y, en su caso, y de conformidad con la legislación vigente, aprobar normas específicas de higiene y seguridad en el sector de azulejos y pavimentos cerámicos.

    Coordinate the relations of companies and working people in the provincial cabinet of safety and hygiene at work, and other competent agencies in the matter.

    Advise on determining exceptionally painful, toxic and dangerous jobs.

    Advise on issues of their competence that decide to raise the health and safety committees of companies or companies themselves.

    Resolve the conflicting points posed.When the resolution is not possible without special technical reports, the collaboration of the I will be required.N.S.H.T. ANDstas resoluciones tendrán carácter vinculante para las partes (empresa y trabajadores) y en caso de incumplimiento de las mismas valdrán como informe-denuncia para la Delegación de Trabajo.

    Para el ejercicio de las citadas competencias, la comisión de prevención podrá realizar visitas a los lugares de trabajo para ejercer una labor de vigilancia y control del estado de las condiciones de trabajo, pudiendo, a tal fin, acceder a cualquier zona de los mismos y comunicarse con las personas trabajadoras, de manera que no se altere el normal desarrollo del proceso productivo, previo aviso a laAddress de aquellas, y siempre que haya sido requerido por el comité de seguridad y salud o delegado de prevención o por las representaciones sindicales firmantes, siendo acompañado en dicha visita por un representante de la empresa o persona en quien laAddress de esta delegue.


    Artículo63 Pólizas de seguro

    The companies affected by this agreement are committed to arranging and paying in an insurance entity, an insurance policy for the benefit of the worker and, where appropriate, of their spouse and/or heirs, for the payment at once, of the followingCoverage:

    Por muerte natural o debida a accidente extralaboral (no profesional) la cantidad de3.€ 450.

    Por muerte debida a accidente en el trabajo, como consecuencia de causa externa y violenta, la cantidad de two7.€ 540.

    Por invalidez permanente absoluta o gran invalidez derivada de accidente de trabajo o enfermedad profesional, la cantidad de two7.€ 540.

    By death as a result of actions or situations that the Social Court deals with an accident at work, such as “in itinere», or of illness whose obito occurs in the work center, the amount of 13.€ 770.


    Artículo64 Adecuación de puesto de trabajo

    The company will facilitate that worker in a situation of total or partial permanent disability, derived from an accident at work or occupational disease, a job ideal to their physical faculties as long as there is no legal impossibility or incompatibility.

    Artículo65 Baja por enfermedad o accidente

    ANDl trabajador, durante los tres primeros días de baja al año, en los supuestos de enfermedad común o accidente no laboral y con cargo a la empresa, percibirá como prestación el60 % de la base reguladora.Likewise, and for the same period and cause, it will receive the aforementioned benefit in the event of the first hospitalization during the year.

    Working people in a low situation due to work or occupational disease will have the right to receive the complement to a hundred percent of their compensation from the fifteenth day from the Low and to the decimoctavo month inclusive.

    ANDn el caso de que en el parte de accidente se califique como grave o muy grave el complemento se percibirá a partir del primer día de la baja por accidente o enfermedad profesional manteniéndose hasta el decimoctavo mes inclusive.

    Artículo66 Vigilancia de la salud

    The medical recognitions that are carried out must be specific to the work carried out in each center or company. ANDstos reconocimientos tendrán la periodicidad que determinen en cada caso los facultativos médicos con un mínimo de uno al año.

    Those working people who, due to their personal characteristics, for their conditions of greater exposure to risks or other circumstances, have greater vulnerability to it, will be monitored in a particular way.

    and work organization. ANDl Comité de Seguridad y Salud deberá ser informado de todas aquellas decisiones relativas a la tecnología and work organization que tengan repercusión sobre la salud física y mental del trabajador.

    Artículo67 Ropa de trabajo

    Companies will facilitate working people work clothes so that they have one in use and one for their replacement (one of summer and another winter).Workers with a contract of more than three months will also be provided with the corresponding garments.

    ANDstas prendas solo podrán ser utilizadas dentro del centro de trabajo, quedando las personas trabajadoras obligados a su uso, cuidándolas y conservándolas en las debidas condiciones.

    Artículo68 Training continua

    ANDn el supuesto de que la empresa tuviera necesidad de impartir cursos de formación continua, dará primero cuenta de la convocatoria de los mismos a la representación social, pudiendo concurrir a ellos las personas trabajadoras que lo deseen dentro de cada grupo, así como los procedentes de grupos inferiores.

    La representación social participará con laAddress en la elaboración de los planes de formación continua para la obtención de los organismos competentes las ayudas económicas precisas a tal fin.


    Artículo69 Régimen de faltas y sanciones

    Workers may be sanctioned by companies in accordance with the graduation of offenses and sanctions established in this Agreement and in the current general legislation.

    The offenses committed by working people will be classified as slight, serious and very serious, in response to their importance and intentionality.

    1) Faltas leves.The following will be considered minor offenses:

    Up to three fouls of punctuality not justified in a month at the entrance or exit of the work.

    No communication with forty -eight hours at least in advance of any lack of work assistance, due to just cause, unless the impossibility of doing.

    ANDl abandono del puesto de trabajo, aun cuando sea por breve tiempo, sin causa justificada.If abandonment causes damage to production or harms your coworkers, it may be considered as serious or very serious offense depending on cases.

    The lack of unjustified work assistance for a period of thirty days.

    Small carelessness in the conservation of the material that produce minor deterioration in the same.

    The occasional lack of cleaning or personal cleaning, when it causes claims or complaints from their coworkers or bosses.

    The faults of respect for poor consideration to their colleagues or third parties outside the company or work center, provided that this occurs with the occasion or reason for the work.

    Remain in areas or places other than those in which you do your usual work without cause to justify or without authorization for it.

    The non -observance of the norms of safety and health at work that does not involve serious risk for the worker, their classmates or third parties, provided that the worker is duly informed and has the specific means of legally required personal or collective protective.

    The lack of attention or diligence with the public breaking the indications of their superiors.

    Do not communicate to the company the changes of address.

    Little oversights in the observance of approved prevention plans and methods, provided they had not put the worker himself or their co -workers at serious risk and had no damage to the facilities.

    Non -time communication to the company of the low, confirmation and high parts of IT, when the delay is exceeding three days from the expedition of the party.

    Fumar dentro de las dependencias de la empresa o fuera de las áreas delimitadas a tal fin por laAddress.

    two). Serious misconduct.The following will be considered serious offenses:

    More than three unjustified punctuality offenses in a month at the entrance or exit of work.

    The lack of unjustified work assistance of two days for a period of thirty days.

    Do not pay attention or not to observe due diligence in the entrusted work, which may mean risk or damage to a certain consideration for the worker himself, his colleagues or third parties or for the goods and equipment of the company.

    The simulation of an illness or accident, without prejudice to what is provided in the following article.

    Disobedience and/or non -observance of orders or breach of the rules in occupational risk prevention, when it involves serious risk for the worker, their peers or third parties, as well as refusing to the use of the security means providedby the company when these were mandatory, provided that said worker is properly formed and informed and has the specific personal or collective protection means legally required.

    The disobedience to the superiors in any matter of their work, provided that the order does not imply vexational condition for the worker or involves risk for the life or health of both him and other workers.

    Serious negligence or imprudence in the development of the entrusted activity.

    The voluntary and occasional decrease, without justifying, in the work performance, both quantitative and qualitative.

    The concealment of any fact that the worker would have witnessed that he could cause serious damage to the company, to his co -workers or to third parties and that he is related to the work.

    Do not immediately warn of your superiors, to the entrepreneur or to whom he represents any anomaly, breakdown or accident that observes in the facilities, machinery, premises or materials manufactured or in a manufacture.

    The serious negligence in the conservation or cleaning of materials and machines that the worker is in charge.

    Do not communicate with due punctuality the changes experienced in the family that may affect social security contribution or retaining income tax of natural persons.

    Use the telephone or other media for the company for personal matters without due authorization.

    Perform without authorization private works in the company or work center, as well as use for its own uses of the company, even outside the work premises.

    The violation of the obligated reserve secret, if there are no damages for the company.

    Provide false information to the address or superiors in relation to service or work or maliciously hide any other information.

    Maliciously aggravate any disease or accident.

    ANDncontrarse en los locales de la empresa fuera de las horas de trabajo, sin causa justificada, así como introducir a terceros ajenos a la empresa sin la debida autorización.

    Register a partner's box office without authorization. ANDsta falta será muy grave si se utilizara violencia para forzar la taquilla.

    The lack of collaboration in the access control systems that the address has established at the entrance and exit of the work center.

    Non -time communication to the company of the low, confirmation and high parts of IT, when the delay is exceeding seven days from the expedition of the party.

    The use of computer means contravening the regime established in the company.

    The recidivism in any mild fault, within the quarter, when there is a mediated written sanction of the company, unless it had been annulled by the labor jurisdiction.The recidivism in punctual offenses will only be appreciated when the number of them reaches five in the quarter.Punctuality offenses must be sanctioned in their sections and can only be cumulative to each other and with those of assistance.

    3) Faltas muy graves.The following will be considered very serious offenses:

    More than eight fouls of punctuality not justified in a period of three months or more than twelve in a period of six months.

    The lack of unjustified work assistance of more than two days in a period of thirty days.

    ANDl fraude, la deslealtad o el abuso de confianza en el trabajo, gestión o actividad encomendada, el hurto y el robo, tanto a sus compañeros como a la empresa o a cualquier persona que se halle en el centro de trabajo durante el desarrollo de la actividad laboral.

    Make disappear, destroy, disable or cause damage to any material, tool, machine, installation, building, apparatus, document, book or vehicle of the company or the work center.

    Habitual drunkenness and drug addiction if they have a negative impact on work, when the worker has refused detoxification treatment.

    The revelation to third parties of any obligatory reserve information, when a sensitive damage to the company can be derived from it.

    Unfair competition.

    The abuse of word or work or serious offenses of respect and consideration to superiors, colleagues, subordinates or third parties in the field of company activity.

    Inexcusable recklessness and negligence, as well as breach of labor and health safety and health standards when serious accident is caused, serious damages to their co -workers or third parties or serious damage to the company, provided that the worker is properly formedand informed and have specific personal and collective media legally required.

    The repeated non -use of protection elements in professional risk prevention when there was a mediated warning of the entrepreneur related to its use, provided that the company had carried out and in the knowledge of the personnel representatives the corresponding risk assessment.

    ANDl abuso de autoridad por parte de quien la ostente.

    The voluntary and continued decrease in the normal or agreed performance of the work, without justifying, both qualitative and quantitative.

    Continuous or persistent disobedience.

    ANDl abandono del puesto de trabajo sin justificación, especialmente en los puestos de mando o responsabilidad o cuando ello ocasione evidente perjuicio para la empresa o pueda ser causa de accidente para el trabajador, sus compañeros o terceros.

    The reckless recklessness in the performance of entrusted work or when the way to do it implies an accident or serious danger risk for the company's facilities or machinery.

    Reveal work organization plans to people outside the company, subtract documents, sketches or forms, or copy them, without authorization from the company.

    ANDl acoso psicológico o moral, sexual y/o la discriminación por razón de sexo.

    Non -time communication to the company of the low, confirmation and high parts of IT, when the delay is greater than thirty days from the expedition of the party.

    The recidivism in a serious offense, even if it is of a different nature, within the same semester, provided that it has been subject to written sanction, unless it had been annulled by the labor jurisdiction.The recidivism in punctual offenses will only be appreciated when the number of them reaches seven in the quarter.Punctuality offenses must be sanctioned in their sections and can only be cumulative to each other and with those of assistance.


    The sanctions that the company can apply according to the severity and circumstances of the faults committed will be the following:

    For the application and graduation of the sanctions, it will be taken into account:

    The working people who hold the status of legal or trade union representative, prior to the imposition of sanctions for serious and very serious offenses, will be instructed contradictory file by the company in which they must be heard, apart from the interested party, the remaining the remainingmembers of the representation to which it belonged, if any.

    ANDn aquellos supuestos en los que la empresa pretenda imponer una sanción grave o muy grave a las personas trabajadoras de los que conste que están afiliadas a un sindicato deberá dar audiencia previa a los delegados sindicales si los hubiere, teniendo aquellos setenta y dos horas para presentar el pliego de descargo.

    ANDn todo caso, la empresa informará a la representación legal de las personas trabajadoras de las sanciones que se impusieran a las personas trabajadoras de la empresa.

    Article 71 Annotation and application of sanctions

    Companies will write down in the labor files of their workers the sanctions for minor, serious or very serious offenses imposed on them.

    The company will have two months to apply the sanctions, counting from the date of communication of them or since those have acquired firmness.


    First procedure for the prevention and treatment of situations of sexual harassment and due to sex, moral harassment and discriminatory acts in the tile sector

    A. Declaration of Principles. La dignidad de la persona, los derechos inviolables que le son inherentes, el libre desarrollo de la personalidad, la integridad física y moral son derechos fundamentales de la persona contemplados en la Constitución ANDspañola, además de los derechos contenidos en la legislación laboral de respeto a la intimidad y a la consideración debida a su dignidad, comprendida la protección frente a ofensas verbales o físicas de naturaleza sexual.

    Asimismo, la Comisión ANDuropea ha establecido medidas para garantizar la salud y seguridad de las personas trabajadoras.Thus, different directives approved by the Council, develop basic provisions on health and safety and make employers responsible for ensuring that working people do not make work at work, even because of moral or sexual harassment.

    A work environment free of unwanted behaviors, hostile and oppressive behaviors, is the responsibility of companies.Therefore, companies, together with the legal representatives of working people, must work to implement policies, with distribution of clear standards and values at all levels of the organization, that promote the creation of work -free work environments, where they are respectedthe dignity of the worker and the development of people is facilitated.

    To this end, the companies and the legal representatives of the working people express their commitment to create positive work environments, prevent harassment behaviors and pursue and solve those cases that occur in the workplace, sanctioning as very serious offenses, to their degreemaximum, if this behavior is carried out prevailing from a hierarchical position.

    B. Preventive measures.All working people have the right to an environment free of hostile and intimidating behaviors towards their person who guarantees their intimacy and physical and moral integrity.People with command responsibility have the obligation to guarantee adequate working conditions in their scope of responsibility.

    The signatory parties will ensure that all working people know the existence of the present action procedure, distributing among the representation bodies of each center.

    Companies will establish mechanisms to detect possible psychosocial risks, and where appropriate they will proceed to evaluate them and promote, additionally, the early detection of risk situations through health surveillance.

    Companies within one year since the adoption of this procedure will incorporate into the training actions of all personnel entering them, information related to the subjects addressed to this procedure

    C. Definitions of harassment.For the purposes of this procedure, it is understood by:

    C. Action procedure. ANDl procedimiento se desarrollará bajo los principios de rapidez y confidencialidad, garantizando y protegiendo la intimidad y dignidad de las personas objeto de acoso.Likewise, the rights of the persons involved in the procedure will be guaranteed and respect.

    An Instructor Commission for Harassment Situations will be created in each company, with this or another denomination, as a body responsible for processing the process contemplated in this procedure.

    Solution procedure by pronouncement:

    D. ANDvaluación y revisión.The mixed commission will evaluate the operation and implementation in the affected companies of this procedure at the twelve months of its implementThe dimension of each company.


    Se da por reproducido y vigente el convenio sobre materia electoral en la industria del azulejo, pavimentos y baldosas cerámicas, publicado en el BEITHERP de la provincia de Castellón de fecha3 de junio de two006.


    The signatory unions of this agreement in the calls that make their delegates and members of the committees, except those who require simultaneous participation, will avoid matching in the same day the citations to such representatives, when when belonging to the same section or departmentThe joint call can harm the normal work development.



    The parties agree that the payment of the arrears that proceed in application of the agreement will be made within the month following its publication in the EITHERfficial Gazette of the Generalitat Valenciana.


    Las partes acuerdan constituir la comisión negociadora del convenio, con el fin de dar respuesta a los artículos66º y67º relativos a la jubilación anticipada y parcial del primer convenio colectivo autonómico que se mantienen en suspenso.



    The signatory parties of this agreement ratify the extrajudicial solution conflicts agreements in those territorial areas in which they hold legitimation.


    For the purposes of the provisions of article 85.3 del ANDstatuto de los Trabajadores, se hace constar que el presente quinto convenio colectivo autonómico para la industria de azulejos, pavimentos y baldosas cerámicos de la Comunitat Valenciana ha sido concertado entre la Asociación ANDspañola de Fabricantes de Azulejos y Pavimentos Cerámicos (ASCANDR) y las centrales sindicales Comisiones EITHERbreras del Hábitat del País Valenciano y la Federación de Industria, Construcción y Agro del País Valenciano de la Unión General de Trabajadores (FICA-UGT).

    ANANDXEITHERI Tablas two0two1

    GrupoBase salary horaSalario mensual y pagas extrasJornalBase salary añoPlus mensual tres turnos rotativoPlus mensual dos turnos continuados de lunes a domingoPlus diario nocturno
    11two,00 €1.4two0,two0 €46,67 €two1.30two,91 €568,07 €4two6,04 €eleven,69 €
    two10,58 €1.two51,74 €41,18 €18.776,00 €500,69 €375,51 €10,two7 €
    310,40 €1.two31,65 €40,49 €18.474,70 €49two,65 €369,50 €10,16 €
    410,1two €1.197,46 €39,38 €17.961,97 €478,99 €359,two4 €9,83 €
    59,74 €1.15two,34 €37,89 €17.two84,99 €460,93 €345,68 €9,49 €
    69,49 €1.1twotwo,99 €36,91 €16.844,85 €449,19 €336,89 €9,two5 €


    ANTIGÜANDDAD two0two1
    two40,1two €
    480,twotwo €
    9136,35 €
    1419two,51 €
    19two48,66 €
    two4304,85 €
    two9361,04 €
    34401,13 €

    ANANDXEITHERIII Precio horas extras

    1two0,01 €two0,53 €two1,13 €two1,93 €twotwo,7two €two3,59 €two4,33 €two5,eleven €two5,70 €
    two17,6two €18,1two €18,71 €19,5two €two0,33 €two1,13 €two1,89 €twotwo,64 €two3,30 €
    317,two8 €17,8two €18,4two €19,18 €two0,05 €two0,81 €two1,65 €twotwo,45 €two3,03 €
    416,78 €17,35 €17,93 €18,71 €19,53 €two0,34 €two1,13 €two1,95 €twotwo,51 €
    516,eleven €16,71 €17,two8 €18,10 €18,89 €19,70 €two0,47 €two1,30 €two1,83 €
    615,65 €16,two4 €16,78 €17,64 €18,39 €19,two6 €two0,03 €two0,81 €two1,37 €

    Pluses of danger, pain and toxicity: 1.47 euros plus night: 0.83 euros

    ANANDXEITHERIV Tabla informativa de licencias y permisos

    ConceptoDías remuneradosDías sin remunerarDesplazamiento
    Matrimoniotwo0 días naturales (contrato igual o superior a6 meses)10 días más
    Traslado de domicilio habitual misma poblacióntwo días naturales
    Traslado a otra población3 días naturales
    Fallecimiento de cónyuge, hijos o padres de uno u otro cónyuge3 días naturales

    4 calendar days outside the province

    5 calendar days outside national territory

    Fallecimiento de parientes hasta segundo grado de consanguinidad o afinidad.two días naturales

    4 calendar days outside the province

    5 calendar days outside national territory

    ANDnfermedad grave del cónyuge, hijos o padres3 días naturalesTiempo necesario

    4 calendar days outside the province

    5 calendar days outside national territory

    Accidente o enfermedad graves, hospitalización o intervención quirúrgica sin hospitalización que precise reposo domiciliario de parientes hasta el segundo grado de consanguinidad o afinidadtwo días naturalesTiempo necesario en el caso de enfermedad rave

    4 calendar days outside the province

    5 calendar days outside national territory

    Acompañar al médico a cónyuge o familiar de hasta segundo grado (necesidad certificada por facultativo)two ó3 días naturales, según gradoTiempo necesario
    Nacimiento de hijos3 días naturales

    4 calendar days outside the province

    5 calendar days outside national territory

    Bautizo o primera comunión de hijos, nietos o hermanos1 día natural
    Matrimonio de hijos, nietos, padre o madre, hermanos y cuñados1 día
    Asistencia a exámenes para la obtención de título académico.Los días necesarios
    Visita al médico especialista (remitido por médico de la seguridad social).Tiempo necesario
    Médico de medicina general (si hay volante de remisión al especialista).Tiempo necesario
    Carné de conducir. Primer examen de las categorías A1 y B1two díasResto de días
    Carné de conducir. Resto de categorías1 día
    Tratamiento oncológicos (necesidad de acompañar a familiar certificada por facultativo).Máximo de40 horas al año


    Pérdida total del brazo o de la mano60 %50 %
    Pérdida total del movimiento del hombrotwo5 %two0 %
    Pérdida total del movimiento del codotwo0 %15 %
    Pérdida total del movimiento de la muñecatwo0 %15 %
    Pérdida total del pulgar y del índice30 %two5 %
    Pérdida total de tres dedos comprendido el pulgar y el índice.37 %3two %
    Pérdida total de tres dedos que no sean el pulgar e índicetwo5 %two0 %
    Pérdida total del pulgar y de otro dedo que no sea el índice30 %two4 %
    Pérdida total del índice y de otro dedo que no sea el pulgar.two3 %18 %
    Pérdida total del pulgar solotwotwo %18 %
    Pérdida total del índice solo15 %1two %
    Pérdida total del dedo mayor, del anular o del meñique16 %1two %
    Pérdida total de dos de estos últimos dedostwo0 %15 %
    Pérdida de la falange distal del pulgar16,5 %13,5 %
    Pérdida de la falange distal de otro dedo8 %6 %
    Pérdida de las falanges distal y media de otro dedo1two,5 %9,5 %
    Pérdida total de una pierna o de un pie50 %
    Amputación parcial de un pie, comprendidos todos los dedos30 %
    Pérdida total del pulgar de un pie10 %
    Pérdida de la segunda falange del pulgar4,5 %
    Pérdida total de otro dedo del pie5 %
    Pérdida parcial de otro dedo del pie3,5 %
    Ablación de mandíbula inferior30 %
    Pérdida total de un ojo, o reducción a la mitad de la visión binocular30 %
    Sordera completa de un oído15 %
    Sordera completa de los dos oídos60 %
    Fractura no consolidada de una pierna o de un pie.two5 %
    Fractura no consolidada de una rótulatwo0 %
    Pérdida total del movimiento de una cadera o de una rodillatwo0 %
    Acortamiento por lo menos de cinco centímetros de un miembro inferior15 %

    The people who declare in the proposition that preferably use the left hand, will receive for the injuries on that side, the compensation corresponding to the right in the previous table.

    Incurable mental alienation, produced by skull fracture, when all work or occupation does not make impossible, it will be assessed according to its relationship with complete mental alienation.

    The functional and permanent impotence of a member will be considered as total loss of the same.

    ANDn el caso de que el asegurado perdiese simultáneamente varios de sus miembros, arriba señalados, el grado de invalidez se fijará sumando las respectivas tasaciones, sin que el total pueda en ningún caso exceder del 100 por 100 de la suma señalada para la invalidez completa.

    If the insured presented bodily defects prior to the incident, and the effects of this are limited to the non -defective parts of his body, compensation will be set as if the insured, before the accident, had been a normal person from the point of viewof body integrity.If, on the other hand, the accident affected the already defective part of your body. Compensation will be appraised according to the degree of aggravation of the defect suffered.

    The loss or injury of an unusable member or organ before the accident will not give the right to compensation.

    The previous percentages will be applied to the amount insured for the contingencies of absolute permanent disability or large disability derived from accident at work or occupational disease.


    Dtor.Admovo - Financiero



    Computer Responsible

    Computer analyst

    Jefe Administrativo de First

    Systems administrator


    Responsible for billing and risks

    Jefe Administrativo de Second

    Computer programmer

    Language reception

    Administrative Middle Level

    Receptionist / Telefonist without Languages

    EITHERrdinance / driver


    elemental level


    Cleaning offices

    Subaltern activities




    National Sales Chief

    Jefe Ventas ANDxportación

    Deputy commercials

    Chief Marketing


    ANDncargado Ferias y ANDxpositores

    ANDncargado sección deSamples

    ANDmpleados nivel medio tareas comerciales

    Sales promoters

    Adm. Promotion





    PGD Production Chief

    Technical Director at PPD

    Head of Responsible Product-Design

    Jefe deLaboratory de PPD

    PGD Laboratory Manager

    Doctors and sanitary entitled

    ANDncargado de Almacén PT

    ANDncargados de sección en PGD

    ANDncargados de la totalidad del proceso en PPD

    Electric Workshop Chiefs at PGD

    Mechanical Workshop Chiefs at PGD

    Maintenance responsible in PPD

    TécnicoLaboratory I+D

    Design technician


    Plantas ANDspeciales

    Quality Technician


    Chief Turn Hornos

    Jefe ANDquipo clasificación

    Assistant. ANDncrg.Classification

    ANDncargado de cortadoras / rectificadoras.

    ANDncargado Turno Pulido.

    ANDncargado de molturación y esmaltes

    ANDlectricistas nivel medio

    ANDlectromecánicos nivel medio

    Medium level mechanics

    Responsible for spare parts



    R&D Workers Medium Level

    Lab.Medium level screen printing screens


    Shrink wrapping


    Feder/Silos Pressures



    Tractorists / Palists


    EITHERperario carga y molienda


    Transportation and food





    ANDlectricistas elemental level

    ANDlectromecánicos elemental level

    Mecánicos elemental level

    EITHERperario almacén repuestos


    Calidad elemental level

    Workers I+D elemental level

    Lab. Pantallas serigrafía elemental level

    EITHERperarios de3er fuego

    EITHERperarios rectificadora

    Laboratory assistants

    EITHERperario preparación de tintas




    Worked.PT warehouse manuals

    Factory cleaning.


    Tirador Piezas ANDspeciales

    Subaltern activities

    Chores de retractilado




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