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Security, water and potholes, challenges of Enrique Galindo (Video)

Corruption in Cadastre, the new face of municipal public security, projects to rescue roads and solve water problems, their relationship with the governor, his political future and the defense of the income law, were the issues in the interviewExclusive that the editorial coordinators, Adriana Ochoa, Jaime Hernández and Armando Acosta, the capital mayor, Enrique Galindo Ceballos, after completing their first 100 days of management,.

Q: On Monday, the new public security system presented, when are they going to give results, they are already immediate, the citizens have to lower the insecurity rates, what is the plan?

EG.-My expectation is that the results of perception are immediate, influence the decline of the indicators is so simple, but in terms of perception it can be included immediately, the new patrols are noticed in the areas, in the colonies, where practicallyThere were no patrols, there were only 14 units since July, this allows us to make the police presence noticeable, the city was also sectorized, four major sectors were made, three subsectors and the space of citizen participation was opened, links are contemplated to the meetings to the meetingsof improvements, that these sectors and subsectors have police names and surnames, which will have to respond to society but also before the institution, of the results.

Also today I share a scoop, we are betting on having our own digital network in the city, we are going to tend 80 km of fiber optics.It is a very strong invasion of more than 100 million pesos, in which we intend to install traffic lights and new high -tech cameras, the monitoring of public lighting by telematics, GPS for garbage trucks, this network will begin to be installed in March, this onlyMonterrey has it and now SLP will have it, it is very important we can connect public parks to use the Internet, expand the coverage of the treasury boxes practically wherever you want, it gives us autonomy in a very important way.

P.-What scheme did the patrols acquired?

EG: Under the scheme of the lease, but with large differences, at the end of the 33 months, the team becomes properties of the City Council, it is not at risk to run out of units again, the insurance of the units is also included, of coverageTotal, protect the repair of patrols, there is the commitment to have a patrol in substitution, we will not spend on maintenance.

Q: What was the cost of investment?

EG: We are talking about around 160 million pesos to three years, with all included and without any additional expense, I think it is a good negotiation.We spend 3 months negotiating, with a serious and formal good supplier.

But I also give them another scoop, in 15 or 20 days we will be receiving equipment for the city, which with a million inhabitants do not have barraders, we do not have an industrial team, so the city is dirty.There will be sweeps for Hidalgo Street, which in a maximum of 20 days we will have six sweeps, there were only 57 people in charge of manual sweeping for such a large city, a historic center, the third largest in the country and with 57 people without a team without technology, you can no longer do, cranes come for public lighting, which there is no, pipas for water distribution, which I hope we take them less every day, come traffic cranes, come equipment for the city to keep it clean, illuminated and safe.

Q: So much technology and a new security scheme does not require better trained elements?

Seguridad, agua y baches, retos de Enrique Galindo (VIDEO)

EG: We are betting on international training, this year we have planned 22 interventions with international organizations, in fact we started, we had the first course with the National Police of Spain, not only the Secretariat we also adhere to a police model called Police calledoriented to solve problems, which works with proven efficiency in cities in Canada and the United States.

Q: What is the diagnosis of security in the capital?

EG: We have vary challenges in criminal matters.What has not satisfied me is in the theft of cars, in the last TREMERTES it is the crime that has grown the most, that of the second is the theft of business, although there are arrests every day of criminals, he has not been able to contain himself.But contrary to this, the homicide malicious has been diminished, the rape and extortion also fell.

Q: The city is still shattered, mainly the claim of the potosinos are the bad conditions of the roads, 100 days are not enough, but what is the expectation and what is the project to reduce that situation?

EG: People ask for three things: safety, water and repair potholes, we announce in the first daysrepment a million square meters of roads, that requires demil investment 500 million pesos.Let's go for the 17 km of the AV.Complete National Anthem, Avenida Industrias 11 km, the B.Anaya, 9 km and a half, Hernán Cortés, 5.5 km and we will connect Hernán Cortés with Poniente Peripheral, and make the way parallel to the Santiago River.


EG: I will say it very carefully, but clearly, the Interapas was not the small box, it was the big box, turns and open, and it scares you, because the water is a monopoly of the state and the municipality that should notsuffer budgetary issues, there are sufficient resources to do infrastructure works, we are tendering 60 million pesos for infrastructure, but we are thinking that between 500 and 600 million pesos must be invested, to modernize the 108 water wells, acquire technology to eliminate theexcess fluoride.

Q: There is a draw, a league between public works and the interapas to solve the joint problem of water and drainage network and the repair of the roads?

EG: We are very careful, hydraulic, sanitary network and Interap Pavements is today totally linked to works, there is a communion in this because we can no longer fail the city.There is a failure in the law that we would be soon to correct it, which allows citizens to dig and connect to the network both of the drainage and that of water, because the law provides for it, but it is a terrible mistake because then any citizen drills thepavement, it does not hit it well, the water gets and generates the potholes, it is a vicious circle, there are no specialists, there are no engineers, a mason teacher does, he opens, he closes, the half lid, but really thatLegal situation condemned the city to the potholes, those repairs, the Interapas must have a financial forecast to do so and must be efficient to respond to people especially in that aspect.

The Realito

Q: Are you talking about rescuing more than 100 wells, then would the El Realito dam be ruled out that with its constant failures leave the city without recurrent water?

EG: The cities have to guarantee their water sources, the more sources more guarantee, the realite is a source and you cannot ignore, on the contrary, I have spoken with the governor and we are both in the idea of building a watersAbove the San José dam, to prevent the water that falls was wasted when it rains, there is a project of two dams, that of the brooms and humps, we agreed that they have to emerge, the wells that the governor has also been very sensitive toHelp us modernize them, make new presenting to the fact that the Realito complies with the contract.

P.- Speaking of the relationship with the governor, how much do you think the honeymoon that has been seen in these 100 days?

EG: I hope it lasts 6 years, with this I answer everything,

P.So are you going to look for re -election?

EG: On the contrary, to dare to do things, we must not think about politics or re -election, because then you brake and stop making transcendental decisions for the city because you are afraid, I have not thought about that, re -election orIn the future politician, because I think I am in the year in which I must take me with the governor, with whom I also get along very well, and make important decisions for the city, without political calculations, without calculations of the political future future, but with the feet on the ground.

Income Law

EG: I already talked to the notaries, with Canadevi, the Housing Chamber, with the Canaco, with the real estate industry, I have been with the Infonavit delegate, that is, adjusting taxes is not a popular measure and more if you thinkWhat are you going to re -elect or go to the next position of popular election.

The cadastral and domain transfer increases, I would not put it on percentage issues for a simple reason, and explained them to the notaries, there was a historical lag, only on the cadastral theme, there were 14 years of lag, we have plants in the areaIndustrial that have registered 10 thousand square meters of construction, when in reality they have 100 thousand.Let's not increase values, all we did was a cadastral update

In addition, and then I will say it promptly, there is a niche of corruption in those areas, that is, someone should stay that way and give them a fact, today they should be linked electronically and digitally to the public registry of theProperty and cadastre, because for years nobody has wanted them to meet, since doing so at that time any questions of property titles are eliminated, invasions are eliminated, but they have not wanted here, there are interests.I say it with love, there is a franjita of coyotes that they love, there are municipal workers that we have already separated from the position, some then manifest, there is another franjita -and yesterday I told my friends the notaries -once we moved aKey piece of corruption and two notaries spoke to me to return them, all these things because they are very domestic, not ventile, but the fight against corruption is very strong.

P Where to build cheap housing?

R.- The development plan that was authorized last year, which I think should be reviewed after what happened to the Sierra de San Miguelito, the only advantage that you offered that from 2,000 urbanizable hectares grew to 14 thousand, that lowered aLITTLE THE PRICE OF THE EARTH.That is another factor, here is a monopoly on Earth, it has a name, it has owners, that is the net and for those are expensive.That is the truth beyond taxes, we have to open the growth of the city to the north, so I have focused the infrastructure works towards that area, if we open the little saucito to the road to Zacatecas and urbanize, we will give conditions so thatThose 14 thousand hectares, pull the city there, not yet, because development is needed, but those 14 thousand hectares were to adesurize the cost of the earth.I do not know what effects come later on the song Sierra de San Miguelito but for me it was a great opportunity to say let's let's.



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