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196 Animals of the Paterna Municipal Refuge find a home


Un total de 196 mascotas del refugio de animales dePaterna encontraron un hogar en 2021.The Councilor for Animal Welfare, Merche Navarro, has been very satisfied with the good reception of municipal campaigns, highlighting that “since adoption management became completely municipal in December 2020, the number of animals thatThey have found home thanks, in large part, to the dissemination of information through the official municipal communication channels ”.

En este sentido, el Ayuntamiento dePaterna lanzó a finales de 2020 https://refugio.SERVICES DEPATERNA.It is a web page to promote the adoptions of pets currently living in the shelter.De esta manera, entre enero y diciembre de 2021, se ha gestionado la adopción de 148 gatos y 48 perrosy, además, otros 5 están con familias de acogida.

In addition, with the support and dissemination that is made of the animals of the shelter through social networks, it has been possible to return their owners to 105 animals that had been lost.

196 animales del refugio municipal dePaterna encuentran un hogar

Currently, 20 dogs and 18 cats are waiting for adoption and, as Navarro recalled, “from the Consistory, through informative campaigns, we promote adoption in front of the purchase, as well as good practices at the time ofadd a pet to family unit ".

National Initiative

Con este objetivo, el Ayuntamiento dePaterna fue la primera administración pública en adherirse, en abril de 2021, a la iniciativa nacional 'Mi nuevo mejor amigo', un proyecto para fomentar, a través de las nuevas tecnologías, las adopciones responsables de los animales del refugio municipal y promover toda la gestión que se está llevando a cabo en materia de bienestar animal desde la propia concejalía.

In addition, as it has recalled in “the new animal welfare ordinance and policies aimed at improving coexistence between pets and citizenship, they have placed us as a national reference in this area, participating as speakers, for example, in the fourth Welfare CongressAnimal from Spain ".

On the website of the shelter, people interested in adopting an animal can know the pets waiting for a home as well as the data related to their race, sex, approximate age and information about microchips or licenses in the necessary cases.

Paterna,Horta Nord,PerrosTendencias


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