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The SEPE explains if you can collect unemployment and childbirth benefit at the same time

An unemployed person who is receiving a benefit from the State Public Employment Service (SEPE) can request payment of childbirth assistance paid by the National Social Security Institute (INSS). Although for this it is necessary to meet a very specific condition and perform some steps as indicated below.

In addition, it must be remembered that both benefits cannot be received at the same time, but one or the other can be received. But it is not the only thing that must be paid attention to, since it is also necessary to comply with a rule to be able to receive them, all depending on the applicant's situation when requesting both economic benefits from both SEPE and Social Security.

These are two aids that are totally different. Although for both it is necessary to meet certain requirements that are only requested in each of them. To apply for unemployment it is necessary to have contributed for at least 1 year to Social Security, while for maternity or paternity benefits it is mandatory to have a dependent newborn or adopted child.

Can both grants be received at the same time?

No, as stated by the Public State Employment Service and the National Social Security Institute, it is not possible for an unemployed person to be receiving both benefits at the same time. But he can charge one or the other, but always following a few simple steps to be able to do it correctly and not lose any financial benefit.

In the event that there is an unemployed person who is collecting unemployment and has a child, they will have to request the SEPE to suspend the payment of their contributory unemployment benefit. Once you do, you will have to go to Social Security to request the subsidy for the birth of a child, better known as paternity or maternity leave.

This means that the new father stops collecting unemployment benefits for as long as he is entitled to collect childbirth benefits. This means that he does not lose the unemployment time that belongs to him, always depending on the time that he has contributed as a worker registered with Social Security before being fired from his job.

How is unemployment discharged?

If it turns out that an unemployed person has recently become a father and is receiving the contributory unemployment benefit, he has to unsubscribe. This can be done quickly and easily through SEPE's own electronic headquarters. In addition, to know the steps one by one, you can get more information by reading the article on how to cancel unemployment online. Once done, the interested party may request the benefit for the birth and care of the minor in charge of Social Security.

How do I request childbirth benefit?

At the moment in which the payment of unemployment has already been discharged, it will be time to request the benefit for the birth and care of the minor. This aid is known as maternity or paternity leave, always depending on who requests it, and both parents can request it.

To do this, two aspects must be differentiated: unemployed mothers can find out all the details about this aid by reading the guide on maternity leave. While parents can go to the guide on paternity leave, which also specifies the requirements, amounts and how it can be requested from Social Security.

What do you do when the leave time for the birth of a child runs out?

When maternity leave from the National Social Security Institute is no longer collected, you will have to return to the State Public Employment Service, as long as you have not previously found a job. And, there, resume paying unemployment again.

It is important to emphasize one fact, and that is that unemployment does not end while you are on maternity leave. In other words, if you are a mother when you have 4 months of unemployment left, once the maternity leave is exhausted, you will continue to have the right to collect the 4 months of unemployment. Although for this it will be necessary to resume the contributory unemployment benefit before the SEPE.



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