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How to change their name and surname in Mexico

Change name in Mexico is possible.It is a difficult process and with many restrictions, but the process is not impossible.

There are many reasons why a person seeks to start a procedure to change his name and surname;But in the legal order, those that have the greatest justification (to call it in some way) are the following:

When it comes to a falsehood or an spelling error, the procedure is even easier.It can even be done online;But when the concept is by amendment, things are difficult, since this point covers some of the following situations:

A lot of attention here: if you are looking to register a new name for gender identity change, this procedure is not the same.Czech more details here.

The procedure is done in the Civil Registry, but much eye: each State of the Republic has its own laws and procedures to do so.Although most are similar, there may be variants that the interested party must investigate in his own entity.

The process that will be described here corresponds to Mexico City, where the procedure is legally known as the rectification of the birth certificate by amendment.

How to change their name in Mexico City

Rectification of Birth Certificate by amendment

Quiénes pueden solicitar este trámite

Dónde se hace el trámite

Cómo cambiar de nombre y apellido en México

In the Civil Registry of Mexico City.You can check the detail procedures on the CDMX procedure page (click here).It is recommended to call and make an appointment at the central office to request concrete reports:


  1. Solicitar orientación para el trámite de Rectification of Birth Certificate by amendment (cambio de nombre) en cualquiera de las oficinas de representación del Registro Civil de la Ciudad de México. Aquí un directorio por alcaldía.
  2. Descargar el formato de solicitud y pago de derechos; páginas 5, 6 y 7 de este PDF.



The process of change of name by amendment in Mexico City is divided into five stages.It is important that the interested party does not lose the follow -up and does not leave the process unfinished, because different institutions are involved to make it possible.

To avoid any comprehension error, the procedure consisting of the official CDMX procedures page is published textually.

1. El interesado se presenta personalmente o por conducto de su mandatario en el Área de Atención, con los requisitos y solicita la aclaración correspondiente.

2. El servidor público recibe la documentación, revisa y coteja que se cumpla con la totalidad de los requisitos, registra en el sistema, asigna un número de expediente y emite citatorio para que comparezca el promovente en la Oficina Central del Registro Civil de la Ciudad de México y así notificarle de la resolución, el día y hora que al efecto se señale.

3. El interesado se presenta en el Área de Aclaraciones en el plazo previsto, exhibe citatorio e identificación oficial, y solicita la respuesta a la solicitud.4. El servidor público revisa y entrega la respuesta a la solicitud. De ser procedente la aclaración se realizará el pago correspondiente al trámite realizado en Tesorería, mediante el formato número 70, para efectos de realizar la anotación.5. El interesado obtiene la respuesta a su solicitud y firma de recibido.

Más informes

Czech the process, procedures, documents and legal foundations for the change of name in Mexico City in the following support links:

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