Ara, Luz Josefina tea vuitanta-dos anys. Her fills will accompany Paterna to attend the act of overture of the pit. Un parell de dies abans, parlem amb ella por telèfon. Tea l'emotion unbridled: "I did not think that today I saw, and look, the day has arrived", said, with a mix of grief and rage for all there that knew or sensed that they are going to stop. During the entire interview, Luz Josefina's uncle kept the promise of who I believed in allò that he gave. With all, at some moments, I see her tearing herself in an ore of anticipatory pain and rage for all those who are going to destroy her.
—What are you going to tell your mother about her father?—Because of the troubles, my mother is going to get sick, she is going to have Parkinson's, and when she is going to have a reason, she was not there to tell many things. The little thing I know about them is that they are here, the sentence and the barbarities that they believe. They are transported to Ontinyent and before they arrive-hi there was a pig. There the pegaven pallisses. A mon stop, also li ho van fer.
—How are they going to stop it?—When the war is going to end, is it going to come home. He was from the Madrid area, a soldier, and he will return immediately to see the family. The seua dona, the seua xiqueta, that was jo… And he will continue. Mon stop will arrive home with all the joy of the world and in a few minutes they will knock on the door. It was the Civil Guard, accompanied by the person who had betrayed her. Ma mare deia que ni tan sols havia tingut temps de rentar-se les mans quan se'l van endur.
—What did he accuse him of?—D'haver matat un capellà, però no era cert. Unes barbaritats, to the sentence… Tot inventat.
—Who is he going to give away?—A home from here, from the poble. I was going to know who he was, I was going to say when I was going to believe a little, and when he found me on the street he turned my face to the other band. That the people continue, that mon arrives so rainy, at night, amagant-se, and that they know at the end and at what time the people entered, with the emotion of veure'ns to my mother and me... This person does not She was neither poor nor rich, but afterward you sew them up and they'll be anar bé. Seems to give away aportava beneficis. When I was born, they were going to think of the rain that had killed the capellà, but it was all a lie because they were getting old a lot. He was a member of the CNT, he was at the town hall and he had good things for the people. I was assenyalat. And that the taxaren of criminal, això no s'oblida.
—How is your mother going to know that she has condemned death?—A few days after having finished, her mother will open a letter. She told him that she was in Paterna and that if she came back, she had a few hours to wake up. L'havien accusat. Tinc la sentència i Déu n'hi do… At that time, there were many few mitjans per anar from Bocairent to Paterna. Ma mare had a brodding machine. Brodava to save his life a little, but he will sell it to be able to bring an end to Paterna to see him. Em is going to snuggle in her arms and they are going to put her cap there. Quan vam arribar, ja no el vam poder veure. Ja se l'havien endut. Li are going to donate the ulleres, a wallet and a letter with which mon pare s'acomiadava de nosaltres.
—Do I keep it, the letter?—Yes, it's a lot of weather vane. The poor man, when he wrote it, was martyred. Probably they have nailed a palliss, it's blurred.
—I què diu, la carta?—Vol que la lija?
—Yes, please.— “Model prisoner, July 15, 1939. Dear wife, my peers and Germans, still and the rest of the family. Hope that I will receive this letter with all the serenity and blood Freda. Pares, the most probable thing is that, when you receive this letter, ha ha ha existit [així ho llegeix Luz]. Només us pregue que sapigueu que el voste fill és i ha estat el milor dels mortals com a fill i com a home. Blas [es dirigix al seu germà], porta't bé amb els pares. Wife, Conxa, you will know that your husband has estimated you fins at the darrer moment. Just wait that when our daughter Finita [com anomenava Luz Josefina] has knowledge, you say that they are not going to be a criminal, but the most esteemed of human beings. Ànims, peers, life is here.” [Luz is moved while reading the letter, dated the day he was shot.]
—After death you stopped, the family was under surveillance.—From time to time you pass home, knock on the door, with that long cape that is bearable and that rainy three-cornered hat and the submachine gun or wherever you go portaven. They come to see if we are home or if we have run away. We live both for Ma mare is going to pose malalta i obria jo. We live at an aunt's house because we are going to stay-we feel res. Jo was going to tremble when he saw them. Em miraven de dalt a baix. Say good morning with a very serious face. It will be there during many times, since afterward it was the meu oncle who went to the barn. I also woke up, but the meu oncle entered the office and spoke with the guards. I was left alone and, quan eixia, I asked what happened and I answered that it was, that everything was fine.
—The marriage of your peers will be very short. Com va anar tot?—It's going to be married on February 27, 1937 and my parents will be at the front. She had a friend from here, from the town, who was married to a friend of her mother. I don't know how they go, because it was rare, but some dies totes due se'n go anar on eren ells i go fer uns dies together. Jo vaig venir de aquesta trobada. They won't have beef temps anymore. Vaig nàixer on February 1939.
—How will your infantesa be?—My aunt will return to her home. The family of my parents are poor and they go there who will be able to help us. It was very sad. La meua àvia anava demanant pels masos: “Per la meua xiqueta”, gave her, and the seua xiqueta was jo. I there that li donaven, ho portava a casa. Ma tia, the German xicoteta from mon pare, when she was five years old, celebrated and duia all the villages. He had a very good relationship with my dear aunt Antonia. Estimava molt. I knew all there that there was a passat. Everything is very sad.
—A l'escola, us assenyalaven com la filla d'un roig?—No m'ho deien clearly. In addition, she was not going to join the school. Ma mare m'hi enviava i jo no hi anava. Hi vaig anar molt poquetes voltes. When you are going to be a majoreta, to work at the factory, they demand the certificate and you are going to join the Falange. We had no other remedy than anar-hi to be able to work at the factory.
—Tot això, com ho heu explicatat als vostres fills? They are very implicated in all això. S'han sabentat de tot i jo els he contat tot allò que sé. S'han adonat d'allò que hi havia, d'allò que vam patir.
—What did I feel, so that it is possible to open the grave and be able to recover the remains of your father?—It is exciting. She did not expect to arrive at veure-ho. He always said: “Això jo no ho veuré.” But I grew up that yes I will arrive. Two days to go. [Riu.] Hi, I will animate with two of my fills and her wife and her home. We will be five. I will be molt acotxadeta. It is a long-awaited thing! So many years! Estic molt excited. The heart pushes here dalt!
Vicent Gabarda: "There were more deaths in the Valencian Country during the Republican repression than during the Francoist repression"