The agreement was signed on January 13, 2022, and in compliance with the provisions of section 8 of article 48 of Law 40/2015, of October 1, on the Legal Regime of the Public Sector, the publication in the «Official Gazette of the State” of said agreement, which appears as an annex to this resolution.
Madrid, January 18, 2022.–The President of the State Agency Higher Council for Scientific Research, MP, Rosa Menéndez López.
Agreement between the State Agency Higher Council for Scientific Research, MP, and the "la Caixa" Banking Foundation within the framework of the "Social Research 2021" call of said foundation. Project AUTODEMO/SR21-00329
In Barcelona and Madrid.
On the one hand, Ms. Rosina López-Alonso Fandiño, in her capacity as Vice President of Organization and Institutional Relations of the State Agency Higher Council for Scientific Research, MP (hereinafter, Institution or CSIC), appointed by Agreement of the Governing Council of the CSIC, at its meeting on November 28, 2019 (BOE 12/18/2019. Res. CSIC Presidency of December 13, 2019, which resolves the call for free appointment), acting on behalf of this institution by virtue of the powers that it has delegated by resolution of January 21, 2021 of the Presidency of the CSIC (BOE of January 28 following). Agency with headquarters in Madrid (CP 28006), institutional address at calle de Serrano 117 and NIF Q-2818002-D.
And, for the purposes of guaranteeing knowledge and acceptance on your part of the content of this document as Project Leader by the CSIC, Dr. JLFM, with ID number *****468* and residing in Madrid.
On the other hand, Mrs. Arantxa Ribot Horas, in her capacity as Director of the Social Observatory, by virtue of powers granted before the Notary Public of Barcelona, Mrs. María Dolores Giménez Arbona on November 4, 2021, under number 2011 of her protocol, acting on behalf of the Caixa d'Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona Banking Foundation (hereinafter, "la Caixa" Banking Foundation), with headquarters at Plaza Weyler, 3, postal code 07001, Palma (Balearic Islands) and tax identification code ( NIF) G58899998.
I. That Law 14/2011, of June 1, on Science, Law and Innovation, regulates in its article 34 the possibility that public agents of financing or execution of the Spanish System of Science, and Innovation, including the administrations public institutions, public universities, public research bodies of the General State Administration, consortiums and foundations participated by public administrations, research bodies of other public administrations and centers and institutions of the National Health System, may sign agreements between them or with private agents that carry out scientific and technical research activities, national, supranational or foreign, for the joint performance of, among other activities:
c) Financing of singular scientific-technical projects.
II. That the "la Caixa" Banking Foundation includes among its objectives the carrying out of charitable and social works, its own or in collaboration with institutions in the country, attending to the different needs of society.
The mission of the «la Caixa» Foundation is to contribute to the progress of people and society, with special emphasis on the most vulnerable groups, either through its own programs, strategic alliances or collaborations with third parties, through efficient actions and, where appropriate, innovative, assessable in terms of their results and likely to be transferred to other entities.
The «la Caixa» Foundation develops social, educational, cultural, scientific and environmental programs with a transformative vocation, and in particular has been allocating numerous resources to biomedical research.
The «la Caixa» Foundation wishes to incorporate the concept of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) as a new democratizing paradigm of research and innovation processes. The European Commission has clearly incorporated RRI in its research policies, interweaving science, research and innovation, and society. Responsible Research and Innovation involves the joint work of society's actors throughout the research and innovation process in order to align the process and results with the values, needs and expectations of society. The RRI is an ambitious challenge that aims for research and innovation to be driven by the needs of society and to promote the involvement of all social actors through participatory and inclusive approaches. The framework for RRI consists of 6 key elements: public participation and involvement, ethics, gender equality, scientific education and open access, all under the umbrella of governance, which must harmoniously integrate the other elements.
III. That the CSIC is a Public Research Organization, attached to the Ministry of Science and Innovation through the General Secretariat for Research. Its fundamental objective is to develop and promote research for the benefit of scientific and technological progress, for which it is open to collaboration with Spanish and foreign entities. According to its Statute (article 4), its mission is to promote, coordinate, develop and disseminate scientific and technological research, of a multidisciplinary nature, in order to contribute to the advancement of knowledge and economic, social and cultural development. , as well as the training of personnel and advice to public and private entities in these matters.
The CSIC is constituted as a state agency and, in this condition, is governed by the provisions of articles 108 bis to 108 sexies (introduced by the General State Budget Law for 2021) of Law 40/2015, of October 1 , of the Legal Regime of the Public Sector (LRJSP), as well as by the provisions of its Statute, approved by Royal Decree 1730/2007, of December 21.
IV. That, in January 2021, the "la Caixa" Banking Foundation launched the third edition of the Call for Social Research, which awards grants for social research projects, with a duration of up to two years (hereinafter, the "call of proposals").
V. That the Institution presented the project proposal AUTODEMO / SR21-00329 «The stealth side of participatory democracy: process preferences towards automated decision-making» (hereinafter, the «Project »), with Dr. JLFM as Project Leader (hereinafter, the «Project Leader»).
SAW. That, after carrying out the selection process described in detail in the participation bases for the call for projects, available on the website of the "la Caixa" Banking Foundation (hereinafter, the "Participation Bases"), the Project has result selected to receive one of the grants offered.
VII. That the CSIC is a beneficiary entity of patronage by virtue of article 16 of Law 49/2002, of December 23, on the tax regime of non-profit entities and tax incentives for patronage.
Thus, the parties hereby recognize their reciprocal capacity to act and to sign agreements, and freely decide to enter into this agreement (hereinafter, the "Agreement"), which will be governed by the following
First. Object of the agreement and payment of the aid.
The purpose of this Agreement is to establish the collaboration framework between the "la Caixa" Banking Foundation and the Institution in relation to the Project, through the contribution granted by the former for a maximum amount of 95,919.00 euros (hereinafter, the "aid" or "contribution"), which the Institution will allocate in full to the Project. The contribution may not exceed the Project budget in any case.
The contribution will be made effective in three installments. Each of the payments will be made within 60 days after receipt of the corresponding request for payment, which the Institution will submit according to the following schedule:
the first payment, equivalent to 50% of the aid, specifically 47,959.50 euros, after the entry into force of the Agreement, after holding the initial meeting provided for in the fourth clause and after verifying the following documents, through the request for the call for proposals: i) certificates from the Tax Administration and the General Treasury of the Social Security, showing that the Institution is up to date with its tax and labor obligations; and ii) approval of the Project by the ethics committee of the Institution. These three certificates must be valid at the time of signing the Agreement;
the second payment, for a maximum amount of 30% of the total amount of the contribution, 28,775.70 euros, after presentation of the interim report, to the satisfaction of the “la Caixa” Banking Foundation;
the third and last payment, for a maximum amount equivalent to the rest of the amount of the contribution, after holding the final meeting referred to in the fourth clause, and upon presentation, to the satisfaction of the “la Caixa” Banking Foundation, of the final report (mentioned in the fourth clause) and the justification of all the expenses of the Project, once approved by the “la Caixa” Banking Foundation.
The amount of the contribution will include, where appropriate, the applicable taxes. Payment will be made to current account no. ES07 9000 0001 2002 2000 0047 opened at the Bank of Spain in the name of the CSIC, c/ Alcalá, 48, 28014 Madrid.
As a result of this collaboration, the “la Caixa” Banking Foundation will not assume any other payment or liability for a concept other than those specified in this Agreement.
Second. Obligations, declarations and guarantees of the CSIC.
2.1 Without prejudice to the obligations imposed by the other clauses of the Agreement, the Institution, which hereby ratifies its acceptance of the Participation Bases, undertakes the following:
a) Carry out the Project described in the proposal submitted to the call in which no substantial modifications may be introduced. In the event that any substantial modification is required, the Monitoring Committee described in the fourth clause must be notified, and the "la Caixa" Banking Foundation reserves the right to cancel the aid or claim its return, depending on the nature and the effects of the change in question and, in any case, in application of the resolution regime of the Agreement contained in the ninth clause. Any budget modification will also be communicated to the “la Caixa” Banking Foundation, accompanied by the due justification and subject to the prior approval of the Monitoring Committee.
b) Accept and execute in the Project the changes requested by the External Ethics Committee of the “la Caixa” Banking Foundation.
c) Assume the responsibility of supplying the Project with the necessary elements to achieve its objective and to guarantee adequate management, in order to ensure its correct development. The “la Caixa” Banking Foundation will not be responsible for the management carried out by the Institution or the collaborators of the Project.
d) Allocate the full amount granted by the “la Caixa” Banking Foundation to the objectives specified in this Agreement, in accordance with the Participation Terms and the budget presented in the call for proposals, and diligently manage and administer the amount received.
e) Execute the Project in accordance with the most demanding standards and ethical principles of research integrity and good scientific practices, the principles of responsible research and innovation (IIR), and respecting the principles of the Institution, the Bases for participation in the call for proposals and the applicable legislation at all times, in addition to any rights of third parties that may be affected. Any assumption of inappropriate scientific conduct that may occur during the execution of the Project, or even after its completion, must be reported immediately to the “la Caixa” Banking Foundation. This reserves the right to cancel the aid or to claim its return depending on the nature and effects of the incident in question and, in any case, in application of the resolution regime of the Agreement provided for in the ninth clause.
f) Comply with the principles of responsibility in research and innovation of the "la Caixa" Banking Foundation, including its research integrity policy and its research results management policy and free access to them, described in clause 7.6 , both with regard to data management and free access.
g) Communicate any deviation in the execution of the Project or in the allocation of its budget, with respect to what had been previously communicated.
h) Return any balance that had not been assigned to the execution of the Project, in accordance with the final report presented.
i) Maintain and make available to the “la Caixa” Banking Foundation all the supporting documentation for the expenses related to the Project, in addition to any other complementary documents that the Foundation may require to comply with the provisions of the anti-money laundering regulations. and the financing of terrorism, without prejudice to the other prior checks carried out for this purpose.
2.2 The Project Leader ratifies that he accepts the Bases of participation and the obligations described in this Agreement, to the extent that they are applicable.
2.3 The Institution undertakes to extend the obligations specified in the Bases of participation and in this Agreement to all other members of the Project team, to the extent applicable to them.
Third. Total project budget.
The total budget of the Project amounts to the amount of 95,919.00 euros, which will be executed with a charge to the aid granted by the “la Caixa” Banking Foundation in accordance with the provisions of the first clause and in the other provisions of the Agreement.
The expenses eligible by the CSIC charged to the aid will be those established in the proposal submitted to the call, with the following distribution:
CSIC eligible expenses (amounts in euros) | Annuity | Subtotal by tasks | |
Year 2022 | Year 2023 | ||
Staff costs. | 39,419 | ||
– Recruitment of technical personnel. | 29,919 | ||
– Additional remuneration to the Project Leader (maximum 10% of the total granted). In accordance with article 7.2.a of the bases of the Social Research 2021 call. | 5,000 | 4,500 | |
Inventory: computer equipment. | 1,200 | 1,200 | |
consumables. | 32,000 | ||
– AUTODEMO website. | 1,500 | ||
– Online platform to carry out experiment. | 1,500 | ||
– Recruitment of a company to carry out the survey. | 29,000 | ||
Trips: coordination meetings, congresses, conferences, workshops. | 1,700 | 1,700 | 3,400 |
Other expenses. | 19,500 | ||
– Incentives to the participants of the experiment. | 10,000 | ||
– Publications (open Access and English copywriting). | 1,500 | ||
– Other indirect expenses (overheads). Maximum 10% of the total granted in accordance with article 7.2.b of the bases of the Social Research 2021 call. | 4,400 | 4,000 | |
Subtotal. | 44,300 | 51,619 | |
Total. | 95,919 |
Quarter. Monitoring and final evaluation of the Project.
The monitoring of the Project will be carried out periodically and also on an annual basis through the online application "Management of research grants and scholarships" of the "la Caixa" Banking Foundation, and through the monitoring committee, all of which will be carried out in accordance with the following provisions.
4.1 Monitoring Committee: functions, composition and meetings.
In accordance with the provisions of article 49.f of Law 40/2015, of October 1, on the Legal Regime of the Public Sector, in order to monitor the application of this Agreement, a mixed committee will be set up (in hereinafter, the "Monitoring Committee") as a mechanism for monitoring, surveillance and control of its execution and of the commitments acquired by the signatories, made up of the following representatives of each of the signatory parties:
– For the “la Caixa” Banking Foundation:
The person in charge of the Project or the person delegated.
The person determined in the Project by the “la Caixa” Banking Foundation or the person delegated.
– For the CSIC:
The head of the Institute of Policies and Public Assets (CSIC-IPP) or the person delegated by him.
The Project Leader or person delegated.
The members of the Monitoring Committee may designate other persons representing their institution, who may attend the meetings as advisers, but as members without voting rights.
The Monitoring Committee will resolve the interpretation and compliance problems that may arise with respect to the Agreement, establishing by mutual agreement the rules that will regulate its operation. The Committee will be responsible, among others, for the following tasks:
Safeguard the correct development of the Project and respond to the needs that may arise during its execution.
Perform economic and scientific monitoring of the Project, evaluating compliance with objectives, results and monitoring indicators.
Control, supervise and safeguard the correct allocation of the economic contribution made by the “la Caixa” Banking Foundation.
Resolve issues that may arise in matters of communication, dissemination and exploitation, or in relation to the development or results of the Project.
Evaluate the results of the Project and the collaboration relationship.
Agree on some details regarding the execution of the content of the Agreement (eg, regarding the guidelines on the use of the Foundation's logos).
And, in general, all the functions derived from this Agreement or that the parties deem necessary for another reason.
In the absence of its own regulations approved by the Monitoring Committee, its operation will be governed by what is established for collegiate bodies, in section 3 of chapter II of the preliminary title of the LRJSP.
The Monitoring Committee will hold an initial meeting, to be scheduled during the first months of the Project, and a final meeting, approximately 36 months after the start of the Project. An intermediate meeting may also be held towards the middle of the Project.
The “la Caixa” Banking Foundation reserves the right to convene the parties at any time during the Project, to address all issues that, due to their urgent or specific nature, cannot be postponed until the next scheduled meeting.
The members of the Monitoring Committee will be accountable to their respective institutions for the results of the management carried out by said Committee.
4.2 Follow-up reports.
The Institution undertakes to submit to the “la Caixa” Banking Foundation, at least, the following reports, through the “Management of research grants and scholarships” application:
i) an intermediate monitoring report, which must be submitted at least seven days before requesting the payment corresponding to the middle of the Project period (about 18 months after the start of the Project); Y
ii) a final report, which must be submitted seven days before the final meeting referred to in clause 4.1 and which must include a list of the Project expenses financed with the help of the "la Caixa" Banking Foundation, a detailed description of all the activities carried out, the degree of achievement of the Project's objectives and an evaluation of the Project carried out.
Both the interim monitoring report and the final report will follow the instructions and the format provided by the “la Caixa” Banking Foundation. Your presentation is a mandatory requirement to receive the contribution.
4.3 Follow-up of the Project through the application “Management of grants and research grants”.
The Institution, through the Project Leader or other members of the Project team, must provide up-to-date information about the Project in the "Management of research grants and scholarships" application of the "la Caixa" Banking Foundation, complying at all times the rules of access and use that have been communicated to them.
In particular, although not exclusively, the Institution must periodically include in the "Management of research grants and scholarships" application and, in any case, at the end of each year of the Project: i) publications, advances and scientific results and activities of diffusion of the Project, ii) updated information relative to all the members of the team, and iii) the data that justifies the assignment of the contribution to the Project.
The «la Caixa» Banking Foundation may request at any time the reports, data and supporting documentation it deems necessary regarding the Project, and the Institution and the Project Leader undertake to provide them.
4.4 Delivery of Results.
As provided in the Bases, the selected applicants commit to three main results:
a. Scientific article: the results of the Project must be published, at least, in the form of an article in an indexed publication. Only publications indexed with Scopus or Web of Science will be admitted for this purpose.
b. Informative article: in the form of a brief article for a lay public on the subject. The “la Caixa” Foundation will hold the right to publish the informative article on the website of the Social Observatory of the “la Caixa” Foundation and/or in the newsletter and/or in other informative channels of the activities of the “la Caixa” Foundation ( see sixth clause for further details).
c. Knowledge-brokering activity: applicants are expected to contribute and participate in a knowledge-brokering activity led and organized by the “la Caixa” Foundation. The implementation of said activities will be decided ad hoc towards the end of the Project.
Along with the final report, within 90 days from the end of the Project, confirmation of the delivery of the scientific article to the publisher/publication must be sent to the «la Caixa» Foundation, through the grant and scholarship management system, as well as the informative article.
4.5 Long-term absences.
In the event that the Project Leader is affected by one of the following situations during the 24 months of his Project, an extension may be requested during the months in which it is justified.
Sick leave equal to or greater than three months.
maternity or paternity leave.
Leave to care for first degree relatives equal to or greater than three months.
In order to be eligible for this extension, the Project Leader must submit official documents certifying that he is on sick leave from his job, at the beginning of the sick leave period.
4.6 Post award support.
The Institution and the Project Leader state that they are aware of and accept that: (i) the "la Caixa" Banking Foundation will be empowered, although not obliged, to offer support and post-award initiatives such as mentoring, consultancy or training in fields relevant to research including but not limited to innovation, dissemination of results, data management, etc. And that (ii) the “la Caixa” Banking Foundation may communicate relevant information about the Center and/or the Project and/or the Project team to the providers involved in said post-award initiatives; and that (iii) the "la Caixa" Banking Foundation may receive comments on the Project from said providers during the course of the aforementioned initiatives and until their completion and that (iv) participation in them is strongly encouraged, and may imply a contract with the teams of other projects and/or with the aforementioned suppliers.
Fifth. Audit.
The Institution authorizes the "la Caixa" Banking Foundation, as well as the companies that it contracts for this purpose, to verify at any time compliance with the provisions and obligations set forth in this Agreement, the Bases of participation and the Project of which concerned, including the correct allocation of the economic contribution received; The Institution also undertakes to give them access to the necessary premises, documentation and information.
The Institution will make available to the “la Caixa” Banking Foundation the original financial documents related to the expenses of the Project financed with the aid received from the Foundation, including those that must be provided in response to the call for proposals under this Agreement. .
The aforementioned documents may be consulted at any time, in order to verify and supervise the development of the Project.
The “la Caixa” Banking Foundation may at any time request that the Institution present an audit report or statement, as well as any additional information, documentation or clarification that the Foundation deems necessary to enable its own auditors or advisers to assess the correct allocation of the funds granted. The expenses of said audit report or statement will be borne by the Foundation, which must previously authorize the corresponding budget, except if irregularities are detected in said report or statement, in which case the expenses will be borne by the Institution.
The cost of the audit report must be duly included and recorded in the Project budget, in accordance with the provisions of the Participation Bases.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the "la Caixa" Banking Foundation may request at any time, and the Institution undertakes to provide, any additional audit report or statement, as well as any additional information, documentation or clarification, that the Foundation considers necessary to allow their own auditors or advisers to assess the correct allocation of the aid.
Sixth. Intellectual and industrial property.
If, as a result of the research carried out by the Project that receives the aid under the call for proposals, or in any other way as a result of said research, a protected result or susceptible to protection or registered or susceptible to registration as a right is obtained or intellectual or industrial property rights, or any other class of rights, the Institution agrees to inform the “la Caixa” Banking Foundation in this regard. In any case, the Institution must guarantee the optimal protection of the results of the Project.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, in all communications relating to said results, express mention must be made of the collaboration established with the “la Caixa” Banking Foundation through this Agreement, as specified in the seventh clause.
The «la Caixa» Foundation reserves the right, but will not be obliged, to publish and disclose the results generated under the Project and, in particular, the informative article mentioned in clause 4.4.b). In any case, the publication or dissemination carried out by the «la Caixa» Foundation will respect the right of the authors to be recognized as such.
The Institution and the Project Leader guarantee the originality of the results, do not violate the rights of third parties and that the exploitation rights correspond to the Institution.
In order to allow the publication and dissemination referred to in the preceding paragraphs, the Institution grants the exploitation rights in favor of the «la Caixa» Foundation to the extent necessary to publish, disseminate and translate the informative article on the Social Observatory website and/or newsletter and/or any other channels for disseminating the activities of the «la Caixa» Foundation, with no time limit and worldwide.
Seventh. Dissemination of the Project.
7.1 In accordance with the provisions of the Participation Bases, the Institution undertakes to expressly recognize the “la Caixa” Banking Foundation as the financing organization of the Project. In particular, the Institution undertakes to report the participation of the "la Caixa" Banking Foundation, unless otherwise indicated, in all communications, activities, documents and material prepared within the framework of the Project, as well as in the acts promotional information, including, but not exclusively, the annual report, the Institution's website (which will offer a link to the "la Caixa" Banking Foundation's website or microsite), magazines, emails, etc., as well as digital material and communications on social networks. In any case, the logo of the "la Caixa" Banking Foundation and the reference to its contribution must be easily visible and sufficiently highlighted (taking into account, in addition, the type of activity and the purpose pursued), always subject to review prior and written approval of the Foundation. With regard to mentions on social networks, the parties will agree on the networks and channels of the “la Caixa” Banking Foundation that must be mentioned and whose link will be included.
7.2 The "la Caixa" Banking Foundation must give its prior written authorization for the appearance of its corporate image in any medium, or for participation in any promotional activity, including public events or activities (for example, emails, letters, brochures , notifications, announcements, posters, graphic material, websites, computer applications, social networks, publications, reports, scientific articles, scientific seminars and conferences, courses, interviews, press releases or conferences, presentations of the Project or its results, material support, etc). A tal efecto, el material informativo y promocional (incluido, aunque no exclusivamente, comunicados de prensa, diseño final de documentos, comunicaciones públicas, etc.) deberá presentarse para su examen previo y su aprobación por escrito por la Fundación Bancaria «la Caixa», antes de su elaboración, publicación o difusión.
7.3 La Fundación Bancaria «la Caixa», cuando lo considere necesario, podrá hacer promoción de la colaboración a que se refiere el presente Convenio, siempre que la Institución dé previamente su visto bueno a la correcta utilización de su imagen corporativa y sus signos distintivos; esto incluirá, aunque no exclusivamente, la posibilidad de mencionar el Proyecto y de divulgar su contenido (no confidencial) en su informe anual y en cualquier otro medio por el que informe de sus actividades (incluida Internet).
7.4 Los artículos científicos y cualquier otra comunicación científica publicada en relación con el Proyecto deberán incluir el siguiente texto: «El proyecto que ha dado lugar a estos resultados ha recibido financiación de la Fundación Bancaria «la Caixa», con el código de proyecto “Código asignado a los proyectos beneficiarios”». La Institución y el Líder del Proyecto deberán notificar anticipadamente a la Fundación Bancaria «la Caixa» a la publicación de dichos artículos, e incluirlos en la aplicación «Gestión de ayudas y becas de investigación» dentro del mes siguiente al de su publicación. En todo caso, todas las publicaciones deberán incluirse en esa aplicación antes de que transcurra un año desde su aparición.
7.5 El Líder del Proyecto será referido como miembro de la Red «CaixaResearch» cuando se le mencione en relación con el Proyecto.
7.6 La Fundación Bancaria «la Caixa» insta a que los datos obtenidos a través de los proyectos de investigación se hagan fácilmente accesibles en repositorios especializados o en los de la propia Institución.
La Institución se compromete a cumplir los principios de la Fundación sobre responsabilidad en materia de investigación e innovación, incluidas la política de integridad en la investigación y la política de gestión y libre acceso a los resultados de las investigaciones (disponible en el sitio web de la Fundación Bancaria «la Caixa»), ya permitir la libre disponibilidad de todos los resultados del Proyecto conforme a los parámetros que ahí se establecen, salvo en casos justificados.
7.7 La Institución y el Líder del Proyecto deberán velar por que los miembros del equipo, así como sus derechohabientes, cumplan las condiciones sobre difusión recogidas en la convocatoria de propuestas, de conformidad con las Bases de participación y con este Convenio.
Octava. Plazo de vigencia y modificación del Convenio.
El presente Convenio se perfeccionará en el momento de su firma, y su eficacia quedará condicionada a su inscripción en el Registro Electrónico estatal de Órganos e Instrumentos de Cooperación del sector público estatal (REOICO), debiendo publicarse a continuación en el «Boletín Oficial del Estado», de acuerdo con lo previsto en el artículo 48.8 de la Ley 40/2015, de 1 de octubre, de Régimen Jurídico del Sector Público.
Una vez el Convenio surta efectos, su duración se extenderá hasta que transcurran tres meses tras la finalización del plazo del Proyecto, no pudiendo exceder su vigencia en todo caso de los cinco años, de conformidad con lo dispuesto en el artículo 34.1.c) y el 34.2 de la Ley 14/2011, de 1 de junio, de la Ciencia, lay la Innovación, en la redacción dada por la disposición final 1.1 del Real Decreto-ley 3/2019, de 8 de febrero, de medidas urgentes en el ámbito de la Ciencia, la , la Innovación y la Universidad.
En este sentido, el Proyecto comenzará el 24 de enero de 2022 y tendrá una duración de dos (2) años (plazo del Proyecto), sin perjuicio de lo expresado en el párrafo anterior en lo referido a la vigencia del Convenio.
Para evitar cualquier duda, los tres últimos meses de vigencia del Convenio no se entenderán como una prórroga del plazo del Proyecto, sino que se han acordado con el único objeto de permitir la aprobación del informe final, la celebración de la reunión final y la ultimación del pago final, tal como se establece en el Convenio.
Solo podrá solicitarse una única prórroga del plazo del Proyecto, sin coste alguno y por un periodo máximo de 12 meses, y siempre que se solicite por el CSIC al menos tres meses antes de finalizar el plazo del Proyecto. Tal solicitud deberá enviarse a la Fundación Bancaria «la Caixa» e irá acompañada de una justificación de la necesidad y de los planes de la prórroga, junto con una declaración sobre la disponibilidad de fondos suficientes. La solicitud requerirá la aprobación expresa, previa y por escrito, de la Fundación. En el caso de que la prórroga del Proyecto excediese del plazo de vigencia del Convenio deberá procederse a su modificación conforme a lo previsto en el siguiente párrafo.
De igual forma, el presente Convenio podrá ser modificado por mutuo acuerdo de las partes. Cualquier modificación, incluida la prórroga prevista en el párrafo precedente, se instrumentará mediante la oportuna adenda al Convenio que deberán suscribir las partes siempre dentro del plazo de vigencia del mismo.
Dicha prórroga, así como cualquier eventual modificación al Convenio, deberá ser comunicada a REOICO, en consonancia con lo establecido en el apartado 2 de la disposición adicional séptima de la LRJSP, además de cumplir con los restantes trámites preceptivos contemplados en ésta para su firma y eficacia.
Novena. Causas de extinción.
De acuerdo con lo previsto en el artículo 51.1 de la LRJSP, este Convenio se extinguirá por el cumplimiento de las actuaciones que constituyen su objeto o por incurrir en alguna de las siguientes causas de resolución, según lo establecido en el apartado 2 del mismo artículo y sin perjuicio de lo regulado en los apartados a) ye) de la cláusula 2.1:
El transcurso del plazo de vigencia del Convenio sin haberse acordado la prórroga del mismo.
Incumplimiento por cualquiera de las partes de las disposiciones del Convenio, incluidos, aunque no exclusivamente, los casos de conducta científica inapropiada o la asignación o gasto inadecuados de la ayuda, verificados mediante auditoría, comprobación de gastos o de cualquier otro modo. En este caso, se estará a lo establecido en el artículo 51.2.c) de la LRJSP.
Acuerdo mutuo entre las partes.
Promulgación de disposiciones legales o reglamentarias que impidan su cumplimiento.
Cambios en el plan de desarrollo del Proyecto o desvío sustancial de la propuesta presentada en la convocatoria y que pueda dar lugar a que la Fundación Bancaria «la Caixa» decida retirar su colaboración. Se considerará sustancial todo cambio estructural o fundamental, así como los cambios presupuestarios no autorizados al Proyecto.
Cualquier acontecimiento referente a la Institución, sus directivos, el Líder del Proyecto o los miembros del equipo, o cualquier circunstancia relativa al Proyecto que pueda ser perjudicial para la imagen o la reputación de la Fundación Bancaria «la Caixa».
Retraso importante en el cumplimiento de los hitos o plazos del Proyecto.
Cambio, sustitución, retirada o dimisión del Líder del Proyecto.
Por decisión judicial declaratoria de la nulidad del Convenio.
En caso de producirse la terminación anticipada de este Convenio, los importes acordados no se entregarán después de esa fecha. Si esa terminación se debe a causas imputables a la Institución, esta deberá devolver los importes recibidos y no asignados a los objetivos previstos en el Convenio.
Asimismo, en el supuesto de que existiesen actuaciones en curso de ejecución, de acuerdo con lo previsto en el artículo 52.3 de la LRJSP, se podrá acordar la continuación y finalización de éstas en un plazo improrrogable, transcurrido el cual el Convenio deberá liquidarse. Dicho plazo se fijaría por las partes cuando se resolviera el Convenio.
Todo ello sin perjuicio de lo dispuesto en el artículo 52 de la LRJSP en relación con los efectos de la resolución de los Convenios, a lo que las partes firmantes quedan sometidas en lo que les sea de aplicación.
Tenth. Colaboración o ayuda de terceros.
Todo acuerdo de patrocinio o mecenazgo que la Institución desee celebrar con terceros en relación con el Proyecto deberá ser compatible con este Convenio y respetar sus disposiciones; en todo caso, la Institución deberá notificar previamente a la Fundación Bancaria «la Caixa» su intención de colaborar con el tercero de que se trate, y la Fundación Bancaria «la Caixa» podrá oponerse a esa participación si considera que existen motivos fundados para ello.
De igual modo, la Institución notificará a la Fundación Bancaria «la Caixa» la obtención de cualquier ayuda o subvención en relación con el Proyecto.
Undécima. Treatment of personal data.
11.1 Cada parte tratará los datos personales consignados en este Convenio (datos de los signatarios) para gestionar la relación de colaboración, siendo el objeto de ese tratamiento la materialización de dicha relación. Los datos se conservarán mientras dure la relación e incluso una vez finalizada esta, hasta que hayan transcurrido los plazos legales de prescripción. A partir de ese momento, los datos se eliminarán, o al menos se anonimizarán. Se informa a las partes interesadas de lo siguiente:
a) Los responsables de tratar los datos personales son las partes signatarias; los datos de contacto del delegado de protección de datos (DPO, por sus siglas en inglés) o del responsable de seguridad respectivo son:
Datos del delegado de protección de datos de la Fundación Bancaria «la Caixa»: correo electrónico:; dirección postal: Avinguda Diagonal, 621–629, 08028 Barcelona.
Datos del delegado de protección de datos de la Institución: correo electrónico:; dirección postal: Calle de Serrano, 117, CP 28006 Madrid.
b) Los datos personales de las partes interesadas no se comunicarán a terceras entidades ni serán objeto de decisiones automatizadas.
c) Si las partes necesitaran contratar los servicios ofrecidos por proveedores ubicados en países en los que no exista una normativa equivalente a la europea en materia de tratamiento de datos, dicha contratación estará sujeta al cumplimento previo de todos los requisitos previstos en la normativa sobre protección de datos ya la aplicación de las garantías y salvaguardias necesarias para garantizar su protección. Para más información, los titulares de los datos podrán contactar con los responsables de protección de datos o, en su caso, con el responsable de seguridad, en las direcciones indicadas.
d) Los titulares de los datos tendrán derecho a acceder a sus datos personales, a rectificar datos incorrectos, a solicitar su supresión cuando ya no sean necesarios, solicitar la oposición o limitación del tratamiento de los mismos, oa solicitar su portabilidad, enviando un mensaje al delegado de protección de datos o, en su caso, al responsable de seguridad, en las direcciones indicadas.
e) Si los titulares de los datos consideran que el tratamiento de sus datos personales vulnera la normativa aplicable, podrán denunciarlo ante el delegado de protección de datos o, en su caso, el responsable de seguridad, o ante la Agencia Española de Protección de Datos.
11.2 Se conviene expresamente en que todos los datos e información que la Institución comunique a la Fundación Bancaria «la Caixa» en relación con el Proyecto tendrán carácter de datos disociados, en el sentido de que no permitirán identificar en modo alguno a ninguna persona y que, por tanto, estarán excluidos de la normativa sobre protección de datos. Concretamente, la Institución mantendrá informada a la Fundación Bancaria «la Caixa» del desarrollo del Proyecto mediante datos cuantitativos, numéricos o porcentuales.
11.3 La Institución no tendrá acceso a los datos personales (ni tendrá derecho a tratarlos) bajo el control de la Fundación Bancaria «la Caixa» durante la ejecución del Convenio. Si, durante la vigencia del Convenio, la Institución tuviese acceso a cualesquiera datos personales sujetos al control de la Fundación Bancaria «la Caixa», informará de ello a la Fundación Bancaria «la Caixa» inmediatamente, aplicando las medidas de seguridad pertinentes, y las partes adoptarán todas las medidas y harán todo lo necesario para cumplir la normativa sobre protección de datos personales.
11.4 La Institución manifiesta que cumplirá, bajo su sola y exclusiva responsabilidad, todas las obligaciones que le incumban con arreglo a la normativa sobre protección de datos personales. Además, la Institución se compromete a aplicar las medidas de seguridad necesarias, eximiendo a la Fundación Bancaria «la Caixa» de toda responsabilidad por daños y de la imposición de cualquier sanción a instancia de un tercero, incluidas las autoridades u organizaciones correspondientes.
11.5 En todo caso, las partes quedan sometidas a lo dispuesto en la Ley Orgánica 3/2018, de 5 de diciembre, de Protección de Datos Personales y garantía de los derechos digitales, así como al Reglamento (UE) 2016/679 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 27 de abril de 2016 (Reglamento General de Protección de Datos o RGPD) y demás normativa aplicable en materia de protección de datos.
Duodécima. Otras disposiciones.
A los efectos pertinentes, las partes manifiestan y reconocen que aplicarán al presente Convenio, durante todo su periodo de vigencia, todas las disposiciones contenidas en las Bases de participación. Se entiende que, a través de la firma del presente instrumento, se reiteran y ratifican dichas disposiciones.
En este sentido, la Institución y el Líder del Proyecto manifiestan que han tenido acceso y que conocen el contenido íntegro de las Bases de participación, publicadas en el sitio web de la Fundación Bancaria «la Caixa», que también se les han facilitado en formato electrónico antes de la firma de este Convenio.
Decimotercera. Garantías y exención de responsabilidad.
13.1 El Proyecto deberá cumplir en todo momento con los principios éticos de la UE, el Derecho español y el Derecho Internacional aplicable en este ámbito, así como con lo dispuesto en la Carta de Derechos Fundamentales de la Unión Europea.
13.2 La Institución y el Líder del Proyecto garantizan que el Proyecto cumple y cumplirá toda la normativa aplicable y que, tanto en su propuesta como en su desarrollo, no vulnera ni vulnerará ningún derecho de terceros, incluyendo, sin carácter exhaustivo, los derechos de propiedad intelectual e industrial o cualquier acuerdo o compromiso contraído con anterioridad.
13.3 La Institución y el Líder del Proyecto, de manera tanto individual como solidaria, exonerarán a la Fundación Bancaria «la Caixa» de cualquier daño o perjuicio, coste o gasto (incluidos los honorarios de abogados hasta una cuantía razonable) que puedan derivarse del incumplimiento o el incumplimiento defectuoso de sus obligaciones legales o contractuales descritas en el presente Convenio, las garantías aquí establecidas o las disposiciones detalladas en las Bases de participación, según el caso.
13.4 No obstante lo anterior, la Institución será la única responsable, ante el Líder del Proyecto y ante la Fundación Bancaria «la Caixa», de cualquier daño o perjuicio, coste o gasto (incluidos los honorarios de abogados hasta una cuantía razonable) que puedan derivarse del incumplimiento de su obligación de asignar los importes recibidos en concepto de aportación para la ejecución del Proyecto. El Líder del Proyecto también será responsable en la medida en que esa falta de incumplimiento le sea atribuible. Lo anterior también se entenderá sin perjuicio de las responsabilidades en que puedan haber incurrido otros miembros del equipo.
Decimocuarta. Derecho aplicable y jurisdicción competente.
14.1 El presente Convenio se regirá e interpretará de conformidad con el Derecho español. En particular, este Convenio tiene la naturaleza de los convenios previstos en el artículo 25 de la Ley 49/2002, de 23 de diciembre, de Régimen fiscal de las entidades sin finalidades lucrativas y de los incentivos fiscales al mecenazgo, no debiéndose considerar, en ningún caso, que persigue los fines de los contratos de patrocinio publicitario recogidos en el artículo 24 de la Ley 34/1988, de 11 de noviembre, General de Publicidad.
Asimismo, el presente Convenio queda sujeto a lo establecido en el capítulo VI del título preliminar de la LRJSP, ajustándose al contenido contemplado en el artículo 49 de la mencionada Ley.
14.2 Cualquier controversia que pueda surgir en relación con la interpretación o ejecución del presente Convenio se resolverá entre las partes, o en su caso a través del Comité de Seguimiento, agotando todas las formas posibles de conciliación para llegar a un acuerdo amistoso. En su defecto, serán competentes para conocer las cuestiones litigiosas los órganos jurisdiccionales del orden Contencioso-Administrativo.
Y en prueba de conformidad, las partes firman el presente Convenio, el 13 de enero de 2022.–La Vicepresidenta de Organización y Relaciones Institucionales de la Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, MP, Rosina López-Alonso Fandiño.–La Directora del Observatorio de la Fundación Bancaria Caixa d'Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona, Arantxa Ribot Horas.–Con el conocimiento y aceptación de JLFM, Líder del Proyecto por parte del CSIC.