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Two DNA tests show that Pepe Navarro is not the father of Ivonne Reyes but legally he will continue to be

The two DNA tests correspond to what is known as "material truth": the well -known journalist Pepe Navarro is not the father of Alejandro Reyes, son of the famous Ivonne Reyes.

The Auto of the Supreme Court that, in March 2017, dismissed to review the final sentence of the Provincial Court of Madrid that ruled that Pepe Navarro was Alejandro Reyes's father represents the “judicial truth”.

Therefore, legally, in the eyes of justice, Alejandro Reyes is the son of Pepe Navarro.As such, he has the right to the inheritance left by the journalist, on equal terms with his other four children, when he disappears.

Although biologically it has nothing to do with.

A judicial error?It is not at all.But for Navarro it is a lawlessness.That is what you think.

"Morally this situation is unacceptable.And an injustice, ”says Navarro.“If the objective of justice is the search for truth to give each one what corresponds to it, I do not understand why, in my case, justice cannot recognize the truth: the boy is not my son.And I don't say it, two genetic tests of a prestigious laboratory say it ”.

Science says that Navarro is not the father

The first of the DNA tests that Navarro speaks was carried out in November 2016 by the Clinical Genetics Laboratory, S.L, collating the genetic profiles of Alejandro Reyes - from a fork obtained by a detective in a restaurant -, of Andrea Navarro, daughter of Pepe Navarro, and of the journalist himself, he was conclusive: they are not a father and son and son.

The second was carried out by the same specialized center in December 2018.

But, this time, it occurred at the request of Ivonne Reyes, who facilitated bastions with his and his son epithelial remains.So that their respective DNA were compared to the DNA rescued from a cup in which Pepe Navarro had drunk.

A cup stolen by another detective, this time hired by her.

The conclusion was the same: “The results obtained exclude taxpayers to the mixing genetic profile obtained from the biological sample GF17/738-PP [Pepe Navarro] as a biological father of the donor of the biological sample GF17/859-H [Alejandro Reyes]”, Says Licknetics document signed by its general director, Jorge Puente Prieto, on November 20, 2020.

Dos pruebas de ADN demuestran que Pepe Navarro no es el padre del hijo de Ivonne Reyes pero legalmente seguirá siéndolo

It was the day before yesterday, as who says.

The "material truth" and the "judicial truth" should have coincided.

It would be yours.But in this case it is not so.

Negative to get the DNA test

The divergence was born from the journalist's refusal to become the DNA test after the demand for paternity that the Venezuelan filed on December 15, 2009, when the child was 10 years old.

For this circumstance, the ruling of the Court of First Instance 37 of Madrid, as expected, was against Navarro.

The magistrate, in addition to recognizing him as a father, imposed the disbursement of 600 euros per month for food.

And it became firm when the Collegiate Court of Section 22 of the Provincial Court of Madrid not only ratified its paternity but also raised to 850 euros per month the aforementioned maintenance in a judgment dated February 2, 2012.

From 2010 to this year, 2021, Navarro says he has contributed to a total of 96.302.80 euros to Alejandro Reyes's livelihood.

They were 7.800 euros in 2010;4.600 euros in 2011;14.074.36 euros in 2012;10.424.40 euros in 2013;10.424.40 in 2014;9.555.70 euros in 2015;10.424.40 in 2016;12.932.76 euros in 2017;10.802.70 euros in 2018;4.974.08 euros in 2019;270 euros in 2020;and 20 euros in 2021.

They are figures provided by the journalist himself.

"But it's not just this.For a whole decade, Mrs. Reyes has been "making cash" at my expense thanks to exclusive in magazines and television programs in which I only talked about me.Knowing how I know the sector, calculate that its income, for this concept -that is, my person -have exceeded one million euros, ”explains Navarro.

The reasons why the Supreme Court refused to review the sentence

The Supreme Court is very priced by the circumstances in which a sentence must be reviewed, in this case the appeal of the Provincial Court of Madrid, which established that Pepe Navarro was the father of Alejandro Reyes.

The attempt was carried out by the journalist's daughter, Andrea Navarro, in 2017.He filed a revision demand that corresponded to a court formed by magistrates Francisco Marín Castán - president of the Civil Chamber - Ignacio Sancho Gargallo and Francisco Javier Orduña Moreno, as a speaker.

Andrea Navarro contributed the first negative DNA test, which said that Alejandro Reyes was not the son of his father or, therefore, his brother.

It should have been enough in the eyes of a lego in the matter.

In the eyes of justice it was not enough.

The Supreme did not admit demand.First because it could not "file the demand for not having been part of the process of origin and not be heiress or benefit of those who were, since they still live".

Second, because he did it outside the legal term through a subsequent and generated document "to change the meaning of the failure of the final sentence".

The High Court concluded: "Demand does not meet the strict requirements of the review trial".

There was, therefore, judicial error of any kind.DNA test had to have been done at the time.

When I played.

Ten years marked by the courts

Throughout the past ten years, Pepe Navarro and Ivonne Reyes have been repeatedly in the courts of justice.

One of the last was because of the law.

A evidence that contributed in another procedure, this before the Court of First Instance 80 of Madrid, where he had submitted another demand for modification of measures, to stop paying the maintenance to a child that science says that it is not his son.

"Two days before the trial they resigned by admitting to stop paying," says Navarro.

Alejandro Reyes completed on April 3, 21 years and already knows that science has said that his father is not his father, but justice continues to consider him as such.

Navarro now wants everyone to know.

And, above all, that the young man is very clear.

"Don Quixote said that" the truth is on lies like oil on water. ".From now on, I will take care of it, ”he concludes.

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